British Comedy Guide
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2023 Edinburgh Fringe

Edinburgh comedy shows 2023

This tool lists all the comedy shows that were part of the 2023 Edinburgh Festival Fringe, listed by shortened titles - usually the comic's name.

  1. A Comedy Tapas
  2. A Feel Good Show
  3. A Funny Thing Happened... Forum
  4. A Good Panto Die Hard
  5. A Night Of Drama (A Comedy Show)
  6. A Young Man Dressed as a Gorilla...
  7. A-Catastrophe!
  8. AAA Batteries (Not Included)
  9. AAA Stand-Up
  10. AAA Stand-Up 2
  11. AAA Stand-Up at Underbelly
  12. AAA Stand-Up Late
  13. Aaaaaaaaaaaand My Favourite Album is
  14. Aalex Mandel-Dallal
  15. Aardvark
  16. Aaron Jay
  17. Aaron Simmonds
  18. Aaron Simmonds: Harry Potter
  19. Aaron Wood
  20. Aaron Wood: Dream
  21. Abandoman
  22. Abbas Wahab
  23. Abbey's Box
  24. Abi Clarke
  25. Abigail Paul
  26. Abigail Rolling
  27. Abishek & Nirmal
  28. Aboriginal Comedy Allstars
  29. About Comedy Course
  30. Abracadabra With An Apple
  31. Absolute Chaos
  32. Absolute Improv!
  33. Absolute Monopoly
  34. Absolute Onions
  35. Absurd
  36. AC/DC: Australian Comedians
  37. Aca-Villa
  38. Academy Trust
  39. Accident Avoidance Training Workshop
  40. Accordion Ryan
  41. Achtung!! The Germans Are Coming!
  42. Acid With Jesus
  43. ACMS
  44. Act of Seven Ages
  45. Acting The G.O.A.T.
  46. Ada Campe
  47. Adam Bromley
  48. Adam Evans
  49. Adam Flood
  50. Adam Greene
  51. Adam Greene & Peter Bazely
  52. Adam Kay
  53. Adam Riches
  54. Adam Riley
  55. Adam Rowe
  56. Addams Family - New Musical
  57. Addams Family - School Edition
  58. Adele Cliff
  59. Adrian Bliss
  60. Adrián Minkowicz
  61. Adult Film Club
  62. ADULTS
  63. Adventure Bubble Show
  64. Adventures of the Singing Acupuncturist
  65. Adventures! Journey Through Dungeons
  66. Ageing Folks Telling Jokes
  67. Recommended show: Ahir Shah
  68. Aidan Goatley
  69. Aidan Greene
  70. Aidan Jones
  71. Aidan Jones: The Morning After
  72. Al Porter
  73. Alan Bennett's Cocktail Sticks
  74. Alastair Clark
  75. Alba
  76. Alcohol Is Good For You
  77. Alejandro Murrieta
  78. Alex & Sharlin
  79. Recommended show: Alex Farrow
  80. Alex Franklin
  81. Alex Gibbon
  82. Alex Hylton
  83. Alex Kealy
  84. Alex Kitson
  85. Alex Kouvatas
  86. Alex Leam
  87. Alex Leam Now 40
  88. Alex Martini
  89. Alex Owen-Hill
  90. Alexander Bennett
  91. Alexander Cabana
  92. Alexander Richmond
  93. Recommended show: Alexandra Haddow
  94. Alexis Dubus
  95. Alexis Gay & Friends
  96. Alfie Brown
  97. Alfie Packham
  98. Ali Al Sayed & Mina Liccione
  99. Ali Brice
  100. Ali Mehedi
  101. Ali Woods
  102. Alice Bragg
  103. Recommended show: Alice Cockayne
  104. Alice Fraser
  105. Alice Frick
  106. Alice Mary Cooper
  107. Alice-India Garwood
  108. Alison Spittle
  109. Alistair Barrie
  110. All Aboard! at Termination Station
  111. All Irish After Party
  112. All is Pink in West Berkshire County
  113. All Killa No Filla
  114. All Roads Leeds to London
  115. All-American Newcomer Gala
  116. Almost Adult
  117. Alpha Podcast
  118. Alphabet of Awesome Science
  119. Alphabet Soup
  120. Alvin Liu
  121. Alyn Ashby
  122. Amazing Prize Comedy Bingo
  123. Amazing Prize Family Bingo
  124. Ambrose Uren
  125. Amelia Bayler
  126. American Cheese
  127. American Christmas with the BXG DXG
  128. AMJ: Adder
  129. Amos Gill
  130. Amrita Dhaliwal
  131. Recommended show: Amy Matthews
  132. Amy Webber
  133. Amy Wright
  134. An(dre)a Spisto & Joana Nastari
  135. Anarchy Cabaret
  136. And the Beat Goes On
  137. And They Played Shang-A-Lang
  138. And This Is My Friend Mr Laurel
  139. André de Freitas
  140. Andrew Frank
  141. Andrew O'Neill
  142. Andrew Silverwood
  143. Andy Bucks & Low Effort Sketches
  144. Andy Casper
  145. Andy Onions
  146. Andy Parsons
  147. Andy Roach
  148. Andy Smart
  149. Andy Zapp
  150. Anesti Danelis
  151. Ange Lavoipierre
  152. Angel Comedy Showcase
  153. Angel Hodgson
  154. Angela Beevers
  155. Angela Bra
  156. Angela Legg
  157. Angles of the North
  158. Angus Coutts
  159. Recommended show: Ania Magliano
  160. Anita Wigl'it
  161. Anna Beros
  162. Anna Friend
