Edinburgh Fringe
British Comedy Guide at the Edinburgh Fringe

For the latest news and features keep an eye on comedy.co.uk/fringe, and check out our dedicated live comedy X and Facebook accounts.
Producers / Promoters / Publicists
As part of BCG Pro, British Comedy Guide offers a control panel to assist those in the industry working on shows at the Edinburgh Festival. To access this tool, click below:
If you are interested in advertising your show, please see our advertising page
BCG Fringe team
British Comedy Guide's festival coverage is overseen by the following team. To contact us, email contact@comedy.co.uk
Mark Boosey
Aaron Brown
Si Hawkins
Stand-Up Editor
Ian Wolf
Data Specialist
Jake Godfrey
Data Specialist
Additional contributors
BCG also drafts in a number of other comedy experts each August. Those that have helped shape our coverage over the last few years include: Kathy Bell, Alex Caven, Bobby Carroll, Dave Deverick, Kate Emmett, Davida Grimes, Nicola Hilliard, Jack Kelly, Julia McGill, Mark Muldoon, Patrick Nicholls, Daniel Page, Jane Perrin, Olivia Phipps, Sean K Prower, Joanne Rutherford, Sarah Slack, Matt Stiff and Nicholas Thompson.