Sketches Page 107
The Art of Satire: A Masterclass
3 mins, 7 secs
Oliver Izod says: "I'm really excited to share my new Masterclass with you all: The Art Of Satire. Jam packed with insider secrets as well as the premiere of my new parody song Everything's Coming Up Rona's."
The Room Next Door - The End
1 mins, 27 secs
The man from The Room Next Door is happy he finally doesn't have to work with Donald Trump any more. However...
If you could see your post-birth pelvic floor
31 secs
If you could see your postpartum, damaged, mess of a pelvic floor hanging out your vagina what would it look like? Will it ever be the same again? And is farting in a yoga class more acceptable than coughing now?
Slogans by DJ Hans Face Space
2 mins, 46 secs
German techno legend DJ Hans Face Space comes out of retirement to drop this absolute banger.
Joz Norris's Lord of the Rings
8 mins, 49 secs
Joz Norris explains: "I made a cover version of the entire Lord Of The Rings trilogy in 24 hours for Mark Watson's Watsonathon."
How to Floss
2 mins, 19 secs
With Halloween and Christmas approaching it can be a tough time on your teeth so here's a little how to guide to help you get flossing and avoid those cavities. Presented by the wonderful and perfectly balance, certainly no fires in her past, Flora Dents.