  163. Anna Piper Scott
  164. Annabel Bashford
  165. Annabel Marlow
  166. Annie & Angela's Disco Divorce Party
  167. Anthony Schuman
  168. Anu Vaidyanathan
  169. Anuvab Pal
  170. Any Suggestions, Doctor?
  171. Apocalypse Kapow
  172. April Small
  173. Are You Worthy?
  174. Arguments!
  175. Ari Eldjárn
  176. Arkem Mark Walton
  177. Arran Birks
  178. Arron Jones: Rockstar
  179. Arron Jones: Straitjacket
  180. Arthur's Seat Comedy Extravaganza
  181. Artificial Intelligence Improvisation
  182. Artiste
  183. Arzoo Malhotra
  184. Asexuality!
  185. Ashley Barnhill
  186. Ashley Barnhill: Texas Titanium
  187. Ashley Blaker
  188. Ashley Haden
  189. Ashley Manning
  190. Asian Comedy Showcase
  191. Ask a Stripper
  192. Assembly Gala Launch
  193. Atomic Comic Meltdown
  194. Attila the Stockbroker
  195. Aude Lener
  196. Auld Cheeky
  197. Aussie, African & Englishman
  198. Aussies Abroad
  199. Austentatious
  200. Auto-Engrain
  201. Avenue Q
  202. Avital Ash
  203. Awake, Gay & Writing a Play
  204. Axel Blake
  205. Ay Up, Hitler!
  206. Ayy, This Isn't For You
  1. B Dolan
  2. Babs for Life
  3. Baby Bingo
  4. Baby Daddy
  5. Baby Wants Candy
  6. Bad Advice from Bad People
  7. Bad Blood
  8. Bad Daters
  9. Bad Play
  10. Bad Teacher
  11. Bag Lady
  12. Baga Chipz
  13. Bailey J Mills
  14. Baked Shakespeare
  15. Bald Man Sings Rihanna
  16. Ballot-tastic
  17. Banana
  18. Baron & the Junk Dealer
  19. Barry Potter
  20. Basil Bottler
  21. BATSU
  22. Battle Magic Cabaret
  23. BattleActs
  24. BBC New Comedy Showcase
  25. BBC: Anything But Coldplay
  26. BBC: Breaking The News
  27. BBC: Just A Minute
  28. BBC: Who Runs The World?
  29. Be My Guest
  30. Becky Fury
  31. Becoming Chavela
  32. Bedlam Late
  33. Bee Babylon
  34. Beer Mat Flipping
  35. Before the Drugs Kick In
  36. Ben Ashurst
  37. Ben Clover
  38. Ben Fallaci
  39. Ben Harrington
  40. Ben Hart
  41. Ben Hodge
  42. Ben Roberts
  43. Ben Target
  44. Ben Tredinnick
  45. Bendy House Improv
  46. Benji Waterstones
  47. Bennett Arron
  48. Bertie Hodd
  49. Best in Class
  50. Best In Stand-Up
  51. Best Man
  52. Best of Adelaide
  53. Best of Cabaret
  54. Best of Edinburgh Fringe Comedy Late
  55. Best of Edinburgh Fringe for Kids
  56. Best of Edinburgh Showcase
  57. Best of Irish
  58. Best of Irish Comedy
  59. Best of Northern Irish
  60. Best of Scottish Comedy
  61. Best of the Fest
  62. Best of the Fest Daytime
  63. Best of the Fest: The New Class
  64. Better Results with Yes, And
  65. Bi God It's Comedy!
  66. Big Friendly Improv Jam
  67. Big Smoke Comedy
  68. Big Value Comedy Show
  69. Big Zeus Energy
  70. Bilal Zafar
  71. Recommended show: Bill O'Neill
  72. Bill's 44th
  73. Billy & The Situation
  74. Billy Kirkwood
  75. Billy Kirkwood: Show Me Your Tattoo
  76. Bimbo Plaza With Mad And Wild
  77. Binge the Fringe
  78. Biscuit Barrel
  79. Bishops
  80. Biswa Kalyan Rath
  81. Bit Celtic
  82. Bite
  83. Bite, Late-Night
  84. Black Comedy Showcase
  85. Black Laughs Matter
  86. Black Martini
  87. Blake It Til You Make It
  88. Blind Mirth
  89. Blizzard
  90. Blodwen's in Paris
  91. Blood on the Clocktower
  92. Bloody Elle
  93. Blowhole
  94. Blue Badge Bunch
  95. Blues & Burlesque
  96. Board Game Smackdown
  97. Bob Doolally
  98. Bob Hecklestein
  99. Bobbie Viney
  100. Bobby Davro
  101. Body
  102. Bonnie He
  103. Bookish Comedy Show
  104. Bot Brothers
  105. Bowjangles
  106. Box of Frogs
  107. Boys in the Buff
  108. Brad Tassell
  109. Brain Freeze
  110. Brain Hemingway
  111. Braingystics
  112. Break Up With Your Boyfriend
  113. Breakfast Club
  114. Breaking News!
  115. Breaking the Castle
  116. Breaking Up with Jesus
  117. Breakup Addict
  118. Breed or Bust
  119. Brian Gallagher
  120. Bridget Christie
  121. Brilliance of Broken Glass
  122. Bristleburg Town Hall
  123. Bristol Improv
  124. Bristol Revunions
  125. BriTANicK
  126. British Indian Buddies
  127. Broad Strokes Improv
  128. Bronwyn Sweeney
  129. Bruce Fummey
  130. Bryan Berlin
  131. Bryan Ghosh & Callum Aspen
  132. Bryan Stoops
  133. Bryony Byrne
  134. Bubba-Licious
  135. Bubble Show for Adults Only 2
