About Nudinits

Nudinits is a stop-motion animated British comedy series about a village in which everyone is naked.
In the world's first all knitted animation, the Nudinits are the quirky inhabitants of Woolly Bush, a village 'bursting with Britishness and bare bottoms'.
There are crumpets and vicars, cockneys and twitchers, cream horns and slippers all wrapped up in a blanket of Carry On silliness with just a stitch of Camberwick Green.
Everything in this film has been hand knitted in Britain, even the fag ends and dog poo!
The show was devised by Sarah Simi and co-produced by animator Ed Hartwell. Simi hand-knitted the puppets and scenery, whilst professional knitter, Caroline Bletsis, made all the props and animals.
The creator confirms: "It is indeed entirely hand knitted, everything you see was designed from scratch and knitted by hand."
Director Sarah Simi (pictured) explains more about the background to the project below...
"The inspiration is my childhood. My mother taught me to knit when I was eight and from then on I was forever knitting jumpers and cuddly clangers, even knitting an outfit for my guinea pig that it sensibly refused to wear.

"I also grew up immersed in the era of Oliver Postgate, Thunderbirds and Trumpton, so when I collaborated with animator Ed Hartwell to make a film, I wanted the whimsy and gentleness of those classics with a very British carry on style humour.
"I had the idea of knitted characters living in a woolly world early on but at that point they were fully clothed. I then happened to read an article about free hiking - hiking in the nude - and the image of man rambling in the countryside on a freezing cold day, naked but for a pair of walking boots and binoculars rather stayed with me. It seemed to encapsulate British eccentricity at its best and so the characters ditched their clothes.
"I set the tone of the whole thing by keeping a 1950's nudist camp as my bench mark where everything is terribly healthy and outdoorsy and no one actually ever refers to the fact they are all naked.
"I really wanted the film to have a homemade charm, to see every stitch and seam and stop frame animation just adds to that warmth and hand crafted feeling knowing every puppet was animated by hand.
"I also wanted to push the boundaries of what could be knitted and not skimp on any detail, when you start including knitted flies and pig poo you know you have gone the extra mile."
To find out more about the show and to buy merchandise, visit nudinits.com