Sketches Page 128
Fingerful Gloves
1 mins, 10 secs
Jazz Emu says: "I am so excited to unveil my new invention. It has been months of work. This truly is a special moment."
Ian Bowler's Advice on Easing Lockdown
2 mins, 30 secs
Sir Ian Bowler, MP, wishes to clarify what may have been said by Boris Johnson about easing the lockdown.
Boris Johnson clarifies his Covid-19 announcement
3 mins, 14 secs
Boris De-Peffel Johnson says: "In case anyone was unclear about my latest lockdown announcement, I am here to give you some much needed clarity. Stay alert, Protect the NHS (novel idea), Save my wives!"
How Is Lockdown Affecting Your Pets?
4 mins, 3 secs
Pets Locked Down: The tell-all exposé of the real life of animals in a pandemic.
The Room Next Door - Matt Hancock
3 mins, 6 secs
Matt Hancock clearly needs some help with his daily briefing.
Excess Baggage
1 mins, 53 secs
Why can we never pack properly for our summer holidays? You always pack something you don't need and forget something that you do.
The Blandest Song In The World
2 mins, 49 secs
I don't like beige paint or magnolia... I don't like shopping malls or sugar-free cola...