  136. Bubblegum Gumdrop Show
  137. Buffy Revamped
  138. Bugsy Malone
  139. Bumble Me Tinders
  140. Burden of Truth
  141. Burdwurld
  142. Burning Down The Horse
  1. Cabaret called Hamlet
  2. Cabaret Impedimenta
  3. Cabaret in the Dark
  4. Caitlin Jones
  5. Cal Halbert
  6. Cal Halbert: 100 Impressions
  7. Call Me Suicidal
  8. Calling in Love
  9. Cam Gavinski
  10. Cambridge Footlights
  11. Cambridge Footlights: Leftovers
  12. Cambridge Impronauts
  13. Can You Put This in the Bin For Me?
  14. Can You Tell Me Where This Is?
  15. Can't Stop Carrying On
  16. Canadian Comedy Showcase
  17. Canadian Famous
  18. Candace Bryan
  19. Canonized Club
  20. Canterville Ghost
  21. Caper Trail
  22. Cara Connors
  23. Carl Donnelly
  24. Caroline McEvoy
  25. Caroline Rhea
  26. Carter Morgan
  27. Cartoooon!!
  28. Catfish the Cabaret
  29. Catherine Bohart
  30. Catherine Cohen
  31. Catherine Cranfield & Ronan McCabe
  32. Catnip
  33. Cecilia Delatori
  34. Recommended show: Celya AB
  35. Certain Death & Other Considerations
  36. Cerys Bradley
  37. Chairs Revisited
  38. Chan Lok Tim
  39. Chanel Ali
  40. Character Building Experience
  41. Charles Dundas & Steven Millar
  42. Charlie Lewin
  43. Recommended show: Charlie Vero-Martin
  44. Charlotte Fox
  45. Charlotte Grimmer
  46. Charmaine Wombwell
  47. Chatham House Rules
  48. Cheekykita
  49. Cheekykita: Space
  50. Chelsea Birkby
  51. Chelsea Birkby & Jamie D'Souza
  52. Chelsea Hart
  53. Cheyenne
  54. Chin Wang
  55. Chloe Petts
  56. Chloe Radcliffe
  57. Chocolate Orange
  58. Chokeslam
  59. Choo Choo!
  60. Chris Cantrill
  61. Chris Cook
  62. Chris Forbes
  63. Recommended show: Chris Grace
  64. Chris Kent
  65. Recommended show: Chris Thorburn
  66. Chris Turner
  67. Chriskirkpatrickmas
  68. Christopher Bliss
  69. Christopher Hall
  70. Christopher Macarthur-Boyd
  71. Church of Princess Cassandra
  72. Ciara Jack & Ira Sylvester
  73. Ciarán Bartlett
  74. Cindy D'Andrea
  75. Circus Sonas Family Show
  76. CJ Hooper
  77. Claire Woolner
  78. Cliff Richard Fan Club
  79. Clive Anderson
  80. Cloud 9
  81. Clown Sex
  82. Clown Wars
  83. Clownfish
  84. Cobin Millage
  85. Cobin Millage & Pete Carson
  86. Coconut
  87. Coffee Kid
  88. Colin Cloud
  89. Colin Etches
  90. Collection of Nothing
  91. Colleen Lavin
  92. Come Die with Me
  93. Come to Our Show (Please)
  94. Comedians & Dragons
  95. Comedians Get Drunk Playing Panel Shows
  96. Comedians of Europe
  97. Comedy Arcade
  98. Comedy at Burrito 'n' Shake
  99. Comedy Caper
  100. Comedy Classics, Just For Laughs.
  101. Comedy Club 4 Kids
  102. Comedy for the Curious
  103. Comedy in the Dark
  104. Comedy in the Dark - Late
  105. Comedy Mindf*ck
  106. Comedy of Operas
  107. Comedy of Tenors
  108. Comedy Queers
  109. Comedy Reserve (Courtyard)
  110. Comedy Reserve (Dome)
  111. Comedy Striptease
  112. ComedySportz
  113. Comics vs Kids
  114. Compilation of the Nation
  115. Complete History of Human Civilization
  116. Comrie Sf
  117. Confessional
  118. Connor Burns
  119. Consignia
  120. Conspiracy Theory
  121. Constellations
  122. Constrictor
  123. Continental Comedy
  124. Conversations We Never Had
  125. Conversations with Mandela
  126. Coor Cohen
  127. Coral Bevan
  128. Corona Cha Tamasha
  129. Courteous Enemy
  130. Recommended show: Courtney Pauroso
  131. Cowboys & Lesbians
  132. Cox & Box
  133. Craig Hill
  134. Craig Wilson
  135. Crap Ballet
  136. Crash and Burns
  137. Creepy Boys
  138. Crime Scene Improv
  139. Crip the Light Fantastic
  140. Crizards
  141. Cross Country Weirdos
  142. Cruelty
  143. Cult Classic(k)
  144. Culture Savage
  145. Curry Gelato
  146. Cyrus McQueen
  1. Dad, Playboy & Me
  2. Dahlia Wilde
  3. Dahn Rozario
  4. Daisy Doris May
  5. Daman Bamrah
  6. Dan Jones
  7. Recommended show: Dan Lees
  8. Recommended show: Dan Rath
  9. Dan Tiernan
  10. Dan Willis
  11. Dan Willis: Meaning Of Wife
  12. Dana O'Brien & Edmund O'Brien
  13. Dane Baptiste
  14. Dane Simpson
  15. Daniel Cainer
  16. Daniel Delby
  17. Daniel Downie
  18. Recommended show: Daniel Foxx
  19. Daniel Kitson
  20. Daniel Muggleton
  21. Daniel Sloss
  22. Daniel-Ryan Spaulding
