Sketches Page 143
The hardest escape room ever?
3 mins, 17 secs
Sometimes it may not be possible to actually get out of a escape room.
Best friend forgets to buy a gift
1 mins, 45 secs
When someone gives you a present and you haven't got one for them.
Slogs: The Controversial New Dog Breed
2 mins, 50 secs
Is it ethical to breed a dog without any legs or an anus?
Simon's Cat - Christmas Crow
3 mins, 48 secs
A festive Cat tries to decorate a Christmas tree but the Crow has other plans.
Weird things that only British people do
3 mins, 27 secs
Big Juice presents the weird things only British people do.
The Handmaid's Panto
4 mins, 21 secs
An interview with Paul Danan, director of the new musical adaptation of The Mandmaid's Tale.