- Online sketch show
- 2017
- 8 episodes
Series of videos in which Nick Sayce spoofs 1980s dating videos.
Episode guide
1. Episode One
Wednesday 26th July 2017
A shy Welshman, Terry tries to convince a prospective partner that he's the man for them; followed by Joe, a New York gangster who hasn't quite figured out how to treat a lady yet; and finally Connor, the Dubliner who's not really in the mood for it.
2. Episode Two
Wednesday 26th July 2017
In this episode we meet Barry, a somewhat off-kilter chap who probably shouldn't be allowed around people. Next up is Marvin, a Jewish American who may not be the most excitable of chaps hunting for a girl equally as dull as he. Lastly, it's Jim, an unconvincingly genuine and kind man who may not have used his one opportunity to find love as well as he should've.
3. Episode Three
Wednesday 26th July 2017
First up in this episode of InterDate, we meet a real life emperor talking to us via some kind of interstellar web-link, not thought possible in the 80's. His talents for finger electricity may not be the clincher he's hoping for. Next, we meet Gary, the man with a blurred face which he unfortunately inherited from his father, the aptly named John 'blur-face' Gross. Finally we come across the enigma that is David, the precursor to 'chavdom', not exactly selling himself too well in his short video.
4. Episode Four
Wednesday 26th July 2017
Firstly, we meet Paul and Matt, the Bramble twins. They don't get on and probably shouldn't have opted to do their video together. Second up we have Harris, the head in a jar. Defying all known laws of physics, this man claims to be a conversation master and an adventurer who certainly doesn't let the fact that he's a head in a jar stop him from living life to it's fullest, surely a great catch for any woman. Or other heads in jars. And thirdly, we meet Chad, a self-confessed stoner with a penchant for politics. A happy chap all round, but his admissions regarding the animal kingdom may not go in his favour in his hunt for love.
5. Episode Five
Wednesday 26th July 2017
Kelsey is the first chap on the list in this episode and he might like himself a little too much to be attractive to a potential mate. Secondly, we meet Barney, a somewhat introverted fella with a fear of his own mother. And finally, Capt'n Slap who presents himself as a solid rock in a relationship who can tick the box of any good lover, so he says.
6. Episode Six
Wednesday 26th July 2017
In this episode we come across a rather strange individual, Cyrus. Born and bred and stuck in Texas, his looks may not do too well for him in life but his curiosity is something any woman would admire. He hopes. Secondly, Grant, a Geordie who by his own admission is a practical joker, so all of his mates call him. His jokes and 'challenges' might not always be the best idea and can quite often get him into trouble, or other people in some cases. Lastly is Percy, Earl of Penge. He claims that he's not posh, but everything about him maybe gives the game away.
7. Episode Seven
Saturday 5th August 2017
We start by meeting Spencer, the spy who's apparently not a spy who just wants to tell everyone he's a spy. He's not the best at his job, hence he struggles to get into a relationship. Secondly we meet the man who never actually gives us any information about himself, though it's clear he wants to come across as cool, but seemingly struggles to even light a cigarette. Finally, we come across Ian, the rather paranoid chap who's very concerned with the copyright of his soul.
8. Episode Eight
Monday 7th August 2017
We first come across Willy, a rather crazy Irishman who likes a bit of a sing-song despite being incapable of remembering anything. Next up, Psychic Bill whose claims of being a successful expert Investigative medium may be a little unfounded. And lastly, we meet Cedrick, a trainspotter from Bolton who's passion for locomotives may be the reason he's struggling to find love.