This week Bare and Klare cover isolation and, at the end, crack the DaVinci code. The duo also meet Coco the Fat Bat, call their fans, read their favourite hate comment, and burn your shoes.
This time it's all about the environment, with one too many references if you ask me. Captain Quack's identity struggle grows ever-stronger, Bare gets lost in the woods, John Johnson sharts in the town-centre, and, at the end of the episode, we all win 40 quid. Yay.
It's art week here on The Bare & Klare Show! Yay! Join us as we look at some overpriced art, Klare gets her boobs out, and Rouille takes on his monster form. You know what they say, 'life imitates art,' and, what with art being dead and all, where does that leave us? Watch and find out, you silly muffin.