Live Comedy

First Gig, Worst Gig Page 24
Spring Day
Friday 4th January 2019
The joyously-named Spring Day reveals a Japanese launch, a naked Slayer and military mum fury.
Lauren Pattison
Thursday 20th December 2018
It's a special extended holiday edition as the excellent Lauren Pattison takes us back to some extremely emosh evenings.
Robin Ince
Thursday 13th December 2018
The cosmically shambolic Robin Ince is back with 9 Lessons, and a book, and some painful memories about crying in back alleys.
Mawaan Rizwan
Thursday 6th December 2018
YouTube star and stand-up whizz Mawaan Rizwan is in a stellar line-up for Help Refugees this Sunday. Will his folks finally be impressed?
Kieran Hodgson
Thursday 29th November 2018
The consistently impressive Kieran Hodgson heads to the '70s on tour early next year, and to the late 2000s as we wade back through his career ups and downs.
Alistair Barrie
Thursday 22nd November 2018
A student ball in Stoke, a riot in Surrey and a flatbed truck in Kabul - Alistair Barrie tells us which was scarier.
Ray Bradshaw
Thursday 15th November 2018
The man behind Deaf Comedy Fam, Ray Bradshaw recalls silent heckles, elderly trees and the RAF.
Jen Brister
Thursday 8th November 2018
She's playing the Knebworth Winter Festival's Friday night comedy bonanza - but will any of Jen Brister's recent material actually be appropriate?
James Dowdeswell
Thursday 1st November 2018
James Dowdeswell has written a book about pubs, having spent half his life in them - as a landlord's kid, and a gigging comic.
Lynn Ruth Miller
Thursday 25th October 2018
Rolling back the years, Lynn Ruth Miller recalls some awkward nakedness, onstage and off.