  23. Danny Bhoy
  24. Danny O' Brien
  25. Danny Ward
  26. Darius Davies
  27. Darius Emadi
  28. Dark Room for Kids!
  29. Darran Griffiths
  30. Recommended show: Darren Harriott
  31. Darren Walsh
  32. Dating Crapp
  33. Dave Bibby
  34. Dave Cerwonka
  35. Dave Chawner
  36. Dave Hill
  37. David Alnwick: magician
  38. David Alnwick: Necromancer
  39. David Baddiel
  40. David Baddiel - Fame
  41. David Baddiel - My Family
  42. David Baddiel - Trolls
  43. David Ellis
  44. David Ian
  45. David Kay
  46. David McIver
  47. David O'Doherty
  48. David Quirk
  49. David Sands
  50. Davidson & MacArthur
  51. Dead Dad Jokes
  52. Dead Ducks
  53. Dead End Job
  54. Dead Man's Suitcase
  55. Deage Paxton
  56. Death of Molly Miller
  57. Death Suits You
  58. Deep Fried in Patter
  59. Deepu Dileepan
  60. Diana: Untold & Untrue
  61. Diary Confidential
  62. Dick Denham
  63. Dickie Must Die
  64. Dickie Richards
  65. Dicks & Dom
  66. Dicks & Tricks
  67. Dillis
  68. Dinesh Nathan
  69. Dion Owen
  70. Dirty Fecking Eejit
  71. Dirty Laundry
  72. Dirty Tattooed Cabaret
  73. Dirty Words
  74. DirtyLaundry
  75. Disabled Cants
  76. Dizney in Drag
  77. DJ Battles
  78. Do Not Resuscitate
  79. Do Rhinos Feel Their Horns
  80. Doc Brown
  81. Dog Dies Under Porch
  82. Dog Park
  83. Doing Bits
  84. Doktor Kaboom
  85. Dolly Diamond
  86. Dolly Diamond - Handbasket
  87. Dom - The Play
  88. Dom Chambers
  89. Dominic Frisby
  90. Dominique Salerno
  91. Don Biswas
  92. Don Quixote
  93. Don't Tell My Family
  94. Donna & Kebab
  95. Donut Dollies
  96. Dorks 'n' Orks
  97. Dough
  98. Dr Bonk's Macarbaret
  99. Drag Queen Wine Tasting
  100. Drag Queens vs Vampires
  101. Drag Stars of Comedy
  102. Dreams of You
  103. Drew Michael
  104. Drop Dead
  105. Dru Cripps
  106. Drunk & Heckle Show
  107. Drunk Fringe
  108. Drunk Women Solving Crime
  109. Dugsi Dayz
  110. Duncan & Judy Murray
  111. Dungeons 'n' Bastards
  112. Durham Revue
  113. Dusk
  114. Dylan Dodds & Friends
  115. Dylan Rhymer
  1. J Murphy
  2. Jack Dennis
  3. Recommended show: Jack Docherty
  4. Jack Harris
  5. Jack Traynor & Daniel Petrie
  6. Jack Tucker
  7. Jack Whitehall
  8. Jackman & Bones
  9. Jacob Hatton
  10. Jacob Henegan
  11. Jake Baker
  12. Jakob Kerkhove
  13. Jam Society
  14. Jamali Maddix
  15. James Allen & Annabelle Devey
  16. James Barr
  17. James Blunt Instrument
  18. James Clark
  19. James Cook
  20. James Downey
  21. James Gardner
  22. James Nokise: Fancy Man
  23. James Nokise: Right About Now
  24. James Sheldrake
  25. Jamie Allerton
  26. Jamie Keddie
  27. Jamie Lerner & Mariah Girouard
  28. Jane Japes
  29. Jane Watt & Ange Lavoipierre
  30. Janey Godley
  31. Janine Harouni
  32. Jarred Christmas
  34. Jason Byrne
  35. Jay Handley
  36. Jay Lafferty
  37. Jay Sodagar
  38. Jaz Mattu
  39. Jazz Emu
  40. Jazz Emu: You Shouldn't Have
  41. JD Shapiro
  42. Jen Hyatt
  43. Jenan Younis
  44. Jenn Brown
  45. Jenny Collier
  46. Jenny Ryan
  47. Jeremy Flynn
  48. Jeremy Segway
  49. Jeromaia Detto
  50. Jerry Sadowitz
  51. Jess Wildgoose
  52. Jessica Aszkenasy
  53. Jessica Karlén
  54. Jessie Cave
  55. Jessie Nixon
  56. Jesus L'Oreal
  57. Jesus, Jane, Mother & Me
  58. Jew-O-Rama
  59. JezO
  60. Jim Smith
  61. Jingle Street
  62. JJ Whitehead
  63. Jo Caulfield
  64. Jo Griffin
  65. Jo Kelen
  66. Jocks, Geordies & Aussies
  67. Jodie Mitchell
  68. Jody Kamali
  69. Joe & Rory
  70. Joe Jacobs
  71. Joe McTernan
  72. Joe Wells
  73. Joe White
  74. John Franklin
  75. Recommended show: John Hastings
  76. Recommended show: John Hegley
  77. John Kearns
  78. John Oakes
  79. John Otway
  80. John Robins
  81. John Robins: WIP
  82. John Tothill
  83. Johnny White
  84. JoJo Pat
  85. Jokers in the Pack
  86. Jokers! Comedy Club
  87. Jollyboat: Best Of
  88. Jollyboat: Geek songs
  89. Jon Courtenay
  90. Jon Culshaw
  91. Jon Hipkiss
  92. Jonny & The Baptists
  93. Recommended show: Jonny Pelham
  94. Jope Palermo
  95. Jordan Brookes
  96. Jordan Gray
  97. Josh Baulf
  98. Josh Edelman
  99. Josh Elton
  100. Recommended show: Josh Glanc
  101. Josh Jones
  102. Josh Pugh
  103. Josh Weller
