Comedians present short episodes on BBC Three.
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Monday 22nd May 2017
Nathan Caton introduces us to the most gangster person he knows: his gran. From pushing product to threatening school teachers, Nathan explains why his gran is the most gangster person he knows.
Thursday 25th May 2017
You've been on a date, it went great. So why hasn't he texted you back?
Monday 29th May 2017
Bobby Mair delivers his expert advice on how to live like a king when you're a scumbag.
Thursday 1st June 2017
Jayde talks us through her sexiest meaty offerings, available to those on a budget.
Monday 5th June 2017
Chris Stokes talks us through some of the worst things he's had to hear as a vegan.
Thursday 8th June 2017
Daphne claim to be the UK's most racially diverse sketch trio. Here they tackle their favourite subject: threesomes.
Monday 12th June 2017
Daniel Simonsen attempts to convince members of the public how exciting his life is.
Sunday 18th June 2017
Rachel Parris attempts to transform young children into musical geniuses.
Sunday 25th June 2017
Elf Lyons gives us a run-down of things she's bought when she's had a tipple. But is she alone, or does she have company?
Thursday 29th June 2017
Over-thinker Susie Youssef ponders her mortality with her shortlist of ways not to die.
Sunday 2nd July 2017
Former teacher Guz Khan gives us an inside-scoop on the worst things about the profession.
Sunday 9th July 2017
Grainne Maguire gives an insight to Irish immigrants on life in the UK and how to fit in.