British Comedy Guide
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2022 Edinburgh Fringe

Edinburgh comedy shows 2022

This tool lists all the comedy shows that were part of the 2022 Edinburgh Festival Fringe, listed by shortened titles - usually the comic's name.

  1. A Flamingo Called Frank
  2. A Gay & a NonGay
  3. A Political Breakfast
  4. A Stage of my Life
  5. A Toe Tale
  6. A Village Idiot
  7. A Wilde Life
  8. A Young Man Dressed As A Gorilla
  9. A-Z Of Fish & Chips
  10. AAA Batteries
  11. AAA Stand Up
  12. AAA Stand Up Late
  13. AAA Stand-Up Late Gilded
  14. AAA Stand-Up: Underbelly
  15. Aalex Mandel-Dallal
  16. Aardvark
  17. Aaron Atkins
  18. Aaron Jones
  19. Aaron Levene
  20. Aaron McCann
  21. Aaron Simmonds
  22. Aaron Simmonds: Harry Potter
  23. Abandoman
  24. Abby Howells
  25. Abby Wambaugh & Bronwyn Sweeney
  26. Abigail Rolling
  27. Abigail's 3rd Birthday Party
  28. Abigail's Party
  29. Abigoliah Schamaun
  30. Aboriginal Comedy Allstars
  31. About Comedy
  32. Absence Makes the Heart Grow Stranger
  33. Absolute Friendship!
  34. Absolute Improv!
  35. Absolute Onions
  36. Absolute Scenes
  37. AC/DC
  38. Accidental Death of an Anarchist
  39. AComedyTapas
  40. Activities of Daily Living
  41. Acuña Acuna
  42. Ada Campe
  43. Adam Flood
  44. Adam Greene
  45. Adam Greene & Peter Bazely
  46. Adam Knox, Luka Muller & Peter Jones
  47. Adam Riley
  48. Addams Family (Captivate)
  49. Addams Family (Viva)
  50. Adelaide vs Edinburgh
  51. Recommended show: Adele Cliff
  52. Adrian Minkowicz
  53. Adrian Minkowicz & Trevor Lock
  54. Adults Only Magic Show
  55. Adventures of Sleepyhead
  56. After Dusk
  57. After-Dinner Joke
  58. Afterhours Comedy
  59. Afternoon With the Ladies
  60. Ageing Folks
  61. Aidan Goatley
  62. Aidan Greene
  63. Aidan Greene: Bug
  64. Aidan Jones
  65. Aidan Jones: Taco
  66. Aidan Sadler
  67. Aideen McQueen
  68. Al Lubel: Name
  69. Al Lubel: Narcissistic
  70. Al Murray
  71. Alasdair Beckett-King
  72. Alastair Clark
  73. Alcohol Is Good For You
  74. Alex Farrow
  75. Alex Franklin
  76. Alex Hylton
  77. Alex Kealy
  78. Alex Kitson & Julia Stenton
  79. Alex Leam: Decks
  80. Alex Leam: Provocateur
  81. Alex MacKeith
  82. Alexander Richmond
  83. Alexandra Haddow
  84. Recommended show: Alfie Brown
  85. Alfie Moore
  86. Alfie Packham & Luke Chilton
  87. Ali Brice
  88. Ali Hancock
  89. Ali Woods
  90. Alice Brine
  91. Alice Cockayne
  92. Alice Fraser
  93. Alice-India
  94. Alison Jackson
  95. Alison Spittle
  96. Alistair Barrie
  97. Aliya Kanani
  98. All Irish After Party
  99. All Killa No Filla
  100. All Star Benefit Show
  101. All-American Snack Attack
  102. Allyson June Smith & Daisy Earl
  103. Almost Adult
  104. ALOK
  105. Alternate Endings
  106. Alternative Black Comedy Showcase
  107. Alternative Book Club
  108. Alternative Comedy Memorial Society
  109. Alwin Solanky
  110. Alyn Ashby
  111. Amber Glancy
  112. Amber Topaz
  113. Amelia Bayler
  114. American Comedy Showcase
  115. AMJ Entertainer
  116. Amrita Dhaliwal
  117. Amy Gledhill
  118. Amy Matthews
  119. Anarchy Cabaret
  120. And They Played Shang-A-Lang
  121. Andre de Freitas
  122. Andrea Gordon
  123. Andrea Spisto
  124. Andrew Maxwell
  125. Andrew Nolan
  126. Andrew O'Neill Unironically Sings
  127. Andrew O'Neill: Not in the Least Afraid
  128. Andrew White
  129. Andy Field
  130. Andy Kaufman
  131. Andy Macleod
  132. Andy Roach
  133. Anesti Danelis
  134. Ange Lavoipierre
  135. Angel Comedy Showcase
  136. Angela Barnes
  137. Angela Bra
  138. Angela Jackson
  139. Angelos Epithemiou
  140. Angus Coutts
  141. Recommended show: Ania Magliano
  142. Animal Form
  143. Ann Chun
  144. Anna Clifford
  145. Anna Morris
  146. Annie & Angela
  147. Anoushka Rava
  148. Anthony DeVito
  149. Anthony Jeannot
  150. Anthony Schuman
  151. Antigone Musical
  152. Antiques
  153. Anxiety vs Depression
  154. Any Suggestions Doctor?