  104. Josie & Robin's Book Shambles
  105. Joy's Bed & Breakfast
  106. Julia Masli: CHOOSH!
  107. Recommended show: Julia Masli: Ha Ha
  108. Julia Stenton & Firuz Ozari
  109. Julian Clary in Conversation
  110. Julian Stern Keeps Trying
  111. Juliette Burton
  112. Julius Caesar Musical
  113. Junk Monkey
  114. Jury Duty
  1. La Clique
  2. La codista / The queuer
  3. Recommended show: Lachlan Werner
  4. Lady Boys of Bangkok
  5. Lady Dealer
  6. Lady of the Loch
  7. Lance Mao
  8. Lane Kwederis
  9. Lanessa Long & Eliza Dillon
  10. Lara A King
  11. Lara Ricote
  12. Larry Dean
  13. Larry Owens
  14. Las Vegas in Edinburgh
  15. Laser Kiwi
  16. Laser Webber
  17. Last of the Soviets
  18. Last Show Before We Die
  19. Last Stop
  20. Last Vagabonds
  21. Late Great Rompers x Cowtools
  22. Late Night Comedy Death Camp
  23. Late Night with Mr Spooky
  24. Late with Kate
  25. Late'n'Live
  26. Laufey Haralds
  27. Laughing Horse: Family Friendly
  28. Laughing Horse: Pick Of
  29. Laughing Horse: Selection
  30. Laughing Stock
  31. Laughing Stock (Free Festival)
  32. Laughternoon Delight
  33. Recommended show: Laura Davis
  34. Laura McMahon
  35. Laura Ramoso
  36. Laurie Luxe & Sarah Woolfenden
  37. Laurie Stevens
  38. Law & Disorder
  39. Lawrence Chaney
  40. Le Wine Club
  41. Leading Lady Club
  42. Leah Renee
  43. Leather Lungs
  44. Lee Kyle
  45. Leeds Tealights
  46. Leif Oleson-Cormack
  47. Leila Navabi
  48. Leith Comedy Festival Presents...
  49. Lemma (The Band)
  50. Leo Mohr
  51. Leo Reich
  52. Les Millénniables
  53. Leslie Ewing-Burgesse
  54. Letter to Boddah
  55. Recommended show: Liam Withnail
  56. Liars & Clowns
  57. Life with Oscar
  58. Lights Up! Improv Musical
  59. Lights! Donkey! Action!
  60. Lindsey Santoro
  61. Linus Karp
  62. Little Shop of Horrors (Nardone)
  63. Little Shop of Horrors (Queen's)
  64. Little Ward of Horrors
  65. Live & Deaf
  66. Live at the Big Cave
  67. Live Nude Girls!
  68. Live Podcast Hour
  69. Liz Cotton
  70. Liz Guterbock
  71. Lizzy Lenco
  72. Lock-In Cabaret
  73. Locomotive for Murder
  74. LOLyamorous
  75. Long Long Long Live
  76. Long-Distance Roommates
  77. Look Who Loves Me (WIP)
  78. Recommended show: Lorna Rose Treen
  79. Lorraine Hoodless
  80. Losing the Plot
  81. Lost & Found
  82. Lost Boy
  83. Lost Cabaret
  84. Lost in the Woods
  85. Lost in Translation
  86. Lost Play Of Barry Wayworm
  87. Lots of Feelings
  88. Recommended show: Lou Wall
  89. Louise Atkinson
  90. Recommended show: Louise Young
  91. Love, Monty
  92. Love's Labour's Lost
  93. Lovely Boys & Friends Do Stand-Up Comedy
  94. Luana Matei
  95. Lubna Kerr
  96. Lucas Jefcoate & Serena Smart
  97. Lucas O'Neil
  98. Lucinda Spragg
  99. Lucy & Friends
  100. Luisa Omielan: Bitter
  101. Luisa Omielan: God Is A Woman
  102. Luka Muller
  103. Luke Connell
  104. Luke Kempner
  105. Luke Manning
  106. Luke Osey
  107. Luke Rollason
  108. Luke Wright
  109. Recommended show: Lulu Popplewell
  110. Lydia Hirst
  111. Lynn Ferguson
  1. Macbeth by the Sea
  2. Mad Ron
  3. Madame Chandelier's Opera Party for Kids
  4. Madeleine Hamilton
  5. Maggie Crane
  6. Maggie Widdoes
  7. Magic for Animals
  8. Magic Gareth
  9. Magical AF!
  10. Magician Twinpossible
  11. Making History
  12. Mamoun Elagab
  13. Man Who Thought He Knew Too Much
  14. Manchester Revue
  15. Marc Adams
  16. Marc Burrows in the Glom
  17. Marc Burrows: Terry Pratchett
  18. Marc Jennings
  19. Marcel Lucont: Les Enfants Terribles
  20. Marcus Brigstocke
  21. Marcus Dean
  22. Marcus Ryan
  23. Marcus Ryan: Hitchhiker's Guide
  24. Mari Crawford
  25. Maria DeCotis
  26. Marie Lloyd Stole My Life
  27. Marilyn Monroe Burlesque Show
  28. Marjolein Robertson
  29. Mark Bittlestone
  30. Mark Black
  31. Mark Dean Quinn
  32. Recommended show: Mark Nelson
  33. Mark Ritchie
  34. Mark Row
  35. Recommended show: Mark Silcox
  36. Mark Simmons
  37. Mark Thomas
  38. Mark Twain's The Stolen White Elephant
  39. Mark Vigeant
  40. Mark Watson
  41. Mark Watson & Mat Ryer
  42. Mark Watson's Churchfest
  43. Markus Birdman
  44. Marlon Solomon
  45. Marny Godden
  46. Married at First Fight
  47. Recommended show: Married at First Sleight
