Sketches Page 221
A Poem About the Queen
1 mins, 31 secs
Mercedes Benson shares her thoughts on her favourite woman... The Queen.
The 2016 Song
2 mins, 6 secs
Flo & Joan have written this song about 2016. It's good to see the back of the year soon isn't it!
Will Turner - The North
2 mins, 11 secs
A song from Will Turner featuring "singing, guitar and Yorkshire accents."
The Head Mirror
2 mins, 25 secs
Do you wish that everyone could be a bit more like you? Try the Head Mirror.
News At Kate: Trump's misogynist victory
6 mins, 4 secs
Kate Smurthwaite discusses the impact of misogyny on the US election.
Cardinal Burns - Clowns
4 mins, 6 secs
Observe as a group of men prepare to go and scare some people dressed as clowns.
Nobody cares unless you're verified
1 mins, 23 secs
A sketch from BBC Scotland's Short Stuff project created by Mark Dallas and The Wee Man.
The Ruby Darlings - Worship Me
4 mins, 50 secs
The debut music video from The Ruby Darlings. Worship Me challenges double standards and misogyny in music. What do women really want? Let's find out.
Exercising Your Demons
1 mins, 51 secs
You need a good personal trainer... Bruce thinks he is the best.