  155. Apartness
  156. Apocalypse Kernow
  157. Are We All in a Cult?
  158. Are You Being Murdered?
  159. Are You Britain's Next Soap Star?
  160. Are You Interested?
  161. Ari Eldjárn
  162. Arielle Dundas & Rebecca Kaplan
  163. Arron Jones
  164. Art
  165. Art Laughs
  166. Arthur Smith
  167. Ashley Barnhill
  168. Ashley Haden
  169. Asides from the Elbow
  170. Assassins
  171. Assembly Gala Launch
  172. Assume People Like You
  173. Atsuko Okatsuka
  174. Attachment
  175. Attenborough & His Animals
  176. Audience With Milly-Liu
  177. Audience with Stuart Bagcliffe
  178. Recommended show: Aurie Styla
  179. Aurie Styla & Friends
  180. Aussie, African & Englishman
  181. Austentatious
  182. Avenue Q
  183. Average Joe
  184. Awkward Silence
  185. Ayesha Hazarika
  1. Baby Lame
  2. Baby Wants Candy
  3. Babysitting Calvin
  4. Bad Clowns
  5. Bad Teacher
  6. Badass
  7. Badgers Can't Be Friends
  8. Banana Brothers Build a Shoe
  9. Banana Split
  10. Bank Where Your Ex Works
  11. Barbecue Rich
  12. Barefoot in the Park
  13. Baron Munchausen
  14. Bartholomew's Strip
  15. Basil Brush: Family
  16. Basil Brush: Unleashed
  17. Bathroom of a Bar on Bleecker
  18. BC:AD
  19. Be Honest
  20. Beak
  21. Bean Spillers
  22. Beat Goes On
  23. Beautiful Nothing
  24. BeComedy
  25. Bee Babylon
  26. Bee Master
  27. Bella Hull
  28. Ben Clover
  29. Ben Hart
  30. Ben Lund-Conlon
  31. Ben Macpherson
  32. Ben Miller
  33. Ben Moor
  34. Ben Moor & Joanna Neary
  35. Ben Moor: Who Here's Lost?
  36. Ben Tredinnick
  37. Benjamin Alborough
  38. Benji Waterstones
  39. Best Ideas Happen in the Toilet
  40. Best in Class
  41. Best of Adelaide's Fringe
  42. Best of Cabaret
  43. Best of Edinburgh Fringe for Kids
  44. Best of Edinburgh Showcase
  45. Best of Irish Comedy
  46. Best of Scandinavia
  47. Best of Scottish Comedy
  48. Best of Scottish Comedy Awards
  49. Best of So You Think You're Funny?
  50. Best of the Fest
  51. Best of the Fest Daytime
  52. Best of the Fest: New
  53. Bex Turner
  54. Bianca Del Rio
  55. Big Boys & Friends
  56. Big Fat C
  57. Big Friendly Improv Jam
  58. Big Value Early
  59. Big Value Late
  60. Bilal Zafar
  61. Billy Kirkwood
  62. Birds of Passage in the Half Light
  63. Birmingham Footnotes
  64. Birthday Party!!!
  65. Biscuit Barrel: Wafering
  66. Biscuit Barrel: Xtra
  67. Black Blues Brothers
  68. Black Comedy Showcase
  69. Blind Mirth
  70. Blink & You'll Miss It
  71. Bloodsucker
  72. Bloody Elle
  73. Bloody Mary
  74. Bluewater
  75. BlundaBuskers
  76. Boat!
  77. Bob Doolally
  78. Bob Hecklestein
  79. Bobby Mair
  80. Bomb & Get Bombed
  81. Bookish Comedy Show
  82. Boorish Trumpson
  83. Boris Live at Five
  84. Boris the Third
  85. Born Under a Bad Sign
  86. Boxing, Crossdressing, Commando Show
  87. Boy Ant
  88. Boy Crazy Psycho Slut
  89. Boy With a Thousand Faces
  90. Brain Hemingway
  91. Brandon Barrera
  92. Breaking the Lawless
  93. Breathless
  94. Brendan Murphy
  95. Brennan Reece
  96. Brexico
  97. Brian Gallagher
  98. Briefs: Bite
  99. Briefs: Sweatshop
  100. BriTANicK
  101. Recommended show: Britney
  102. Broad Strokes
  103. Bróccán Tyzack-Carlin
  104. Broke Comedians
  105. Broke in Barcelona
  106. Broken Funnies
  107. Broken Zoo
  108. Brothelhood
  109. Brouhaha
  110. Brown Sauce
  111. Bubble Show for Adults Only
  112. Bumble Me Tinders
  113. Burt Williamson
  114. Bush
  115. Recommended show: Business Casual
  116. Buzzing Anonymous
  117. Bye Bye Baby
  118. Byron Bertram
  1. C*nt!
  2. Cab-arette Showtour
  3. Cabaret Impedimenta
  4. Recommended show: Caitlin Cook
  5. Cake & Violence
  6. Calendar Girls Musical
  7. California Road Trip
  8. Call Me Me
  9. Cambridge Footlights
  10. Cambridge Impronauts
  11. Can You Put This in the Bin for Me?
  12. Candide
  13. Captain Breadbeard
  14. Card Ninja
  15. Careering
  16. Careless
  17. Caroline McEvoy & Farah Sharp