  48. Martha McBrier
  49. Martin Bearne
  50. Martin Mor
  51. Martin Rowson
  52. Martin Urbano
  53. Mary Bourke
  54. Mary O'Connell
  55. Recommended show: Mat Ewins
  56. MATES
  57. Matt Bragg
  58. Matt Forde
  59. Matt Goldich
  60. Matt Green
  61. Matt Hale
  62. Matt Harvey
  63. Matt Hobs
  64. Matt Hutchinson
  65. Matt Price
  66. Matt Storer
  67. Matt Storrs
  68. Matt Watson
  69. Recommended show: Matty Hutson
  70. Mawaan Rizwan
  71. Recommended show: Max & Ivan
  72. Max Norman
  73. MC Hammersmith
  74. McClaine Beirne
  75. Me, Myself & Mary (Queen of Scots)
  76. Meat Boy
  77. Meat Cute
  78. Meelagoola
  79. Megan Stalter
  80. Mel Byron
  81. Melissa McGlensey
  82. Memento Mori Bitches
  83. Memories of the Early 1950s
  84. Men in Quilts
  85. Men With Coconuts
  86. Mervyn Stutter's Pick of the Fringe
  87. Mervyn's 30th Year Charity Gala
  88. Messhead
  89. MeToo
  90. Michael Fry & Killian Sunde
  91. Michael Herd
  92. Michael Kunze
  93. Michael Porter
  94. Michael Shafar
  95. Michael Welch
  96. Recommended show: Michelle Brasier
  97. Michelle Christine: Let's Laugh
  98. Michelle Christine: Let's Laugh Again!
  99. Mick McNeill
  100. Micky Bartlett
  101. Recommended show: Micky Overman
  102. Midnight Building
  103. Midnight Show
  104. Midsummer Dream in Auld Reekie
  105. Midsummer Night's Dream
  106. Mighty Kids Beatbox
  107. Mihai Tartara
  108. Mike & Vittorio's Guide to Parenting
  109. Mike Birbiglia
  110. Mike McAlpine
  111. Mike McShane
  112. Mike Rice
  113. Mike Rice: An Irish WIP
  114. Recommended show: Milo Edwards
  115. Miracles
  116. Mirandolina
  117. Mistakes Were Made
  118. Mitch Benn
  119. Mixed Ability Actor
  120. Mixed Bills
  121. Moira Monologues
  122. Moira Monologues 2
  123. Moira Monologues 3
  124. Molly
  125. Monét X Change
  126. Moni Zhang
  127. Monkey Barrel Showcase
  128. Monski Mouse's Baby Cabaret
  129. Monski Mouse's Baby Disco
  130. Monster Stand-Up Show
  131. More Money Please
  132. Moses Storm
  133. Most Toast
  134. Moulds & Sculley
  135. Mountebank Comedy Walk
  136. Mr Chonkers
  137. Mr Chonkers Presents
  138. Mr Sleepybum
  139. Mr Thing Show
  140. Mr. Nice
  141. Mrs Smith
  142. Mudfish & Friends
  143. Murder At The Movies
  144. Murder Inc
  145. Murder On The Disorient Express
  146. Murder, She Didn't Write
  147. Museum Late
  148. Museum Trip
  149. MUSIC
  150. Musical Comedy Guide Showcase
  151. Mustafa Algiyadi
  152. My Father's Nose
  153. My Last Two Brain Cells
  154. My Life Online
  155. My Neighbours Are Kind of Weird?
  156. Myles & Dan
  157. Myq Kaplan
  158. Myra DuBois
  159. Mythos: Ragnarok
  1. Paddock
  2. Paddy Englishman, Paddy Irishman & Paddy
  3. Paddy McDonnell
  4. Paddy Young
  5. Padley, Strauss & Woolf
  6. Padraig Williams
  7. Painspotting
  8. Palindrome Fight
  9. Palindrome: The Musical
  10. Pam Ford
  11. Park Bench
  12. Parsons & Emslie
  13. Party
  14. Party Ghost
  15. Patrick Hastie
  16. Patrick Monahan
  17. Patrick Spicer
  18. Patrick Susmilch
  19. Patti Harrison
  20. Paul Black
  21. Paul Chowdhry
  22. Paul Connell
  23. Paul Coulter
  24. Paul Currie
  25. Recommended show: Paul F Taylor
  26. Paul Foot
  27. Paul McDaniel
  28. Paul Merton's Impro Chums
  29. Paul Richards Playhouse
  30. Recommended show: Paul Sinha
  31. Paul Vickers
  32. Paul Zenon
  33. Paulina Lenoir
  34. Pear
  35. Pearman then Palamides (WIP)
  36. Pegasus Comedy Awards
  37. Perm
  38. Perrin Pang
  39. Pete Glismann
  40. Pete Heat
  41. Peter Bazely
  42. Peter Buckley Hill & Comedians
  43. Peter E Davidson
  44. Peter Flanagan
  45. Peter Fleming
  46. Peter Merre
  47. Peter Searles
  48. Petting Zoo Comedy
  49. PG Hits
  50. Recommended show: Phil Ellis
  51. Phil Green
  52. Phil Kay
  53. Phil Kay: Silent Discovery
  54. Philip Simon
  55. Philipp & Phriends
  56. Philipp Kostelecky
  57. Philippa Dawson
  58. Photon StarBlaster
  59. Pick of the Fringe
  60. Pierre Novellie
  61. Pinocchio! The Panto
  62. Pint And A Half
  63. Pirates
  64. Pirates of Penzance
  65. Plague Stone Party
  66. Plague, Poo n' Punishment
  67. Plans
  68. Playdate
  69. Playing Latinx
  70. Pleading Stupidity
