Sketches Page 230
The Break In
3 mins, 35 secs
Two cops have an absolute shocker at a call out. A sketch by Massive Dad.
How to Split the Bill
3 mins, 36 secs
Three mums have an absolute shocker splitting the bill. A sketch by Massive Dad.
The Television
2 mins, 44 secs
The year is 2116. Violent Earth changes have left nothing but swirling dust, empty chaos and some of the sturdier made Asda trollies. The Television attempts to make sense of it all with placid day time entertainment.
Dad Games 2016 - Crossing The Road
1 mins, 31 secs
A sketch from BBC Scotland's Short Stuff. It's the semi-finals of this prestigious event and it's nail-biting tension all the way!
The Lonely Man Olympics
1 mins, 44 secs
A lonely man fills his time by competing in his very own Olympics on his own...
An Actress Gives Therapy
1 mins, 42 secs
Anna Mann, Siren of the Stage and screen, lends some advice to her protege Miriam.
That Mate Who Never Has Any Money
1 mins, 26 secs
When your mate just doesn't have the funds to come out...
Who Owns the South China Sea?
2 mins, 18 secs
There's a bit of the sea claimed by Brunei, Malaysia, Vietnam, the Philippines, and China. But especially China. Why do they want it? And how do they stake their claims? Especially China.