Sketches Page 219
Wills and Kate - 2016 Christmas Message
1 mins, 49 secs
Here are some yuletide greetings from the palace after a tricksy year.
The Girl Who Has Never Laughed
3 mins, 33 secs
A video about a serious condition. This sufferer says: "We find things funny, we just don't laugh. There are literally dozens of us and the world needs to know about our struggles."
Lunge Dolphin's Top Xmas Movies
9 mins, 51 secs
Utter Films magazine presents Top 5 Christmas Movies with Lunge Dolphin.
Simon Paints - Christmas
2 mins, 33 secs
Watch Simon Tofield sketch and colour this hilarious and super cute Christmas image for 2016. Featuring some festive music and a little behind the scenes look at the Simon's Cat studio.
Facebook Parents
3 mins, 22 secs
Meet Paul and Karen, they're 'those' Facebook Parents we all try to avoid.