Sketches Page 240
The Life Of A Geriatric
2 mins, 7 secs
"I bring it hard like my 21st cardiac arrest." A rap song about being old.
Cloakroom Con
1 mins, 32 secs
Two coats on one coathanger... it's the classic move for everyone visiting a nightclub. Has anyone ever thought about the cloakroom attendant though?
Britain Seeks Attention
3 mins, 15 secs
An animated satirical sketch show featuring the talents of Spitting Image voice actor Steve Nallon.
Office Concerns
2 mins, 13 secs
A sketch about office politics and the things you wish you could say, written by Jana Dowling and Katherine Cowell.
Europe - The Brexit Countdown
3 mins, 7 secs
This musical sketch from The Private Gentlemen's Yacht Club might help you how to decide how to vote in the European referendum.
4 mins, 15 secs
Simon Feilder heads out into the wide world to ask the public about what's going on in the news. Turns out people know nothing!
Mona & Leonardo
3 mins, 9 secs
In this music video, Stephen Evans starts singing a song about Mona Lisa and Leonardo da Vinci, but ends up focusing on a Caffe Nero card.
The Dying Art Of Fairy Godmothering
5 mins, 11 secs
In the busy, hectic world of the modern woman, there no longer exists a cherished place for the most wondrous of magical helpers, as this unfortunate Fairy Godmother finds out. Sad times. A sketch by Cheesemint.