  18. Carousel Cabaret
  19. Carousel! Comedy Variety Hour
  20. Carr Crash
  21. Carter Morgan: Dick Jokes
  22. Carter Morgan: Idiot
  23. Casey Balsham
  24. Cat
  25. Recommended show: Catherine Bohart
  26. Catherine Cohen: The Twist
  27. Catherine Cohen: WIP
  28. Catherine Pugh
  29. Celebration of Father Ted
  30. Recommended show: Celya AB
  31. Certainly Saucy
  32. Cerys Bradley
  33. Chairs Revisited
  34. Changing the Sheets
  35. Chaotic Neutral
  36. Character Building Experience
  37. Charlie Hopkinson
  38. Charlie Russell
  39. Charlie Vergos
  40. Charlotte Johnson
  41. Charmian Hughes
  42. Cheeky Girls
  43. Chelsea Birkby
  44. Cherub Spring
  45. Recommended show: Chloe Petts
  46. Choir of Man
  47. Choir?
  48. Choose Your Own
  49. Chores
  50. Chortle Student Comedy Award Final
  51. Chris Cantrill
  52. Chris Cooke
  53. Chris Gethard
  54. Chris Hall & Mark Bittlestone
  55. Chris Iskander
  56. Chris Laker
  57. Chris McGlade
  58. Chris Thorburn
  59. Chris Turner
  60. Christian Brighty
  61. Christian Schulte-Loh
  62. Christof Epaminondas & Friend(s)
  63. Recommended show: Christopher Bliss
  64. Christopher Macarthur-Boyd
  65. Christopher Titus
  66. Christy Coysh
  67. Chuck Salmon
  68. ChuckleImprov
  69. Recommended show: Ciarán Dowd
  70. Cicada's Children
  71. Circle of Life
  72. CJ Hooper
  73. Clandestina Queer Comedy
  74. Clare Harrison McCartney
  75. Classic!
  76. Clementine
  77. Clive Anderson
  78. Clownts
  79. Club Valentine
  80. Cock-Tales
  81. Colin Geddis
  82. Colin Geddis & Friends
  83. Recommended show: Colin Hoult
  84. Comedians of Europe
  85. Comedians of Europe (PBH)
  86. Comedians Wine Tasting
  87. Comedy Arcade
  88. Comedy Boxing
  89. Comedy Club 4 Kids
  90. Comedy Estonia
  91. Comedy for the Curious
  92. Comedy Hour
  93. Comedy in the Dark
  94. Comedy Night at the Museum
  95. Comedy Queers
  96. Comedy Reserve
  97. Comedy Sassafras
  98. Comedy Striptease
  99. Comedy with an Accent
  100. ComedySportz UK
  101. Comic Relief
  102. Coming Out of My Cage
  103. Comoedia
  104. Compilation of the Nation
  105. Confetti
  106. Recommended show: Connor Burns
  107. Conrad Koch
  108. Consignia
  109. Contact
  110. Cordelia Butters Investigates
  111. Cottage
  112. Cougar & the Cub
  113. Coven
  114. Craig Francis
  115. Craig Hill
  116. Craven's
  117. Crazy Comedy Company
  118. Creative Martyrs
  119. Creepy Boys
  120. Criminal
  121. Recommended show: Crizards
  122. Crone
  123. Crumbled
  124. Recommended show: Crybabies
  125. CSI: Crime Scene Improvisation
  126. CUMTS
  127. Curtains
  128. Cut Above
  129. Cyclopath
  130. Cynically Dead
  1. Daddy Issues
  2. Daffodil Tramples the Fringe
  3. Dalia Malek
  4. Damien St John
  5. Dan Cook
  6. Dan Kelly
  7. Dan Lees
  8. Dan Rath
  9. Recommended show: Dan Tiernan
  10. Dan Willis
  11. Dan Wye
  12. Dan Wye: Sam Smith
  13. Dana Alexander
  14. Daniel Cainer
  15. Daniel Downie
  16. Daniel Downie: Mary
  17. Daniel Muggleton
  18. Daniel Sloss
  19. Daniel Willis
  20. Daniel Zindler
  21. Recommended show: Danielle Walker
  22. Danny O'Brien
  23. Danny Posthill
  24. Danny Ward
  25. Daphna Baram
  26. Darius Davies
  27. Darius Emadi
  28. Dark Place
  29. Dark Room (Kids)
  30. Darkest Thoughts
  31. Darren Walsh
  32. Dave Cerwonka
  33. Dave Chawner: Mental
  34. Dave Chawner: Underdog
  35. Recommended show: Dave Johns
  36. Dave Reubens
  37. David Alnwick: Famous
  38. David Alnwick: Good Afternoon
  39. David Alnwick: Secret
  40. David Boyle
  41. David Ephgrave
  42. David Hoare
  43. David Johnson Award
  44. Recommended show: David Kay
  45. David McIver
  46. David O'Doherty
  47. David Sheeran
  48. David Tsonos
  49. Davina Bentley
  50. Dead Ducks
  51. Dear Noam Chomsky
  52. Death of a Disco Dancer
  53. Debra Stephenson
  54. Deil's Awa!
  55. Deirdre O'Kane
  56. Recommended show: Delightful Sausage
  57. Des Bishop
  58. Desmond Hinks
