Sketches Page 204
Divorced guy reviews iPhone 7 Plus
2 mins, 56 secs
A review of a mobile phone from a divorced man, who is definitely fine. "The most important thing is keeping busy."
A Quiet Moment
2 mins, 32 secs
Jon thinks he's found himself a lovely little spot to reflect on his worries. Phil has other plans for him...
Two Plus Ones - Living at Home
2 mins, 53 secs
A song about living at home with your parents from the comedy group Two Plus Ones.
Dating Tips for Guys
2 mins
Izzy has a channel to share tips and life hacks from her insanely brilliant life, so you can have an amazeballs time too!
Get Staffed
2 mins, 32 secs
Ever wondered what your life would be like if you sold all your stuff and spent the money hiring people to do whatever you wanted? This video follows the story of a man who did just that.
2 mins, 23 secs
Henry Reporterman investigates the growing number of people suffering from B.A.D. (being a dick).
The Midnight Beast - Kiss Your Sister
3 mins, 37 secs
Kiss your sister; Just give it a crack; I don't think it's incest if she's kissing you back.
How to Eat Out in London
1 mins, 43 secs
Do you know the difference between an afternoon tea and a Sunday roast? Jay Foreman has created this guide.