Live Comedy
Emma Sidi is Sue Gray

Where Emma Sidi's previous shows have seen her playing multiple characters, in this show she plays only one: Sue Gray. Former civil servant, investigator of Partygate, and current Chief of Staff to Keir Starmer's Labour Party, whose newfound fame has brought her weird and novel problems.
In the aftermath of a general election, Emma Sidi Is Sue Gray has a lot to say about the state of the UK, the quality of our political leaders, and (in the way only Sidi can) why Sue's been having dreams about a wax work museum. Basically, this is not a stern political comedy show - Emma plays fast and loose with the 'true facts' of Sue's life. Expect to be welcomed into a very silly and larger-than-life version of Sue Gray's office, as Emma asks 'Who is Sue Gray?', 'How is Sue Gray?' 'Why is Sue Gray?', as well as 'what can this former senior civil servant tell us about ourselves?'.
Emma Sidi says: "Much like I imagine Sue Gray's reaction perhaps was when she managed to ensure that her salary would be higher than the Prime Minister's, I too am absolutely delighted, excited and over the moon to be taking my character comedy show Emma Sidi Is Sue Gray on the road. With a new Labour government comes a new gal (almost) in charge, and I just cannot wait to see what the UK makes of her. Also, there are no Tim Horton's in London where I live (that one in the outskirts doesn't count), so I will be in an especially good mood when performing in the cities where there is one. That maple donut, man."
2024 dates
19.10: Bristol, Redgrave Theatre
28.10: London, Soho Theatre
29.10: London, Soho Theatre
30.10: London, Soho Theatre
31.10: London, Soho Theatre
1.11: London, Soho Theatre
2.11: London, Soho Theatre
3.11: Brighton, The Old Market
15.11: Leeds, City Varieties
17.11: Glasgow, The Stand
20.11: Reading, South Street Arts
25.11: Norwich, Playhouse
29.11: Manchester, Fairfield Social Club
- 11th November: Tim Harding's comedy diary (Chortle)
- 1st November: Emma Sidi Is Sue Gray review (A Young(ish) Perspective)
- 18th October: "Oh God I'm Sue Gray - don't, I'm cringing": comic Emma Sidi brings the embattled civil servant to the stage (The Guardian)
- 2nd October: Emma Sidi Is Sue Gray review (Time Out)