Sketches Page 201
Nigel Farage The Man With An Arsehole For A Face
2 mins, 25 secs
Think twice before crossing the ballot box. Just say no. It's what Nige would want.
A Hard Brexit
4 mins, 19 secs
A meeting to discuss the questions involved in the new post-Brexit compulsory British Citizenship Test.
Make It Count with Lolly Adefope and Paddy Delaney
3 mins, 21 secs
It only takes three minutes to watch this video by Lolly Adefope and Patrick Delaney. It only takes five seconds to mark an X on the ballot paper on June 8th.
Cassetteboy vs Theresa May
2 mins, 27 secs
Theresa May gives a speech. A mashup by editing team Cassetteboy.
Meet the priest who secretly worked for The Sun newspaper
3 mins, 29 secs
What really goes on behind the doors of Britain's most controversial paper?
London Zoo host Adrianna Van Niekerk
2 mins
Meet Adrianna Van Niekerk. She is transspecies: half-human, half-peacock. This is her story.
Troy Hawke goes to a biker rally
3 mins, 46 secs
I decide, on a whim, to attend a biker rally and set up my own gang, with its own modus operandi and initiation process. Things go as you may expect, until they take a turn for the fabulous...