Sketches Page 169
Peeing In Public - Stage Fright
58 secs
Tips on how to overcome stage fright when peeing in a public toilet.
Who Threw That?
2 mins, 54 secs
A teacher is trying to find out who keeps throwing things when his back is turned.
Game Of Thrones quotes in real life
1 mins, 9 secs
This is what Game Of Thrones quotes sound like in real life.
Trivia livestream goes wrong
5 mins, 44 secs
A popular live-streamed quiz game app goes very wrong for its presenter...
The Champ
1 mins, 53 secs
An insight into the training regime of elite athlete Cynthia as she embarks on her journey to the world championships.
49 secs
In the superfast online world of social network updates this is a condensed version of what all of us do during any given day. Just cranked up to 11.