British Comedy Guide
Random 8

Zoe Lyons

Zoe Lyons

One random comedian, eight random questions: it's the ultimate test of funny person and fate. This week's savvy citizen is Zoe Lyons, who is taking her much-praised show Entry Level Human out on a UK tour, and over to Ireland later this month for Galway's Vodafone Comedy Carnival. It certainly went down well at this year's Edinburgh Fringe - so which subjects are currently trying Lyons' patience?

"When I started writing it I thought it was going to about human stupidity but it has sort of branched out all over the place which is fun. I actually don't like to do very heavily themed shows, it's too restricting, I like to find other ways to make the material link and flow. Entry Level Human touches on everything from Brexit to drunk flies so I like to think there is something for everyone in there."

Zoe Lyons: Passport Paddy. Zoe Lyons. Copyright: Impatient Productions

As for Galway, this executive-level comic has played there before, unsurprisingly, "but I think this is my first time doing a solo show. I love going back to Ireland particularly now I have my shiny new Irish passport thanks to my Irish Dad. Galway comedy festival is always fun, good crowds and a chance to have a lovely pint of the black stuff with some mates."

A stout plan. Zoe Lyons, your Random 8 await:

What was your favourite TV show as a kid?

Charlie Brown and Snoopy. We lived for a little while in America when I was very young and I loved this show, I found it quite 'deep' as a little kid. It often made me cry, but I still loved it.

Which place you've visited was the biggest anti-climax?

Las Vegas - absolute dump.

Who is your most interesting relative?

My little nieces have a wonderful view of the world. I look at them and think, at what point do we as humans become so serious in our lives? I think we should all try and remember what it is like to be four.

Zoe Lyons

What's the best performance you ever gave?

Any time I have been given a gift I actually hate.

Which reality show would you do, if you absolutely had to?

That Bear Grylls one. At least you get to be outside for quite a while. I like fresh air.

What's the best room you've ever been in?

The Music Room at Brighton Pavilion. One day, when they finally give me the keys to the city, I hope to take up residence in the Pavilion.

Who are you genuinely jealous of?

Anyone who speaks lots of languages. Clever bastardos.

What's the worst thing in your wardrobe?

An open-faced cannonball motorbike helmet.

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