  59. Diane Chorley: Flick
  60. Diane Chorley: Modern
  61. Diane Chorley's Chatting
  62. Diane Spencer
  63. Diary of a Nobody
  64. Dick
  65. Dick Called Moby
  66. Dickie Richards
  67. Dickin' Around
  68. Dirty Immigrant
  69. Dirty Laundry
  70. Dirty Tattooed Circus
  71. Dirty Thirty PLUS
  72. Dirty Tricks
  73. Disabled Cants
  74. Discount Comedy Checkout
  75. Discount Comedy Checkout: Adult
  76. Disgraceful Club
  77. Dixie Longate
  78. Django
  79. DNA by Dennis Kelly
  80. Do I?
  81. Dog / Actor
  82. Doktor Kaboom
  83. Dom Chambers
  84. Dominic Sorrell and Fergus Head
  85. Don't Say Macbeth
  86. Don't Talk to Me About Love
  87. Donal Vaughan
  88. Done to Death, By Jove!
  89. Door-to-Door Poetry
  90. Doris Does The Edinboiger Fridge
  91. Dot Dot Dot Dash
  92. Double Unhappiness
  93. Down to Earth
  94. Dr Brown
  95. Dr Phil Hammond
  96. Drag Queen Wine Tasting
  97. Drag Queens vs Zombies
  98. Dreamgun Video
  99. Dreamgun: Film
  100. Dreamliner
  101. Dried Apricots
  102. Drink Your Pink
  103. Drums on the Run
  104. Drunk Women Solving Crime
  105. Drunken Hecklers
  106. Duffy Connors
  107. Dumbelles
  108. Duncan & Judy Murray Show
  109. Durham Revue
  110. Durham University Stand Society
  1. Jack Barry
  2. Jack Darcy
  3. Recommended show: Jack Docherty
  4. Jack Gleadow
  5. Jack Gleadow Fundraiser
  6. Jack Harris
  7. Jack Hunter
  8. Jack Mosedale and Laura Curnick
  9. Jack Tucker
  10. Jack, Alex & Besty
  11. Jacky Power
  12. Jacob Hatton
  13. Recommended show: Jacob Hawley
  14. Jacob Hulland
  15. Jacob Moreton
  16. Jacqueline Novak
  17. Jake Baker
  18. Jake Cornell & Marcia Belsky
  19. Jake Donaldson
  20. Recommended show: Jake Farrell
  21. Jake Lambert
  22. JalJal
  23. Jam Society
  24. Jamali Maddix
  25. James Barr
  26. James Crampton
  27. James Nokise
  28. James Phelan
  29. James Roque
  30. Jamie Allerton & Hubert Mayr
  31. Jamie D'Souza
  32. Jamie Leonard
  33. Jamie MacDonald
  34. Janeane Garofalo
  35. Jarred & Hobbit
  36. Jasmin Gleeson
  37. Jason Byrne
  38. Jason Byrne: Unblocked
  39. Jay Lafferty
  40. Jay Sodagar
  41. Jayde Adams
  42. Recommended show: Jazz Emu
  43. JD Shapiro
  44. Jean Daniel Brousse
  45. Jeena Bloom
  46. Jen Ives
  47. Jennifer Kennedy
  48. Jenny Bede
  49. Jerry Sadowitz
  50. Jess Robinson
  51. Recommended show: Jessica Fostekew
  52. Jesus L'Oreal
  53. Jesus, Jane, Mother & Me
  54. Jew-O-Rama
  55. Jim Daly
  56. Jim John Harkness
  57. Jim Smith
  58. Jimeoin
  59. Jinkx Monsoon
  60. Jo Caulfield
  61. Jo Griffin
  62. Jo Kelen
  63. Joanna Neary
  64. Jocks, Geordies & Aussies
  65. Jodie Mitchell & Hannah Platt
  66. Jody Kamali
  67. Joe Bates Speaks Truth to Power Tools
  68. Joe Kent-Walters Sam Williams
  69. Joe McTernan
  70. Joe Stapleton
  71. Joe Wells
  72. Joey Rinaldi
  73. Joffrey! The Pantomime
  74. John Aggasild
  75. John Bishop & Tony Pitts
  76. John Cooper Clarke
  77. Recommended show: John Hastings
  78. John Hegley
  79. John Kearns
  80. John Kearns & Pat Cahill
  81. John Lloyd
  82. John Norris
  83. John Otway
  84. John Robertson
  85. John Robins
  86. John Robins: Work In Progress
  87. John-Luke Roberts
  88. John-Luke Roberts: Terrible Wonderful
  89. Johnny Tait
  90. JoJo Sutherland
  91. Joking Hard or Hardly Joking?
  92. Jollyboat
  93. Jollyboat: Best Of
  94. Jon & Ollie
  95. Jon Carstairs
  96. Jon Courtenay
  97. Jon Long
  98. Jon Pearson
  99. Jonathan Winfield
  100. Jonny & The Baptists
  101. Jordan Brookes
  102. Jordan Gray
  103. Jordi Evans
  104. Joseph Emslie & Friends
  105. Joseph Parsons
  106. Josh Berry
  107. Josh Berry: Rafe Hubris
  108. Josh Elton + Support
  109. Recommended show: Josh Glanc
  110. Recommended show: Josh Jones
  111. Recommended show: Josh Pugh
  112. Josie Long
  113. Jovis Hart
  114. Joyce Greenaway
  115. Joz Norris
  116. Recommended show: Julia Masli
  117. Julie Grady Thomas
  118. Julie Jay
