Sketches Page 234
The Singing Psychic - Songs of Brexit
1 mins, 43 secs
The Singing Psychic is presenting a daily web series in the run-up to the EU Referendum. Singing "Should I Stay Or Should I Go Now?", her 18 part series looks at the pros and cons of the EU/Brexit debate with "no yelling, just balanced facts and figures."
Two old ladies talk about Rihanna
1 mins, 22 secs
Elderly RiRi fans Betty and June work out the meaning behind Rihanna's song Work.
Map Men - North versus South
3 mins, 23 secs
The north and south of England are culturally, economically, historically and accently different. But where exactly is the line that splits the country? Jay Foreman and Mark Cooper-Jones investigate.
Tory EU Referendum advert
46 secs
The Tory party's Europe Referendum TV advertisement from 1975, as discovered by Scarfolk Council. Find out more
James Corden explains offside to Elmo
1 mins, 16 secs
Ahead of Euro 2016, James Corden attempts to explain the offside rule to Elmo.
Fitting In With Football Fans
1 mins, 50 secs
A sketch about a man who wishes he could join in the football chat.
1 mins, 47 secs
A sketch by Broken Toaster. Two 'friends' are watching The Snowman on TV. It's time to let social media know...
Can a foreigner steal your job?
4 mins, 11 secs
Piers Tumbleback finds out how easy it is for foreigners to steal jobs in the UK.
K And The Gang - Let's Hear It For The Woy
3 mins, 24 secs
K And The Gang's song for the 2016 European Championship. It focuses around Roy Hodgson.