British comedy in 1983
- Frank Chickens won the Edinburgh Comedy Award
Notable comedies debuting in 1983
All new TV comedy from 1983
- Affairs Of The Heart
- Alfresco
- Are You Being Served?
- Astronauts
- At Last... It's Mike Elliott
- An Audience With...
- Auf Wiedersehen, Pet
- Bananaman
- Behind The Bike Sheds
- The Benny Hill Show
- Blackadder
- Blankety Blank
- The Bob Monkhouse Show
- Book 'Em An' Risk It
- The Bounder
- Brass
- Butterflies
- The Cabbage Patch
- Cannon And Ball
- Capstick Capers
- Carrott's Lib
- Carry On Laughing
- Chas & Dave's Knees-Up
- The Climber
- A Clip Round The Year
- The Comedy Of Errors
- Comic Roots
- The Comic Strip Presents...
- The Crystal Cube
- Cuffy
- Dear Ladies
- Don't Rock The Boat
- Don't Wait Up
- Educating Marmalade
- Emery Presents
- The Entertainers
- An Evening For Nicaragua
- Father's Day
- A Fine Romance
- For 4 Tonight
- The Freddie Starr Showcase
- The Gaffer
- Game For A Laugh
- Get Knighted
- Give Us A Break
- Good Night And God Bless
- The Green Tie On The Little Yellow Dog
- Hallelujah!
- The Happy Apple
- Heartattack Hotel
- Hi-De-Hi!
- The Home Front
- In Loving Memory
- Interference
- The Irish R.M.
- It'll All Be Over In Half An Hour
- It's George
- It's Got To Be Funny, Hasn't It...
- It Takes A Worried Man...
- Just Good Friends
- Karen Kay
- Keep It In The Family
- The Keith Harris Show
- Kelly Monteith
- The Kenny Everett Television Show
- The Krankies Klub
- The Lady Is A Tramp
- Last Of The Summer Wine
- The Last Song
- The Les Dawson Show
- Let There Be Love
- Little And Large
- Live From Her Majesty's
- Luna
- The Main Attraction
- Make Me Laugh
- Max Boyce And Friends
- Michael Barrymore
- Minder
- The Morecambe & Wise Show
- Never The Twain
- No Place Like Home
- No Problem!
- Now And Then
- One Night In Lincoln
- Only Fools And Horses
- The Optimist
- Paul Squire Esq
- Pig In The Middle
- Pinkerton's Progress
- Potter
- PS It's Paul Squire
- Red Monarch
- Rentaghost
- Russ Abbot's Madhouse
- Saturday Stayback
- Scotch And Wry
- Seaview
- Shelley
- Struggle
- Sweet Sixteen
- Tears Before Bedtime
- Terry & June
- That's My Boy
- Three Of A Kind
- Tom, Dick And Harriet
- The Two Gentlemen Of Verona
- The Two Ronnies
- Unknown Chaplin
- Up The Elephant And Round The Castle
- Who Dares Wins...
- The World Of Stanley Holloway
All new radio comedy from 1983
- Albert And Me
- Christmas Night With Dr Evadne Hinge And Dame Hilda Bracket
- A Cuckoo In The Nest
- A Day In The Life Of Radio 4
- Drop Me Here, Darling
- The Fosdyke Saga
- Frank Muir Goes Into...
- I'm Sorry I Haven't A Clue
- In One Ear
- It Sticks Out Half A Mile
- Just A Minute
- Know Your Place
- Laughalong
- The Lenny Henry Sunday Hoot!
- Listen To Les
- My Music
- My Word!
- The News Huddlines
- The News Quiz
- Prince Ivor
- Radio Active
- The Random Jottings Of Hinge And Bracket
- Reuben's Oath
- Second Holmes
- The Show With No Name
- The Sleeping Beauty
- Son Of Cliché
- A Sound Of Goons
- There Have Always Been Starkadders At Cold Comfort Farm
- Thirty Minutes Worth
- Week Ending
- What Every Woman Knows
- Yes Minister
British comedy films released in 1983
- The Best Of The Adventures
- The Boys In Blue
- Bullshot
- Curse Of The Pink Panther
- Dead On Time
- Educating Rita
- Fanny Hill
- Invitation To The Wedding
- Local Hero
- Loose Connections
- The Missionary
- Monty Python Live At The Hollywood Bowl
- Monty Python's The Meaning Of Life
- A Shocking Accident
- Where Is Parsifal?
- Yellowbeard