  119. Julie: The Musical
  120. Juliet Meyers
  121. Just the Tonic's Afternoon Delight
  122. Just the Tonic's Midnight Show
  123. Recommended show: Just These Please
  124. Justin Moorhouse
  1. La Clique
  2. La Serva Padrona
  3. Ladies Day
  4. Lady Boys of Bangkok
  5. Lag: Zoomsical Comedy
  6. Land of Lost Content
  7. Lanessa Long
  8. Recommended show: Lara Ricote
  9. Larry Dean
  10. Larry Tadlock
  11. Last Night
  12. Last Quest of Visilock
  13. Last Return
  14. Last Romantic
  15. Late & Lovely
  16. Late Harness Rebellion
  17. Late Late Irish Show
  18. Late Night Comedy Death Camp
  19. Late Night Dirty Scrabble with Rob Rouse
  20. Late Night Fun-splosion
  21. Late Show Great Show
  22. Late With Kate
  23. Late'n'Live
  24. Laugh Etc
  25. Laugh Out Proud
  26. Laugh Train Home Comedy Showcase
  27. Laughiȩnda Comedy Club
  28. Laughing Horse Fringe Comedy Selection
  29. Laughing Horse Pick of the Fringe
  30. Laughing Stock
  31. Laughter Must Go On
  32. Laughternoon Delight
  33. Laura Daniel, Joseph Moore
  34. Recommended show: Laura Davis
  35. Laura McMahon
  36. Laurel & Chaplin
  37. Recommended show: Lauren Pattison
  38. Laurie Black
  39. Law & Disorder
  40. Leah Lamarr
  41. Leah MacRae
  42. Learning to Fly
  43. Lee Brophy
  44. Lee Brophy: False Prophet
  45. Lee Kyle
  46. Lee Kyle: Actual Giant
  47. Leeds Tealights
  48. Legally Blonde
  49. Leicester Square Theatre All-Star Show
  50. Leith Social
  51. Lemon Party
  52. Leo Mohr
  53. Recommended show: Leo Reich
  54. Les Dawson
  55. Les Quizerables
  56. Leslie Ewing-Burgesse
  57. Let's Get Friz Frizzle
  58. Let's Try Gay
  59. Lew Fitz
  60. Liam Farrelly
  61. Liam Withnail
  62. Liane Ross
  63. Liars & Clowns
  64. Life Drawing With a Comedian
  65. Life Is Soft
  66. Life of Riley
  67. Life's a Drag
  68. Lightweight
  69. Lil Saffron
  70. Recommended show: Lily Phillips
  71. Linda: Let It Burn
  72. Linda's Freak Show
  73. Linus Karp
  74. Lippy
  75. Lisa Moore
  76. Lisa Raduszynski
  77. Little Drummer Boy
  78. Little Git
  79. Little Hauntings
  80. Liv Ello
  81. Live, Laugh, Love
  82. Liverpool Revue
  83. Living a Little
  84. Liz Guterbock
  85. Recommended show: Liz Kingsman
  86. Liz Lea
  87. Lloyd Langford
  88. Lobsteroperation!
  89. Locked In
  90. LOL Word
  91. LOL?
  92. Long Hu
  93. Lorraine Hoodless
  94. Los Guardiola
  95. Lost & Found
  96. Lost Voice Guy
  97. Lottie Platchett
  98. Lou Conran
  99. Lou Sanders
  100. Louise Leigh
  101. Love & Sex on the Spectrum
  102. Love in the Time of Lockdown
  103. Love Me or I'll Kill Myself
  104. Love, Loss & Dating
  105. Luca Cupani
  106. Lucas Tamaren
  107. Lucid
  108. Lucinda Spragg
  109. Lucky Maclean
  110. Lucy Frederick
  111. Lucy Hopkins: Ceremony
  112. Lucy Hopkins: Dark Mother
  113. Lucy Porter
  114. Luke Kempner
  115. Luke McQueen
  116. Luke Oseland
  117. Recommended show: Luke Rollason
  118. Luke Wright
  119. Lunch Rush
  120. Lynn Ferguson
  121. Lynn Ruth Miller
  1. Macbeth Inquiry
  2. Macbeth: The Musical
  3. Madame Chandelier
  4. Maddie Campion
  5. Magic Gareth
  6. Magician, Mind Reader & Nerd
  7. Magnum Opus, Lembit Opik
  8. Mairead Doyle-Heffernan
  9. Recommended show: Maisie Adam
  10. Making a Murderer Musical
  11. Making Exceptions
  12. Malcolm Hardee Awards
  13. Mama Love
  14. Mamoun Elagab
  15. Man of 100 Faces
  16. Man Who Thought He Knew Too Much
  17. Manbo
  18. Manic
  19. Many Faces of Horatio Gould
  20. Marc Jennings
  21. Marcel Lucont
  22. Marcel Lucont: Best Of
  23. Marcel Lucont: Enfants Terribles
  24. Marcus Brigstocke
  25. Marjolein Robertson
  26. Mark Black
  27. Mark Cram
  28. Mark Dean Quinn
  29. Mark Grimshaw
  30. Mark Nelson
  31. Mark Ritchie
  32. Mark Silcox
  33. Recommended show: Mark Simmons
  34. Recommended show: Mark Thomas
  35. Recommended show: Mark Watson
  36. Mark Watson & Mat Ryer
  37. Mark Watson: Decade
  38. Mark Watson: WIP
  39. Markus Birdman
