Pitching competition announced for Broadcast Comedy Forum

Broadcast Magazine has announced a comedy pitching competition with a prize, it says, has the potential to boost entrants' careers. Aimed at aspiring and established comedy writers and producers, the competition involves pitching an idea for a show in a very short sentence. The three best entries will win a ticket to the Broadcast Comedy Forum - the annual industry conference that's attended by all the major producers and executives.
Launched today, the competition involves pitching a comedy or entertainment show (or format or multiplatform interactive experience) in just 140 characters or less (i.e. the length of a tweet). The winning entries – as picked by a creative team from media experts Combined Mind - will be given a chance to attend either the Comedy Forum (on the 22nd September) or the Entertainment Forum (23rd September) for free, and additionally meet a senior commissioner from one of the major channels at the event for a unique chance to get the idea made. Three tickets for each event are up for grabs and the competition is open to entrants from any background or profession, although the prize would most suit someone who is looking to make a career out of comedy writing or producing. The last date for entry is the 5th September 2010.
The Comedy Forum and The Entertainment Forum, run by trade magazine Broadcast, are key industry events addressing commercial and creative issues in the industry. Taking place in September, they feature contributions from heads of comedy and entertainment from all the major channels, plus leading producers, distributors, agents and talent too. This year's speakers include top producers Jimmy Mulville and Kenton Allen, and writer/performers Robert Popper, David Quantick and David Schneider. Additionally, a new concept added this year means every delegate booking will also get a guaranteed meeting with a targeted commissioner.
Event organiser Lydia Nicholas says: "I'm thrilled that comedy commissioners from every channel, amazing producers and writers behind some of the best modern British comedy, as well as talent agents and distributors are spilling their secrets and working together to get more great comedy made. The industry has a reputation for being a closed shop, but by arranging for every delegate to meet a commissioner and running this competition, we're hoping to help people with great ideas get heard at the highest level."
To find out more about the Comedy Forum programme and tickets visit: www.tvcomedyforum.com
To find out more about the pitching competition (including full terms and conditions), and to enter your idea visit: www.combinedmind.com
(To enter you need to create a free account with Combined Mind and then create a profile for yourself. Once you have done so, a link will appear to allow you to submit your entry)