Live Comedy
Alex Kealy: Rationale

Alex Kealy is embarking on his debut UK tour with an hour of comedy about the emotional roots of our rational thoughts. All served with 'a reservoir of memorable gags' (The List).
We prize rationality in life, in argument and in politics. But that's not really how we think - we're all prejudiced, sentimental bell-ends who see politics through emotional prisms and personal connections, and then tack on a rationale for those gut decisions after the fact! Rationale reveals that, among other things, stink bombs and German classical music can, subconsciously, impact our political choices.
And who better to explore all this than Alex Kealy? A man with strong political convictions undermined in any argument by his massive cowardice and need for absolutely everyone to like him all the time, always.
2020 dates
15th Feb: London, Vault Festival
19th Feb: Oxford, Common Ground
23rd Feb: Edinburgh, Monkey Barrel
25th Feb: Bristol, Alma Theatre
2nd March: Brighton, Komedia (with Pierre Novellie)
3rd March: Manchester, Bread Shed
12th March: Newcastle, Alphabetti Theatre
14th March: Glasgow, The Hug and Pint
24th March: Dublin, The Workman's Club
1st April: Leeds, Hyde Park Book Club