Nothing makes you better at succeeding than failing. KG Tha Comedian inspires you to become a better you, by embracing the moments you are a failing you. FAILURE = SUCCESS.
You are not Brenda, you are not your mum and you are not a fish! Rosie Jones want's you focus on your road to happiness and stop comparing yourself to others.
Drink your own sauce! Thanyia Moore tells you to ask for more, be who you are and celebrate your success. Don't let anyone hold you back when you're trying to be you. Don't be a dry biscuit!
Sometimes in life we are metaphorically gaffer taped to a chair and the only way to move on is to ASK FOR HELP. Bobby Mair wants you to know that when things are tough, you are not alone. There is nothing wrong with asking for a bit of help. #cactusboner
Have you ever walked away from an encounter cursing yourself for not speaking up? Munya Chawawa wants you to know that it's ok to put your foot down and not take the BS. Be proud of what you believe in and say it with your motherf**king chest.
Sometimes the only thing in your way is YOU. Tolu Ogunmefun wants to let you know that its ok tell those doubting critical voices in your head to F**K OFF.
Ah the past, that great infinite pool of mistakes, regret and insecurity-ghosts. Who needs it? Jessica Fostekew wants you to just let the past go. In fact, why not just BURN IT.
Feeling down? Sometimes yoga and scented candles are just what you need. Other times cry-screaming Natalie Imbruglia in the shower does the trick. Helen Bauer wants you to know that as much as all those expensive wellness trends can help, sometimes it's ok to just feel a bit meh.
They say you are what you do. Well, in that case why not do many things so that you can be a lot. Aurie Styla wants you to be a Serial Skiller and the best you!