Sketches Page 216
A Visit From Dr Green
2 mins, 1 secs
When this young couple find themselves in a serious emergency, their last hope is a late night call from Doctor Green.
Show your tax returns Donald Trump
1 mins, 59 secs
We get a musical update from Donald Trump on what he has been busy doing... he's not going to show his tax returns though.
Hipster Without A Cause
3 mins, 11 secs
A music video from Tamar Broadbent about a hipster who doesn't have a cause.
Eurocrat on Brexit
2 mins, 35 secs
Someone from Europe gives his take on the fact the UK is leaving the EU... "We are waiting".
The Quest
1 mins, 36 secs
An animated sketch from the group So On And So Forth about one of the hardest challenges in the universe.
Planet Trump
3 mins, 4 secs
A gripping documentary from the future which reveals what it is going to be like with Donald Trump as president. A sketch by Sully Flicks.