Kate Cheka

One random comedian, eight random questions; it's the ultimate test of funny person and fate. This week we welcome reigning Funny Women Awards winner Kate Cheka, who brings her debut show, A Messiah Comes, to London's Soho Theatre this week. Quite the provocative title to kick off with, that.
"It's a show about wanting to save the world, where that feeling came from (spoiler - my mum), how I think we should do it, and then getting distracted by sex hence the 'comes,'" states Kate.
"And no one has said anything about the title yet - sometimes I wonder why I chose it in all honesty because it's a bit random and then remember that my original title Messiah Complex was already taken by some pr*ck."
But would Cheka trade it now? Probably not, although she quite fancies changing trades altogether - more on that soon. So how was 2024 generally?
"2024 was so busy, like good - I wrote my first hour and I travelled to so many different places, and did so many different things..."
"Like in the beginning of the year I was in New Orleans for this art residency (and also Mardi Gras) making this comedy talk show about the environment and then I was doing gigs around Europe most of the spring. I decided so last minute (April) to do Edinburgh and so then most of summer was relentlessly going up and down the country for WIPs. Then Ed Fringe."
Which went well. And post-Fringe?

"September I was in Tanzania to see my dad and October I flew to the States for meetings. I got back in November, went to a residency in North Yorkshire about immersive technologies - turning my stand-up into virtual reality. And then it has been burnout recovery since then.
"So my ambition for 2025 is rest - I mean aside from Soho Theatre and the tour in spring and also I really want to explore this VR game idea - but aside from that find me in bed. Or my secret ambition is marry rich. I'm thinking wife might pay more than comedian."
Catch her while you can. Kate Cheka, your Random 8 await.
What was your childhood career dream?
Ruler of the world. No but in all seriousness this desire to change the world has been here for a loooong time. I had this vision maybe I could be the person that would end all wars.
And I thought we should have a global currency like the Euro but bigger I was gonna call them Whirls (as in world get it?) which actually having now studied some economics would bring in quite swift economic parity between nations (not necessarily people I should add).
Which low-key law would you introduce?
Well now I'm an anarchist more than anything else so no laws!! No weapons maybe would be the logical one I think. I think the proliferation of weapons is the saddest, most unnecessary thing.
I'm sorry, are these supposed to be funny? Because actually I have thought about this a lot in a serious non-comedy way (though I promise you the politics jokes in the show are funny).

Which film would you love to have been in, and which part?
Bridget Jones's Diary as Bridget Jones. I'd like to be a thirty two year-old single woman with a great job in publishing and a two-bedroom flat in Borough and still complain that I'm all alone even though two rich, incredibly hot guys are vying for my affections.
What's the weirdest thing in your wardrobe?
I don't really have a wardrobe because I don't live anywhere but probably my mirror bra. It's like a disco ball cut in half with all these silver mosaics on a black bra. I made it myself with a hot glue gun for Glastonbury festival one year. Or a leopard onesie, not leopard print; actual leopard with a tail and ears - my mother made that one for me when I was seventeen.
Who should be Britain's next Prime Minister - but not a politician?
Me obviously, I would be so much better than any of the gazillion ones we've had lately. Though that's not really saying anything because they're all so bad. Like the bar is in hell for politicians.
Your most interesting injury?
I don't know if it's that interesting but I had a huge cyst on my labia that swelled up to the size of an egg the week before Edinburgh Fringe and I didn't have time to go to the doctor to sort it out - also have you tried using the NHS lately they're like 'omg no thank you that sounds disgusting.'
So I was like making this coconut oil and turmeric mixture to put on it - not for fun! - because the internet suggested I do but then I ended up dyeing all my mate who I was staying with Dave's towels yellow and it was just a real nightmare.
Though I think it was actually the universe's way of being like 'don't put your pussy on any of these posh white boys at the fringe. Or comedians.' And I didn't... until the last night. It disappeared a couple of months ago so maybe it was just there for that reason.

Which place you've visited was the biggest anti-climax?
Probably New York when I was twenty one. I just didn't get it. Like we tried to do all the tourist things and I was like 'what is this??' Times Square is super overwhelming and I don't care this building is the tallest it's blocking out all the sunlight and then everyone is so hostile. The pints are smaller. I was not into cocktails then at all.
Though I did my NYC redo last year and stayed with Jeff - a nice man who came to my Edinburgh show - and his wife in the East Village and we went to the Comedy Cellar and I did have a lot of fun.
What can you recite from memory?
Possibly Winnie-the-Pooh as read by Alan Bennett, I used to listen to it as a child on cassette tape to fall asleep and I feel like lots of it's still in my memory somewhere. And also hopefully my show :)
Kate Cheka: A Messiah Comes is at London's Soho Theatre from 16-18 January. sohotheatre.com
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