Is Rich Hardisty a silly boy?

Actor, writer, and comedian Rich Hardisty will be debuting his funny yet touching show at the Edinburgh Fringe this year.
Tell us about your show, Silly Boy.
In a nutshell it's about my SILLY life and my SILLY brain and why I am the way I am. I talk about the things I've gone through and what I've learned from those experiences that have helped me, that I think might be of some value.
It's basically about how my brain and mental illness affects me and all of the strange funny situations I've landed in because of it.
I've had quite an extraordinary life and I wanted to try and make people FEEL what it's like to be me. I hope people don't go "sigh mental health" because I promise it will not be like anything you've seen before, the reactions so far have honestly blown my mind!
My aim was to talk about some of the darkest parts of my life but make it as funny and silly and joyous as possible, and from the reactions so far, I appear to have succeeded. But I guess you'll be the judge! If you like to laugh and feel feelings, you should come.
Why did you decide to tell this story?

Well, I had a breakdown in 2016 that saw me trapped in my house for a couple of years and I didn't see anyone apart from people who would visit. One of those people, was the comedian Tom Ward (I originally met him when I tried stand up in 2014 but only a handful of gigs) anyway he sat with me one day and said "Rich you have the maddest life story... you're the funniest person I know... you should be doing do stand-up") So as soon as I got better I threw myself into it with the goal of getting it all out!
But a more selfish reason I've decided to tell this story is because I want people to understand me and why I am the way I am. It has been very cathartic doing this show. To talk about the worst parts of your life and get a roar of laughter is very healing. I always worry/feel I might be misunderstood... so I wanted to create a show so hopefully no one will ever misunderstand me ever again.
Why is it important to look at the difficult parts of life through a comedic lens?
As I said above, to get a roar of laughter for something that was so traumatic at the time is amazing. I mean to turn your pain into art is always good. It's alchemy innit.
For me personally though, it just helps me to process stuff because I don't look back on it all with any regret. In fact, I can view it as a blessing. Especially with the show, as if I hadn't gone through all that, I wouldn't be able to do this show which now brings me so much joy!
Most (not all) things are only bad because of the way you view them. To view things through a funny silly lens as much as you can really takes the sting out.
If you had a warning label, what would it say?
Hmmm... does it need a warning? I mean I do talk about some heavy stuff...but the show is very light-hearted and upbeat because that is my nature. I am not a heavy person, and I wanted the show to reflect me and for you to have the same feeling you would if you met me in real life.
The one thing I am most proud of is that it seems to be resonating with people from all walks of life. You don't have to care or know anything about mental health to get this show; if you do, that's great obviously. But I've been told by various punters that it's very warm and inclusive and giving...which makes me very happy.
What advice would you give to someone who is struggling with their mental health?
I would say talk to someone. Always just talk. As much as you can. Sometimes you can think you are worse than you are and it's just because it's all going round and round in your head.
It's like if you are feeling unwell... sometimes it's good to make yourself sick to get the poison out. Or steaming your head, to get the cold out.
Also, it's going to get better. You can't just stay sad all the time... in the same way that you can't be happy all the time either! It's annoying isn't it that when we are sad or depressed we think "well this is me now forever!!"... but when we are happy we always think "I bet this will all end soon". Stupid brains!
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