Susie Youssef

Proud coiner of one of this year's best titles - Check Youssef Before You Wreck Youssef - Aussie comic Susie Youssef is now bringing that show to the Soho Theatre, having successfully negotiated her debut run at the Edinburgh Fringe.
"It's a mix of characters, sketch and stand-up," she says, "mostly inspired by my family, the things we do for money, that feeling that the world has gone to hell and the little checklist that keeps me sane."
Youssef also recently took on a role for one of Sky Arts's forthcoming Halloween shorts in "the spookiest pub in London", with Steen Raskopoulos "and the most brilliant cast you can imagine," which all sounds pretty exciting. But how did she get here? And don't say 'a bloody long flight.'
First gig?
I started out in improv comedy and my first ever show was in front of 30 people in Newtown, Sydney about a million years ago. I remember I played a singing spoon. It was a hit.
Favourite show, ever?
In Edinburgh this year, my sister Christine flew in from Tokyo. She sat in the front row and cried the whole time. The perfect response to comedy.
Worst gig?
At the Melbourne Comedy Fest in 2014 a woman threatened to kill me for making her boyfriend laugh.
Weirdest gig?
Once a couple in the front row made out for the first seven minutes then left. Life affirming stuff.
Is there one routine/gag you loved, that audiences inexplicably didn't?
Yes, I have a back-up singer character that 90% of audiences do not enjoy. But that 10% keep me going.
What's your best insider travel tip, for touring comics?
Potato scones are your best friend and your worst enemy.
The most memorable review, heckle or post-gig reaction?
I was asked for an autograph on the steps of Melbourne Town Hall after my show last year. The guy thought I was Shappi Khorsandi. Things are going well guys.
How do you feel about where your career is at, right now?
I am constantly in a state of anxiety but I think things are going pretty well. This year I was cast in Whose Line Is It Anyway? Australia with some of the best people I know.
I think performing in the UK at last has made this potato scone-loving kid pretty bloody happy. More of this please.
'Check Youssef Before You Wreck Youssef' is at the Soho Theatre on Monday 19th and Tuesday 20th September. Details & Tickets
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