Sketches Page 118
Psychoanalyst Dr G
2 mins, 10 secs
Psychoanalyst Dr G takes a deeper look into the facade of 'uber British' Boris, his 'mutti issues', and the crisis at the heart of the PM's character.
Dinosaurs: Terrible Lizards - The Sky's The Limit
3 mins, 4 secs
Janet the Tyrannosaurus is the most fearsome predator of the ancient world. She is also a mother with children to feed. However, in this time of giant dinosaurs, brute strength is not always the best strategy as Charlotte the Pterodactyl knows all too well.
Luxury lockdown in Kensington
2 mins, 51 secs
The lady who wrote the awkward lessons of my luxury lockdown in Kensington article in the Financial Times, defends her words.
A Westminster PANdemic
4 mins, 50 secs
After Boris drops a big one, the sewage system of Westminster struggles to cope under the strain. What will the powers that be do in this 'unprecedented' situation?? Will they avert disaster, or just make it worse?
Oceans Eleven Minus Five
2 mins, 54 secs
This gang have their biggest challenge yet... in Bishop's Stortford.
The Room Next Door - Dominic Raab and Taking a Knee
1 mins, 54 secs
Dominic Raab has some help in his ear.
How to Survive Without Nando's
5 mins, 4 secs
We can all live without pasta, we can all live without bog roll, but what we absolutely, categorically, canNOT live without... is Nando's. But, fear not, Danny has found some Nando's sauce in Asda and he's gonna be sharing his recipes to keep your lockdown proper cheeky.
DJ! The Don Heckle Story
2 mins, 18 secs
Trailer for the much anticipated documentary about Don Heckle, the guy who created the 'DJ!' sound on a Yamaha Keyboard.