Sketches Page 141
3 mins, 50 secs
"Sweet is the memory of distant friends! Like the mellow rays of the departing sun, it falls tenderly, yet sadly, on the heart."
- Washington Irving
3 mins, 48 secs
Are you as scared about the implications of Deepfakes as I am? Then perhaps you'll enjoy this sketch from me, Joz Norris and Matthew Highton about the far-reaching consequences of this eerie new technology.
Geordie Fail Club
3 mins, 54 secs
Geordie Fail Club is the new sketch from The North East Comedy Hot House.
The Prenup Lawyers
1 mins, 51 secs
A duo of career-hungry lawyers step in during dinner to resolve marital differences before they get out of hand.
Street Goss
3 mins, 52 secs
Meet Daz, Olly and Shaznay, the selfless individuals behind Street Goss... the company supplying gossip news to the homeless.
Secret Sex Lives of MPs
5 mins, 26 secs
After a hard day in Parliament, can the MP's switch OFF as they turn each other ON? This is MP rumPy pumPy!