Sketches Page 176
When - a dark comedy sketch
3 mins, 49 secs
This sketch by Sheps absolutely does not go where you'd expect... keep watching.
10 easy steps to write the perfect tweet
4 mins, 42 secs
Kat Sadler presents her ten easy steps to get your Twitter content a one way ticket to viral town.
Proposal Goes Badly Wrong
1 mins, 21 secs
Well this is awkward... things really don't go to plan for this man.
Naz Osmanoglu - Royal Wedding guide
4 mins, 33 secs
Naz Osmanoglu is in Windsor for The Times newspaper, to crash the royal wedding. Here's his alternative guide to Prince Harry and Ms Markle's big day.
Eurovision 2018 - Forever Young Tonight Always
2 mins, 43 secs
Comedy duo Giants morphed into their Norwegian alter egos, Ulrich and Lars from pop duo Fjörd, to make this entry for Eurovision 2018.
Evening Self vs Morning Self
2 mins, 19 secs
Alarm clocks, natural light, wake up calls - none of them can help when you have trouble waking up...