Sketches Page 25
UK Government cleared of corruption - Broken News
1 mins, 57 secs
A far-reaching report issued by the UK Government on whether there is corruption at the heart of UK Government has found there isn't.
Looking after the shop
3 mins, 45 secs
Lewis and Pierce are asked to look after a shop for just five minutes... and then hell breaks loose.
Rejected Bake Off contestants
1 mins, 59 secs
You only see the bakers that make it onto the show. Here are the weirdos who were rejected from The Great British Bake Off.
Bitter Pubs - The Last Ashtray
1 mins, 49 secs
The Last Ashtray is about a landlady who decides to keep all the ashtrays after the smoking ban and their fate from that point.
BrassNeck Parfum by Liz Truss
1 mins, 23 secs
Try new BrassNeck Eau de Parfum by Liz Truss or do as Kwasi Kwarteng does and use BrassNeck Pour Homme - c'est merveilleux! It doesn't matter you nearly trashed the economy in 2022, there are still plenty of idiots who will support you.
Dominic Frisby: Programmable Money
3 mins, 31 secs
Dominic Frisby's music video explore the future world of Central Bank Digital Currency, surveillance, and resistance.