  71. Pleasance Newcomer Gala
  72. Please Love Me
  73. Pleasure Little Treasure
  74. Poetic Stupidity
  75. Recommended show: Police Cops
  76. Political Breakfast
  77. Political Party
  78. Political Party with Matt Forde
  79. Poor Rich
  80. Portable Dorothy Parker
  81. Posey Mehta
  82. Pottervision
  83. Potty the Plant
  84. Power of Yep
  85. Preoccupation with Romantic Love
  86. Preppers
  87. President Obonjo
  88. Pressure Cooker
  89. Prick
  90. Prince Andrew Tate Hour
  91. Prince Harry In 2084
  92. Prism Comedy Variety Show
  93. Priya Hall
  94. Propranololz 2
  95. Psychic Bev's Tarot Bonanza
  96. Pub Choir
  97. Public
  98. Punk
  99. Punkswats & Being Lonely
  100. Puppets
  101. Push, Mrs Johnson
  1. Sachin Kumarendran
  2. Sad-Vents
  3. Sadia Gordon
  4. Salamander
  5. SalFUNNI
  6. Recommended show: Salma Hindy & Danielle Deluty
  7. Salmon of Knowledge
  8. Sam & Justin
  9. Sam Campbell
  10. Sam Coade & James Trickey
  11. Recommended show: Sam Lake
  12. Sam See
  13. Sam Williams
  14. Sam's Scriptz!
  15. Samantha Clementine
  16. Samantha Day
  17. Sameer Katz
  18. Samuel Dugmore
  19. Sanctified Trash
  20. Sandy Brechin
  21. Sapan Verma
  22. Sara Pascoe
  23. Sara Schaefer
  24. Sara Zaltash
  25. Sarah & Reshma
  26. Sarah Albritton
  27. Sarah Harpur
  28. Sarah Keyworth
  29. Sarah Roberts
  30. Sardine Party
  31. Sascha LO
  32. Sasha Ellen
  33. Sasha Frank
  34. Saturn Return
  35. Sauchiehall Comedy Club
  36. Save the Princess
  37. Scaredy Fat
  38. Schalk Bezuidenhout
  39. School for Scandal
  40. Science Magic: Crazy Gadgets
  41. Science Magic: Messy Mayhem
  42. Scotland Has It All
  43. Scotland's Best Comics
  44. Scotland's Pick of the Fringe
  45. Scotland's Pick of the Fringe: Early
  46. SCOTS
  47. Scott McPherson
  48. Screwtape Letters by CS Lewis
  49. Sea Words
  50. Sealed
  51. Seamas Carey
  52. Sean & Daro
  53. Sean Conrad
  54. Sean Craig-Turner
  55. Seann Walsh
  56. Seann Walsh: WIP
  57. Second Chancers
  58. Second Helping
  59. Semi-Toned
  60. Serena Terry
  61. Serial Killer Cabaret
  62. Serial Spinners
  63. Seriously Funny Comedy Show
  64. Sex Diaries of an Ex-Catholic
  65. Seymour Mace
  66. Sh!t-faced Shakespeare
  67. Shaggers
  68. Shakers
  69. Shakespeare for Breakfast
  70. Shakespeare Up Late
  71. Shambles
  72. Shamilton
  73. Shane Daniel Byrne
  74. Shaparak Khorsandi
  75. Sharnema Nougar & David Tieck
  76. Sharon VS
  77. Sharon Wanjohi & Abbie Edwards
  78. Recommended show: Shelf
  79. Shelf: Kids' Show
  80. Shiitake Nights
  81. Shiny Things
  82. Shoot From The Hip
  83. Shoplifters United
  84. Shortlist
  85. Recommended show: Show for Gareth Richards
  87. Showstopper
  88. Sian Davies
  89. Siân Docksey
  90. Siblings & Family Friends
  91. Sid Singh
  92. Sigmund the Viking
  93. Sikisa
  94. Silent Disco by Silent Adventures
  95. Silent Disco: Boogie Shoes
  96. Silliad
  97. Silly Little Things
  98. Simon Amstell
  99. Simon Brodkin
  100. Simon David
  101. Simon Evans
  102. Simon Hall
  103. Simon Jay
  104. Simon Munnery
  105. Simon Rees
  106. Síomha Hennessy
  107. Sir Dickie Benson
  108. Sit or Kneel
  109. Six Chick Flicks
  110. Sketch Up
  111. Sketchy Beats Comedy Showcase
  112. Skye Scraper
  113. Släpstick
  114. Slash
  115. Smashing Shakespeare
  116. Snake Oil
  117. Sofa SoFunny So Fringe
  118. Sofie Hagen
  119. Solid F
  120. Solve Along A Murder She Wrote
  121. Something Educational
  122. Sooz Kempner
  123. Sophia Cleary
  124. Sophie Joans
  125. Sophie Santos
  126. Recommended show: Sophie Zucker
  127. Sorcerer
  128. Soul Mate
  129. Sounds Proper Comedy
  130. Soup Group
  131. Spanish Gentleman Juggler
  132. Spark Project
  133. Spencer Jones
  134. Spend the Night with Tiffany Black
  135. Spin
  136. Split Bill
  137. Spontadeity
  138. Spontaneous Potter
  139. Spontaneous Wrecks
  140. Spring Day
  141. Square Peg
  142. St Andrews Revue
  143. Stags Woodward
  144. Recommended show: Stamptown
  145. Stand Late Club
  146. Stand-Up For Raymond
  147. Stand-Up Horror Show
  148. Stand-Up Philosophy
  149. Stand-Up Science
  150. Stand's Pick of the Fringe
  151. Stanley Brooks
