British Comedy Guide
Random 8

Michelle Shaughnessy

Michelle Shaughnessy

One random comedian, eight random questions; it's the ultimate test of funny person and fate.

This week we look ahead to the Shrewsbury International Comedy Festival, and meet Michelle Shaughnessy, who'll be doing her show Too Late, Baby on 14th July. It's sort of alternative life-coaching, with laughs.

"I've been describing my show as 'a show for anyone who thinks it's too late to achieve their dreams... because it probably is", the Canadian comic confides. "It sounds pessimistic. But I really wanted to take the negativity that I and lots of others sometimes feel and turn it into something relatable and funny. And I think I have done that with this show."

Among the acts also heading to Shrewsbury from July 11-14 are Scott Bennett, Harriet Dyer, Tez Ilyas, Michael Odewale, Thanyia Moore, Josh Pugh and Janine Harouni, either doing their own hours or appearing at the big closing gala. Shaughnessy's show is on that final Sunday too - a good place to spend one?

"I've never been to Shrewsbury! I'm excited. I spend most Sundays in bed as long as possible then cuddling with my dog. Sundays are my do nothing day. Not always, but I try! I'd make the worst life coach ever."

We can definitely think of worse. Michelle Shaughnessy, your Random 8 await.

Who is - or was - your most interesting relative?

Ooh, this is tough. Probably my mom's mom. My grandma. I'm slowly learning more about her now that I live in England as that's where she's from. And coincidentally, I lived in the area where she lived as a kid. I didn't find out until I had been living here for a year.

What's the worst job you've ever had?

Door to door office sales. I lasted eight minutes.

Michelle Shaughnessy

Who's the most interesting person you've ever met?

Henry Winkler. Not only interesting but SO KIND. I met him and his wife and they were so gracious and compassionate.

Your most memorable injury?

I've hit my head a lot. BUT once I stuck my hand in a clogged juicer without turning it off and completely serrated my finger. They couldn't stitch it because it wasn't one cut but a hundred tiny ones so it actually looked worse than it was. If I showed you the photo of it you'd swear my finger grew back.

What's the weirdest thing you ever saw?

Oh I have no idea! But I'm certainly hoping I'm not the weirdest thing anyone has ever seen.

Which movie would you love to have been in, and which part?

Miranda Priestly in The Devil Wears Prada.

When I was younger I would have said I'd want to be Andi (Anne Hathaway's character) but getting older I realise just how much of a bad ass Miranda Priestly is.

You don't really think of fashion as a male-dominated industry but most senior roles in fashion are in fact held by men. She worked her way up to one of the most coveted and desirable roles in fashion. All while juggling a personal life that, as we see in the movie, is falling apart. Yet she doesn't back down from her career to save her marriage. Bad ass.

Which place you've visited was the biggest anti-climax?

The first time I went to Paris I hated it. But there was a garbage strike. I thought it was so gross but I've since gone back multiple times and loved it.

When were you most embarrassed?

I live in a constant state of embarrassment.

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