Richard is the knight of neo-liberalism. He is the 1%. He is the jewel in the crown of the capitalist dream. He hates women but likes to pay for their meals. He likes helicopters, miniskirts and mansplaining. He is one of life's winners. Everyone else is just stupid or weak.
Milky is a self-appointed guardian of the art of romance. He likes planning big surprises for women he has never met. He's a member of Mensa and he's saving up for some night vision goggles. He likes James Bond films and his life force is #notallmen. He really loves his mum and lives in her back bedroom.
Djan (the 'j' is silent) is a man of few words and fewer thoughts. He is the strong and silent type, and longs for the time when that was enough, before the rise of the metrosexual. He is stuck in his big muscly body that women have built around him. His favourite decade is the fifties as portrayed in eighties films.