  40. Marmalade
  41. Marriage of Figaro
  42. Marriage Pact
  43. Martha McBrier
  44. Martin Mor
  45. MARVELus
  46. Mary Beth Barone
  47. Mary Bourke
  48. Mary Flanigan
  49. Mary O'Connell
  50. Masks of Oscar Wilde
  51. Mason King
  52. Masterclass
  53. Recommended show: Mat Ewins
  54. Mat Ricardo
  55. MATES
  56. Matt & Ben
  57. Matt & Rosa
  58. Matt Forde
  59. Matt Forde and Gordon Brown
  60. Matt Hobs
  61. Matt Hutchinson
  62. Matt Hutson
  63. Matt Price
  64. Matt Watson
  65. Matt Winning
  66. Matty Hutson
  67. Maureen Langan
  68. Max Fosh
  69. MC Hammersmith
  70. Meaning of Wife
  71. Medea the Musical
  72. Megan Garrett-Jones
  73. Mel Byron
  74. Melanchomic
  75. Melissa Cole
  76. Recommended show: Melissa Stephens
  77. Men With Coconuts
  78. Menopause Party
  79. Merrill Means Well
  80. Mervyn Stutter's Pick of the Fringe
  81. Metaverse 4/20
  82. Mette Kousholt
  83. Michael Akadiri
  84. Michael Brunström
  85. Michael Elsener
  86. Michael Hughes
  87. Michael Porter
  88. Michael Spicer
  89. Michael Welch
  90. Michelle Brasier
  91. Michelle Kalt
  92. Michelle Shaughnessy
  93. Mick McNeill
  94. Mick Neven
  95. Micky Overman
  96. Microscope
  97. Midnight Snacks
  98. Mighty Kids Beatbox Comedy
  99. Mihai Tartara
  100. Mike Rice
  101. Milo Edwards
  102. Recommended show: Mind Mangler
  103. MineToo
  104. Mischief Movie Night
  105. Mister Meredith
  106. Mister Meredith Fills a Gap
  107. Mitch Benn
  108. Moby Dick! The Musical
  109. Moira in Lockdown
  110. Molly Leigh-Moy & Carla Gordon
  111. Moni Zhang
  112. Monski Mouse's Baby Cabaret
  113. Monski Mouse's Baby Disco
  114. Monster Stand-Up Show
  115. Morecambe
  116. Morgan Jay
  117. Morgan Rees
  118. Morna Burdon
  119. Most Interesting Person
  120. Motherload!
  121. Motivational Sleeper
  122. Movements In Motion
  123. Movin' Melvin Brown
  124. Mr Big & Shady
  125. Mr Brake Down
  126. Mr Spooky
  127. Mr Thing Show
  128. Mudfish
  129. Murder, She Didn't Write
  130. Murder? I Hardly Know Her
  131. Music Box
  132. Recommended show: Music of Victoria Wood
  133. Music, Mayhem & a Mezzo
  134. Musical Comedy Guide Showcase
  135. My Other Half
  136. Recommended show: Myra DuBois
  137. Mystery of the Wee Pirate's Curse
  138. Mythos
  1. Rachel Bradley
  2. Rachel Creeger
  3. Recommended show: Rachel Fairburn
  4. Recommended show: Rachel Jackson
  5. Rachel Parris
  6. Radu Isac
  7. Raheil Ahmad
  8. Rahul Somia
  9. Railed
  10. Rain Men
  11. Rajiv Karia
  12. Ralph Brown
  13. Ram Adithya Arangi
  14. Ram of God
  15. Randy Feltface
  16. Rapunzel
  17. Raul Kohli
  18. Raul Kohli Makes It Up
  19. Raul Kohli: Russian Weapon
  20. Raves R Us
  21. Raw Sex Appeal
  22. Ray Badran
  23. Ray Bradshaw
  24. Ray Fordyce
  25. Raymond Mearns
  26. Raymond Mearns' Big Red Bus Tour
  27. Rebels Without Applause
  28. Receptionists
  29. Red Richardson
  30. REDEEMher
  31. Reginald D. Hunter
  32. Reservoir Knobs
  33. Rest of Our Lives
  34. Retirement Game
  35. Return of the Maths
  36. Return of the Planet
  37. Reuben Kaye
  38. Recommended show: Rhys Nicholson
  39. Rich Hall
  40. Rich Hardisty
  41. Rich Wilson
  42. Recommended show: Richard Brown
  43. Richard David-Caine
  44. Richard Herring
  45. Richard Osman Fan Club
  46. Richard Pulsford
  47. Richard Stott
  48. Richard Todd
  49. Richard Wheatley
  50. Richard Wright
  51. Richy Sheehy and Mark O'Keeffe
  52. Rik Carranza Presents Clash of Fandoms
  53. Rik Wolters
  54. Riss Obolensky
  55. Roann Hassani McCloskey
  56. Roast Battle Edinburgh
  57. Recommended show: Rob Auton
  58. Rob Copland
  59. Rob Duncan
  60. Rob Kemp
  61. Rob McLennan
  62. Rob Rouse
  63. Robert Garnham
  64. Robert Miles
  65. Robin Boot'
  66. Robin Cairns
  67. Robin Grainger
  68. Robin Morgan
  69. Robyn Perkins
  70. Rock Bottom
  71. Rock Spinster
  72. Rodney Buzzard Tapes
  73. Roger Swift
  74. Roisin Crowley Linton
