Evelyn Mok

One random comedian, eight random questions; it's the ultimate test of funny person and fate. This week we're virtually-visiting the annual CAN Festival - Chinese Arts Now - the UK's top platform for British Chinese artists working across all sorts of interesting areas.
And that includes comedy. On Friday evening the CAN Festival Comedy Night will be beamed live from London's Soho Theatre, with three big-hitters on board: Ken Cheng, Phil Wang, and our guest this week, the marvellous Evelyn Mok. They're fully embracing the uniqueness of this year's live-streamed version.
"I have hosted the opening event for previous CAN festivals and am very glad to be back this year," Evelyn explains. "It's been a very special year and so we're doing it all online, and this year we've geared to be more interactive and conversational between the performers. Hopefully the audience will enjoy our discussions."
They won't be short of stuff to cover. An in-demand comic onstage and onscreen, Mok is also now in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, having popped up early in Spider Man: Far from Home. Who knows, that intrepid reporter might get her own WandaVision-style Disney+ series one day. We'd stream it.
Meanwhile, Evelyn Mok, your Random 8 await.
What was your childhood career dream?
I remember that I wanted to be an actress with a law degree who also worked as a doctor. I gave up on the law-and-medical degree ages ago but am still pursuing the acting, to my parents' disappointment.

Which historical figure should get more attention?
Ching Shih, a Chinese female pirate who terrorised the Chinese Sea during the Jiaqing emperor's reign. Look her up!
What's the most regrettable thing you've ever bought?
Every single McDonald's meal. I enjoy it when I eat it and am filled with immediate regret after I've scoffed it down.
Is there a book or movie that changed your life?
I recently read The Unwinding of the Miracle, an autobiography by Julie Yip-Williams, chronicling her battle with stage four colon cancer and eventually succumbing to it. It's a beautiful celebration of life and love, and the ugly, terrifying and eventual peace when you come to terms with your own mortality.
Which low-key law would you introduce, to make life better?
I would ban inspirational quotes to hang on walls. Ban "Live, Laugh, Love".
What's your favourite mode of transport?
Electric kick bikes, they're the new Segway.
Who's the most interesting person you've ever met?
Every man I'm attracted to is the most interesting person I've ever met at the beginning of our acquaintance. Then I realise they're just boys in their 30s who want to tell me about their troubled relationships with their mother. Often good cuddlers though.
What's the best (non-comedy) room you've ever been in?
Bathrooms. Big fan of bathrooms. The acoustics are great! I can sing while on the toilet.
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