  152. Stark Bollock Naked
  153. Stefania Licari
  154. Recommended show: Steffan Alun & Support
  155. Steffen Hånes
  156. Stella Graham
  157. Steph Aritone
  158. Stephen Brower
  159. Recommended show: Stephen Buchanan
  160. Recommended show: Stephen Catling
  161. Stephen Mullan
  162. Steve Bugeja
  163. Steve Goodie
  164. Steve N Allen
  165. Stewart Lee
  166. Still Got It
  167. Still Got It (PBH)
  168. Strays
  169. Strictly Barking
  170. String V SPITTA
  171. Strongest Girl in the World
  172. Stu Murphy
  173. Recommended show: Stuart Goldsmith
  174. Recommended show: Stuart Laws
  175. Recommended show: Stuart McPherson
  176. Stuart Mitchell
  177. Stuck In The Mud
  178. Student Moans Company
  179. Su Mi
  180. Sue the Cleaner
  181. Suggestions of the Unexpected
  182. Suicide Bummer
  183. Sully O'Sullivan
  184. Summer Camp for Broken People
  185. Sunanda
  186. Sunil Patel
  187. Sunsets
  188. Super
  189. Supernova de Loutherbergh
  190. Susan Morrison
  191. Susan Riddell
  192. Suse Steed
  193. Susie McCabe
  194. SUSPS
  195. Swan Song
  196. Swiss Cheese & Wine
  197. System of a Clown
  198. SYTYF? Final
  199. SYTYF? Heats
  200. SYTYF?: Best Of
  1. Tadiwa Mahlunge
  2. Take My Wives
  3. Take The Bins Out
  4. Tal Davies & Hannah Weetman
  5. Talkies
  6. Tamsyn Kelly
  7. Tania Lacy
  8. Tarot: Hive Mind
  9. Tarot: WIP
  10. Tartan Ribbon Comedy Benefit
  11. Tartan Tabletop in a D&D
  12. Tartuffe, the Imposter
  13. Tatty Macleod
  14. Tea & Milk
  15. Teacher's Lament
  16. Teacher's Pet
  17. Tear This Flyer Into Tiny Little Bits
  18. Ted Hill
  19. Ted Milligan
  20. Tegan Marlow
  21. Teknicolour Smoof Comedy
  22. Temp
  23. Temporarily Yours
  24. Tending
  25. Terence Hartnett
  26. Terminal
  27. Terrence the T-Rex
  28. Terry O' Neill
  29. Terry Pratchett's Wyrd Sisters
  30. Teruko Nakajima
  31. Thao Thanh Cao
  32. That's Plenty!
  33. The Bag of Cats
  34. The Birds
  35. The Booth
  36. The Concussed Comedian & Friends
  37. Recommended show: The Dark Room
  38. The Duncan Brothers
  39. The Early Late Show
  40. The Extras Strike Back
  41. The Full Irish
  42. The Gay, The Asian & Ryan
  43. The Guest
  44. The Haunted
  45. The Hypnotist
  46. The Imitator
  47. The Irish Mob
  48. The Kaye Hole
  49. The Kick Off Show
  50. The Listies
  51. The Liverpool Revue
  52. The Make Marriage Worx Group
  53. The Mancunian Messiah
  54. The Rub
  55. The Steamie (Loretto)
  56. The Steamie (theSpace)
  57. The Thinking Drinkers
  58. Thenjiwe
  59. Therapy for Terrible People
  60. There's a Leak!
  61. Theresa Cole
  62. They May Have Even Eaten Ham!
  63. this is a scam.
  64. This Is Your Trial
  65. This Is Your Trial (Kids' Court)
  66. This Is Your Trial (Unleashed)
  67. This Isn't Working
  68. This Time Next Year
  69. Thomasin Lockwood
  70. Three Golden Hairs
  71. Three Men in a Boat
  72. Three Sisters & Them
  73. Thrown Together Theatre
  74. Thunderstruck
  75. Tickle
  76. Tied for Second
  77. Tiff Stevenson
  78. Tim Biglowe
  79. Tim Kraft
  80. Tim Murray
  81. Tim Reeves
  82. Tinder Tales
  83. TINK
  84. Recommended show: Tom Ballard
  85. Tom Brace
  86. Tom Crosbie
  87. Tom GK
  88. Tom Houghton
  89. Recommended show: Tom Lawrinson
  90. Tom Lehrer
  91. Tom Little
  92. Tom Mayhew
  93. Tom Moran is a Big Fat Filthy Disgusting
  94. Tom Stade
  95. Tom Whistom
  96. Tomas Ahlbeck
  97. Tonight!
  98. Tony Blair Rock Opera
  99. Too Big For Her Britches
  100. Too Much Light Makes the Baby Go Blind (
  101. Top of the Kochs
  102. Top of the World
  103. Topless
  104. Totally Improvised Musical
  105. Touring For Freedom
  106. Towering Issues
  107. Tragedy That Befalls the Dastardly Crew
  108. Trail Blazers Comedy
  109. Train Lord
  110. Trans/Atlantic
  111. Trash Salad
  112. Trash Test Dummies
  113. Tre Show
  114. Trevor Lock
  115. Trevor Lock: You Are An Elephant
  116. Trilogy: box
  117. Troll
  118. Troy Hawke
  119. Troy Kinne
  120. True Spirit Pathway
  121. Truly Madly Baldy
  122. Tufan Nadjafi
  123. TUNEabomber
  124. Twelfth Night
  125. Twenty Two
  126. Twinkle
  127. Two Cats on a Date
  128. Ty Gray

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