Sketches Page 194
Troy Hawke at the Fringe
2 mins, 43 secs
Troy Hawke finds art EVERYWHERE in Edinburgh. Leith is a highlight...
The Evil Doll
3 mins, 9 secs
When Ollie decided to head to the boot sale on that cold December evening, he never expected to find the lamp of his dreams... Yet the lamp of his dreams soon became the lamp of his nightmares... Shortly before once again becoming the lamp of his dreams...
Car Trouble
4 mins, 46 secs
John Dredge says: "I don't think there is enough silliness in the world, so, here's some silliness."
Help! I'm In Trouble
6 mins, 7 secs
Will cats kill us all? Investigative journalist Felix Wednesday speculates wildly on the answer. A sketch from The Noise Next Door.
The Score
2 mins, 2 secs
Go undercover in one of Britain's most dangerous pubs to try and find out the score. These lads know it, that's for sure.
How to Have an Opinion
2 mins, 30 secs
Garrett Millerick shares his top tips on how to form an opinion of your very own. Do you want to write a comment, post a tweet or ask a question? This will help you get rid of that urge.
Sterling University advert
3 mins, 26 secs
Sterling University concentrates on the things that really matter.