Sketches Page 205
Glastonbury Tickets
4 mins, 3 secs
One of the hardest endeavours known to mankind. Purchasing Glastonbury tickets...
Grammar Emergency
2 mins, 7 secs
Distracted by his phone, a man takes a tumble. Luckily someone is on hand to help him get his story straight.
New Profile Pic
5 mins, 5 secs
Changing a profile picture is a huge day in anyone's life. It can be a matter of 'like or death'.
The Easter Bunny
3 mins, 10 secs
It's hard to be a bunny in Hollywood! In this sketch the Easter Bunny visits her agent.
The New Dr Who
3 mins, 41 secs
Will a woman finally take on the role of Britain's favourite Time Lord in Doctor Who? This man from the BBC explains they have a better idea.