Marriage proposal at Russell Kane gig

Russell Kane helped orchestrate a marriage proposal at his gig last night in Market Drayton. The show notably fell on 29th February, a day which often sees women proposing to men.
Talking to couple Faye and Paul in the audience, and alluding to the fact that Faye might become a stepmum one day to Paul's children, he discovered they have been dating for "five or six years".
Kane commented: "What's going on Paul? She's a beautiful woman... You've got a chick here into football. She fucking loves your sons. Mate, come up here..."
After discovering the man he has invited on stage has the same name as famous actor Paul Newman, he told the audience: "We do this every show; we get someone up, I try to find a relationship, but tonight... oh my god, it's February 29th..."
At this point, Faye uses a microphone to say, "As much as I hate public speaking, and he knows I do...", and then directs the question at Paul: "Will you do me the honour?"
Clearly surprised by what was happening, Paul says: "Really? Is this genuine?"
Faye then produces a ring and, as the video shows, Paul happily accepts the proposal and the couple embrace.
As they leave the stage, Kane joked: "Oh by the way, she's got chlamydia" before adding more seriously: "Congratulations. I hope you have a wonderful marriage!"
Kane is on tour with his stand-up show HyperActive, which runs until December 2025.