Sketches Page 108
Celebrity Hide-and-Seek-a-thon
2 mins
Joz Norris says: "I had a lovely time hosting the annual Celebrity Hide-and-Seek-a-Thon. Such a shame it was once again RUINED by someone who seems INCAPABLE of understanding the rules."
Non-essential shopping in Wales? Time to call in the military
2 mins, 4 secs
Non-essential shopping in Wales? Time to call in the military.
The Government
1 mins, 32 secs
The government has questioned the value of Jazz Emu's art. He says: "Can you believe the sheer close-mindedness?"
Crimes Against Humanity
2 mins, 25 secs
Warning: Contains traumatic images. Some things even the toughest officers can't stomach.
New Me
1 mins, 8 secs
Oh Hey! Everyone has been working on themselves during lockdown, haven't they?
Camp Cyber
2 mins, 9 secs
Having unnatural career thoughts, need your life to be straightened out? Watch this Government sponsored advert guiding you towards Camp Cyber.