  75. Romeo & Juliet!
  76. Ronnie Neville
  77. Room Above's Comedy Hour
  78. Rope-A-Dope
  79. Rory O'Hanlon
  80. Rosana Bosanac
  81. Rosco McClelland
  82. Rosie Francis & Joe Bingham
  83. Rosie Holt
  84. Rosie Sings
  85. Ross Leslie
  86. Ross Leslie: Massive Queue
  87. Rosy Carrick
  88. RuneSical
  89. Rush of Laughter Showcase
  90. Russell Arathoon
  91. Ruth Hunter
  92. Ryan Cullen
  93. Ryan Lane
  94. Ryan Mold
  95. Ryan Wingfield
  1. S-ex-iety
  2. Sad Girls Club
  3. SalFUNNI
  4. Sam Campbell
  5. Sam Dodgshon
  6. Sam Fraser
  7. Sam Lake
  8. Sam Morrison
  9. Recommended show: Sam Nicoresti
  10. Sam See
  11. Sam Serrano
  12. Sam Taunton
  13. Samantha Pressdee
  14. Sameer Katz
  15. Sami Abu Wardeh
  16. Sammy Obeid
  17. Samuel King
  18. Sandy Brechin
  19. Sansha
  20. Sara Barron
  21. Sara Palomarr and Angela Legg
  22. Sarah Keyworth
  23. Sarah Sherman
  24. Sarah Southern
  25. Sarah Woolfenden
  26. Sascha LO
  27. Sasha Ellen
  28. Scarbados
  29. Schalk Bezuidenhout
  30. School's Out Comedy Club
  31. Science Magic
  32. Scotland's Adult Comedy Show
  33. Scotland's Pick of the Fringe
  34. Scott Bennett
  35. Scott McPherson
  36. Scottish Falsetto Socks
  37. Scummy Mummies
  38. Sean Choolburra
  39. Sean Logan
  40. Recommended show: Sean McLoughlin
  41. Sean Turner
  42. Recommended show: Seann Walsh
  43. Seed of the Holyman
  44. Self Service
  45. Semi-Toned
  46. Set List
  47. Sex & Sculpture
  48. Sex Tips
  49. Sex With Friends
  50. Sex, Lies & Improvisation
  51. Sexy Witch
  52. Seymour Mace
  53. Sh!t-Faced Showtime
  54. Sh!tshow
  55. Shaggers
  56. Shakespeare for Breakfast
  57. Shall I Compare Thee
  58. Shambles
  59. Shamilton
  60. Shannon Matthews The Musical
  61. Sharlin Jahan
  62. Sharon Wanjohi & Abbie Edwards
  63. Shattered
  64. Shaun Patrick Flynn
  65. Shawn Moondez - Fake
  66. Shawn Moondez - How Much
  67. Shazia Mirza
  68. Sheeps
  69. Recommended show: Shelf
  70. Shep Famousman's Leaving Party
  71. Sheraz Yousaf
  72. Sherlock's Excellent Adventure
  73. Shirley Gnome
  74. Shit-faced Shakespeare
  75. Shitegeist
  76. Shoddy Detective
  77. Show That Must Not Be Named
  78. Showstopper! The Improvised Musical
  79. Shrek the Musical
  80. Sian Clarke
  81. Sian Davies
  82. Siblings
  83. Sid Singh
  84. Sikisa
  85. Silent Disco Boogie Shoes Walking Party
  86. Silent Disco Tours by Silent Adventures
  87. Silliad
  88. Simon Brodkin
  89. Recommended show: Simon David
  90. Simon Evans
  91. Simon Fanshawe
  92. Recommended show: Simon Munnery
  93. Simon Watt
  94. Sindhu Vee
  95. Sindhu Vee: Work In Progress
  96. Sings in Yellow
  97. Siobhan Argyle
  98. Six Easy Pieces
  99. Six Stages of a Break-Up
  100. Skank
  101. Sketch Up!
  102. Skinner & T'witch
  103. Sloss & Humphries on the Road
  104. Smashing Shakespeare
  105. Smurf Etiquette
  106. SNORT
  107. So You Think You're Funny?
  108. So You Think You're Funny? Grand Final
  109. Sofie Hagen
  110. Something in the Water
  111. Sooz Kempner
  112. Sophie Duker
  113. Sound of Mucus
  114. Recommended show: Soup Group!
  115. Southampton Comedy Society
  116. Space Hippo
  117. Space Mystery
  118. Spank!
  119. Spank! You & Goodnight
  120. Spanking The Monkey
  121. Speed Dial
  122. Spiegeltastic
  123. Spiegeltent Showcase
  124. Spill Your Drink
  125. Spit Me Out
  126. Splash Test Dummies
  127. Splintered
  128. Split the Winnings
  129. Spontadeity
  130. Spontaneous Potter
  131. Spontaneous Wrecks
  132. Spoons
  133. St Andrews Revue
  134. Stacie Burrows
  135. Stamptown Comedy Night
  136. Stand Late Club
  137. Stand Up for the Bin Workers-Gala
  138. Stand Up for Your Planet
  139. Stand-Up Philosophy
  140. Stand-Up Science
  141. Stand-Up Self-Help Cooking Show!
  142. Stand's Pick of the Fringe
  143. Standing Ovariation
  144. Stanley Brooks
  145. Star Quest
  146. Star Spangled Stand-Up
  147. Starship Improvise
  148. Stay On The Bus
