Comedy Street
- Online sitcom
- 2021
- 5 episodes (1 series)
A melodramatic 'zoomcom' soap about the comedians of Comedy Street trying to win the comedy medal. Stars Lucien Jack, James Murphy, Molly Leigh-Moy, Alex Pankhurst, Tom Cray and more.
Key cast & crew credits
Lucien Jack | Mitchell Thripp |
James Murphy | Sam Smile |
Molly Leigh-Moy | Penelope Diamond |
Alex Pankhurst | Mike Parmesan |
Tom Cray | Dog Brewster |
Jess Durand | Mary Pouncer |
Carla Gordon | Cherie Trump |
Benjamin Lovell | Russell Masters |
Ryan Ward | Toffee Phillips |
James Murphy | Writer |
James Murphy | Producer |