British Comedy Guide
Bad Mother. Bad Mother (Laura Patch)
Bad Mother

Bad Mother

  • Online sitcom
  • 2017
  • 6 episodes (1 series)

Sitcom about a mother, commissioned by the website Mumsnet. Stars Laura Patch and Kevin Bishop.


Episode menu

Series 1, Episode 2 - Default Parent

Bad Mother struggles to deal with the realisation that she's the default parent, then shows herself up for being less 'default' more 'at fault'.

Publication details

Friday 30th June 2017
5 minutes, 5 seconds

Cast & crew

Laura Patch Bad Mother
Guest cast
Laura Riseborough Working Mother
Rosalind Adler Bad Mother's Mother
Lizzie Bourne Stay-At-Home-Mother
Steph Bower Music Teacher
Louis Brabin Waitress
Writing team
Susie Gilmour Writer
Production team
Matt Winn Director
Jeremy Campbell Producer
Charlie Watson Producer
Jeremy Campbell Executive Producer
Susie Gilmour Executive Producer
Charlie Watson Executive Producer
Matt Winn Executive Producer
Drew Stubbs Editor
Joe Parsons Editor
Matt Winn Editor
Brendan McNamara Casting Director
Benjamin Pritchard Director of Photography
Tess Loe Costume Designer
Alex Rapazzini Make-up Designer
Simon Bass Composer

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