Sketches Page 237
Fitting In With Football Fans
1 mins, 50 secs
A sketch about a man who wishes he could join in the football chat.
1 mins, 47 secs
A sketch by Broken Toaster. Two 'friends' are watching The Snowman on TV. It's time to let social media know...
Can a foreigner steal your job?
4 mins, 11 secs
Piers Tumbleback finds out how easy it is for foreigners to steal jobs in the UK.
K And The Gang - Let's Hear It For The Woy
3 mins, 24 secs
K And The Gang's song for the 2016 European Championship. It focuses around Roy Hodgson.
How Not to Handover Your Keys
2 mins, 33 secs
Here's a demonstration of how you shouldn't conduct yourself when handing over your keys to the new owners of your house.
Protect Our Children
1 mins, 20 secs
A sketch by Late Night Gimp Fight looking at how some men are satisfying their 'fix' by hanging around near school gates.
The Shredder
4 mins, 19 secs
Is there a shredder under the desk? A sketch by Jack & Dean and The Fratocrats.
Unofficial Euro 2016 Song
2 mins, 37 secs
Just in time to fill the brief lull between now and the commencement of Euro 2016, it's The Official Unofficial England Football Team Euro 2016 Song, brought to you by the snappily named The Footballs Goals Premier League Highlights Soccerettes, in association with The Footballs Goals Premier League Highlights Soccer Show. The creators say: "It's nothing if not search engine friendly."