  149. Stefan Harvey
  150. Stefania Licari
  151. Stella Graham
  152. Stephen Buchanan
  153. Stephen Mullan
  154. Stephen Robinson
  155. Steve & Tobias Versus Death
  156. Steve Day
  157. Steve Lee
  158. Steve McLean
  159. Stewart Lee
  160. Stewart Lee: Snowflake
  161. Sticky Door
  162. Still Floating
  163. Still Got It
  164. Still Ready to Believe You
  165. Stokes & Summers
  166. Stolen Table Comedy Party
  167. Stooges Comedy
  168. Straddle
  169. Stretched
  170. Stretchmarks!
  171. Strictly Come Barking
  172. Stuart Goldsmith
  173. Stuart Laws
  174. Stuart Laws: Putting Zoo
  175. Stuart McPherson
  176. Stuart Mitchell
  177. Suchandrika Chakrabarti
  178. Sugar
  179. Sugarcoated Sisters
  180. Sunil Patel
  181. Sunny Makes a Scene
  182. Sunsets
  183. Super Scott's Variety Show
  184. Surfing the Holyland
  185. Susan Morrison
  186. Susan Riddell
  187. Susie McCabe
  188. Sylus 2024!
  189. Sylvia vs the Fascists
  1. Take it Away, Cheryl
  2. Tales of an Altered Consciousness Within
  3. Talking Heids
  4. Tam O' Shanter, Tales & Whisky
  5. Tamar Broadbent
  6. Tamar Broadbent: Role Play
  7. Tamer Kattan
  8. Tangible
  9. Tara Boland
  10. Recommended show: Tarot
  11. Tartan Ribbon Comedy Benefit
  12. Tartan Tabletop
  13. Tatty Macleod
  14. Recommended show: Ted Hill
  15. Tehran Von Ghasri
  16. Tempered Expectations
  17. Terrence the T-Rex
  18. Recommended show: Tessa Coates
  19. Thanyia Moore
  20. That's a Bit of Sheer Luck!
  21. The Anniversary
  22. The Best Approximation
  23. The Big Show
  24. The Bite
  25. The Clown or The Fool
  26. The Dip
  27. The Duncan Brothers
  28. The End of the Pier
  29. The Fannies
  30. The Flop
  31. The Fortune Teller
  32. The Golfer
  33. The Graveyard
  34. The Heckling Hour
  35. The Hood Asian
  36. The Horsies
  37. The Hypnotist
  38. The Improv Musical
  39. The Intervention
  40. The Kaye Hole
  41. The Lacehouse
  42. The Laughter Must Go On
  43. The Lovely Boys
  44. The Ritual
  45. The Sneeze
  46. The truth will set you free
  47. The Wheel of Misfortune
  48. The Whole Truth
  49. The Wrestling
  50. The Year Is
  51. There's a Sketch in That!
  52. There's No Mystery in Murder!
  53. Things We (Never) Learned in Sex Ed
  54. Thinking Drinkers
  55. This is a Sketch Show
  56. This is Not a Subject for Comedy
  57. This is Why We Can't Have Nice Things
  58. This Is Your Trial
  59. This Isn't What We Had Planned
  60. Thom Tuck
  61. Thom Tuck & Tim FitzHigham
  62. Thor Stenhaug and Freya Mallard
  63. Three by Nigro
  64. Three Grams & a Baby
  65. Three Women & Shakespeare's Will
  66. Tickbox
  67. Tickety Boo
  68. Tickled: Ken Dodd Story
  69. Tiff Stevenson
  70. Tim Crouch
  71. Recommended show: Tim Key
  72. Tim Vine
  73. Tina del Twist
  74. Tiny Orange
  75. Toby Isaacs
  76. Tom Brace
  77. Tom Crosbie
  78. Tom DeTrinis
  79. Tom Elwes
  80. Tom GK
  81. Tom Henry, Jack Hester
  82. Tom Houghton
  83. Tom Lawrinson
  84. Tom Little
  85. Tom Little: Best Comedians
  86. Tom Lucy
  87. Tom Mayhew
  88. Tom Rosenthal
  89. Tom Skelton
  90. Tom Stade
  91. Tom Walker
  92. Recommended show: Tom Ward
  93. Tomas McCabe
  94. Tony Law
  95. Too Fat for China
  96. Too Much Light Makes The Baby Go Blind
  97. Tour of Terror
  98. Track 96 Improvised Hip Hop
  99. Track 96: RAPture
  100. Tradition!
  101. Tragic-Comedy of Things
  102. Tragicomical 'Istory of 'Arry
  103. Transhumance
  104. Trash Salad
  105. Recommended show: Trevor Lock
  106. Trial by Jury
  107. Triple Threat Comedy
  108. Trouble on Six
  109. Recommended show: Troy Hawke
  110. Troy Kinne Live
  111. Trudy Carmichael
  112. Tudur Owen
  113. Twelfth Night
  114. Twenty-Sided Tavern
  115. Twinkle
  116. Twinpossible
  117. Twisted Tales
  118. Two & A Half Men
  119. Two Paul Johnsons Build a Better Sitcom
  120. Two's Company
  1. Recommended show: Zach Zucker
  2. ZIP IT

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