British Comedy Guide

Edinburgh Fringe

Search all Fringe listings: "Police Cops"

Police Cops: The Musical. Image shows left to right: Tom Roe, Nathan Parkinson, Zachary Hunt

Recommended show: Police Cops

  • 2-15, 17-22 & 24-28 Aug 2023
  • 19:00
  • £14.50
Police Cops: The Musical

Police Cops

  • 3-16, 18-26 & 28-29 Aug 2022
  • 19:00
  • £13.50
Police Cops: Badass Be Thy Name

Police Cops

  • 16-29 Aug 2021
  • 18:45
  • £12
Police Cops - Badass Be Thy Name

Recommended show: Police Cops: Badass

  • 31 Jul; 1-13, 15-20 & 22-25 Aug 2019
  • 21:20
  • £12
Police Cops: Police Cops in Space

Police Cops: In Space

  • 1-8, 10-13, 15 & 17 Aug 2019
  • 22:40
  • £11
Police Cops

Police Cops

  • 13-26 Aug 2018
  • 18:35
  • £12
Police Cops in Space

Police Cops in Space

  • 1-14 & 16-26 Aug 2018
  • 21:30
  • £12
Police Cops in Space

Police Cops in Space

  • 2-22 & 24-27 Aug 2017
  • 19:00
  • £11
Police Cops

Police Cops

  • 3-16, 18-23 & 25-28 Aug 2016
  • 21:45
  • £9
Police Cops

Police Cops

  • 7-18, 20-25 & 27-31 Aug 2015
  • 21:30
  • £8