About Harry And Paul's Story Of The 2s

On Sunday 25th May, 'Simon Schama' presents the history of BBC Two...

He explains how BBC TV executives decided to set up a second station...

We then see clips from shows like The Old Grey Wrinkled Testicle, World War One and Boys From The Blackstuff. BBC Two really made its mark when it went into colour with the snooker:

At one point, Margaret Thatcher used the channel to improve her image:

BBC Two went on to create many hit TV formats, like The Apprentice, aka 'I'm better than you'...

As you've probably gathered by now, the people in Harry And Paul's Story Of The 2s are actually Harry Enfield, Paul Whitehouse and friends. The show brilliantly spoofs many programmes.
Here they are as Paul Hollywood and Mary Berry in The Great British Bake Off:

MasterChef gets a roasting too:

Across the hour, there's so many lovingly crafted treats for comedy fans. Tune in to see Men Behaving Likely Ladly, Tim Nice But Brooke Taylor and more. The Office, Blackadder and Monty Python are amongst the many comedy programmes spoofed.
Panel Show - a mashup of Mock The Week, QI, Never Mind The Buzzcocks and Have I Got News For You - is a particular highlight.
Harry Enfield says: "They kindly asked us to do a homage to 50 years of BBC Two. It's turned out to be less of a homage and more of a homicide. Whoops."
Don't miss Harry And Paul's Story Of The 2s - it's on Sunday 25th May 2014 at 9pm. Here's the trailer: