British Comedy Guide
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2019 Edinburgh Fringe

Edinburgh comedy shows 2019

This tool lists all the comedy shows that were part of the 2019 Edinburgh Festival Fringe, listed by shortened titles - usually the comic's name.

  1. A Booklover's Comedy Show
  2. A Family Affair
  3. A Fear & Loathing Actor in Dublin
  4. A Gay & a NonGay
  5. A Grave Situation
  6. A Holy Show
  7. A Little R & R
  8. A Midsummer Night's Dream
  9. A Midsummer Night's Dream (Young Actor)
  10. A Midsummer Night's DROLL
  11. A Partnership
  12. A Short Cut To Happiness
  13. A Slice of Saturday Night
  14. A Womb Of One's Own
  15. A&E
  16. AAA Batteries
  17. AAA Stand-Up
  18. AAA Stand-Up at Underbelly
  19. AAA Stand-Up Late
  20. AAA Stand-Up Late at Gilded Balloon
  21. Aaron Ayjay
  22. Recommended show: Aaron Chen
  23. Aaron McCann
  24. Recommended show: Aaron Simmonds
  25. Aaron Twitchen
  26. Abandoman
  27. Abbie Murphy
  28. Aboriginal Comedy Allstars
  29. About Comedy
  30. Absolute Improv!
  31. AC/DC
  32. Aca-rrested
  33. Accessibility Gala
  34. Accordion Fight Show
  35. ACID!
  36. Actually, Totes Amaze
  37. Ada Campe
  38. Adam Flood & Blake AJ
  39. Adam Hess
  40. Adam Kay
  41. Recommended show: Adam Larter
  42. Adam Riches
  43. Adam Rowe
  44. Adele Cliff
  45. Aditi Mittal
  46. Adrian Minkowicz
  47. Adrian Tauss & Sasha Ellen
  48. Adrift
  49. Adventures of a Comic Book Artist
  50. After Hours Mirth Meltdown
  51. Agatha Is Missing!
  52. Ahab
  53. Ahir Shah
  54. Aidan 'Taco' Jones
  55. Aidan 'Taco' Jones - 52 Days
  56. Aidan Goatley
  57. Aidan Greene: Eternal Sunshine
  58. Aidan Greene: Stutter
  59. Aindrias de Staic
  60. AJ Hill
  61. AJ Holmes
  62. Al Murray
  63. Alan Ayckbourn Double Bill
  64. Alan Ayckbourn's No Knowing
  65. Alan Bissett
  66. Alan Shed
  67. Alasdair Beckett-King
  68. Alex Black
  69. Alex Cofield
  70. Alex Farrow
  71. Alex Hodgson
  72. Alex Hylton
  73. Alex Kealy
  74. Alex Love: British
  75. Alex Love: Late-Night
  76. Alex Petropoulos & Aidan Mccaffery
  77. Alex Williamson
  78. Alexander Bennett
  79. Alexander Fox
  80. Alfie Brown
  81. Algorithms
  82. Recommended show: Ali Brice
  83. Ali Kennedy Scott
  84. Alice Fraser
  85. Alice Roberts
  86. Recommended show: Alice Snedden
  87. Alison Spittle
  88. Alison Thea-Skot
  89. Alistair Williams
  90. All Aboard!
  91. All In The Timing
  92. All Shook Up
  93. All Together Irish
  94. All Work, No Play
  95. All-Star Comedy Cabaret
  96. Allan Lear
  97. Almost, Maine
  98. Almost, Maine (Italia Conti)
  99. Alternative Comedy Cabaret
  100. Alternative Comedy Memorial Society
  101. Alun Cochrane
  102. Amanda Jane Pritchard
  103. Amanda Nicastro
  104. Amber Topaz
  105. Amelia Bayler
  106. amendments
  107. Amused Moose New Comic Award: Final
  108. Amused Moose: Grand Final
  109. Amusical
  110. Amusical Club Night
  111. Amy Abler
  112. Recommended show: Amy Annette
  113. Amy Currie & Natalie Bochenski
  114. Amy Gwilliam
  115. Amy Howerska
  116. Amy Matthews
  117. An Atlantic Disaster
  118. An Audience With President Obonjo
  119. An Objectively Funny Night
  120. And Then They Died
  121. And They Played Shang-A-Lang
  122. Anders Lee
  123. Andrea Gordon
  124. Andrea Spisto
  125. Andrew Doyle
  126. Andrew Frank
  127. Andrew Gilmore
  128. Andrew Maxwell
  129. Andrew O'Neill
  130. Andrew Roper
  131. Andrew Silverwood
  132. Andrew Sim
  133. Andrew Sim's Midnight Showcase
  134. Andrew White
  135. Andy Barr
  136. Andy Field
  137. Andy Smart
  138. Andy Storey
  139. Andy Zaltzman
  140. Ane City
  141. Anesti Danelis
  142. Ange Lavoipierre
  143. Angel Comedy Showcase
  144. Angelos Epithemiou
  145. Angus Dunican
  146. Ania Magliano & Matt Hutchinson
  147. Anna & Helen
  148. Anna Clifford
  149. Recommended show: Anna Drezen
  150. Anna Nicholson: Get Happy
  151. Anna Nicholson: Woman Of The Year
  152. Annie McGrath
  153. Anoushka Warden
  154. Anuvab Pal
  155. Anxiety Club
  156. Any Suggestions, Doctor?
  157. Apocalypse Cruise Ship Love Affair
  158. Apollo: Take 111
  159. Appropriate
  160. Arabella Weir
  161. Archie Henderson
  162. Archie Maddocks
  163. Arguing On-Air
  164. Ari Eldjárn
  165. Arnab Chanda
  166. Arnie Pie
  167. Arrivals
  168. Art Heist
  169. Arthur Smith
  170. Ashes
  171. Ashes (play)
  172. Ashley Haden
  173. Ashley Storrie
  174. Ask a Stripper
  175. Assembly Gala Launch
  176. Atomic Saloon Show
  177. Audible Live
  178. Aunty
  179. Recommended show: Austentatious
  180. Austentatious Presents Crosstentatious
  181. Auto-Correbt
  182. Avenue Q
  1. Baba Brinkman & Heather Berlin
  2. Baba Brinkman: Culture
  3. Baba Brinkman's Rap Guide To...
  4. Babes / Pigs In The City
  5. Baby Wants Candy
  6. baby-go-round
  7. Back of the Bus
  8. Bad Aunts
  9. Bad Boys
  10. Bad Clowns
  11. Bait
  12. Bald Soprano
  13. Barely There
  14. Barnardo's Big Comedy Benefit
  15. Baron Munchausen
  16. Bart Freebairn
  17. Basil Brush
  18. Basil Brush: Family
  19. Batman & Robin - An Adult Panto!
  20. Battle Of The Superheroes
  21. BattleActs!
  22. Beach Body Ready
  23. Bear Glitz
  24. Beat
  25. Recommended show: Bec Hill
  26. Becky Brunning
  27. Becky Fury
  28. beep boop
  29. Beetlemania
  30. Before 30
  31. Ben Clover
  32. Ben Gosling
  33. Ben Hart
  34. Ben Hur
  35. Ben Pope
  36. Ben Target
  37. Ben Van der Velde
  38. Ben Verth
  39. Benefit In Aid Of Silver Line
  40. Bennet Kavanagh
  41. Berk's Nest Mid-Fest Comedy Special
  42. Bernard Ross
  43. Best in Class
  44. Best of Edinburgh Showcase Show
  45. Best Of Musical Comedy Awards
  46. Best Of Scottish Comedian Of The Year
  47. Best of So You Think You're Funny?
  48. Best of the Fest
  49. Best of the Fest Daytime
  50. Best Of The Fest... Later
  51. Best of Variety
  52. Beth Vyse
  53. Bethany Heath
  54. Between Us
  55. Bez
  56. Bi-Cycle
  57. Big Free Fringe Festival Launch Night
  58. Big Value Comedy Show - Early
  59. Big Value Comedy Show - Late
  60. Biscuit Barrel
  61. Bismillah! An ISIS Tragicomedy
  62. Bitch & Nerd
  63. Bitch, Antigone
  64. Black Sheep
  65. Blighty, Broadway & Beyond!
  66. Blind Date
  67. Blockbusters
  68. Boar
  69. Board Game Smackdown
  70. Bob Doolally
  71. Bob Slayer
  72. Bobby & Amy
  73. Bobby Mair
  74. Bodily Functions And Where To Find Them
  75. Bony Tony
  76. Boogie Shoes Silent Disco Walking Tour
  77. Borchert
  78. Bosom Buddies
  79. Bost Uni Plues
  80. Bottoms Up!
  81. Bowjangles
  82. BoxedIn: Shellshock!
  83. Boycotted
  84. Brandon Burke
  85. Brave Macbeth
  86. Brett Johnson
  87. Brian Gallagher
  88. Briony Redman
  89. Bristol Improv: Dynamite!
  90. Bristol Improv: Offscript!
  91. Bristol Revunions: Party
  92. Bristol Revunions: Roadtrip
  93. Bróccán Tyzack-Carlin
  94. Brodi Snook
  95. Broken Toys
  96. Brothers Grimm Spectaculathon
  97. Bruce Fummey
  98. Bryony Kimmings
  99. Bubble Show for Adults Only
  100. Buds of May Be
  101. Buffering
  102. Bugle Boys
  103. Bugsy Malone
  104. Bull
  105. Bulldogs
  106. Bumble Me Tinders
  107. Bumper Blyton
  108. Burns & Moore
  109. Recommended show: Business Casual
  110. Buzzing
  111. Bylgja Babylons
  112. Byron Bertram
  1. Cabaret at Le Monde
  2. Cabinet Of Madame Fanny
  3. Cadaver Synod
  4. Caitlin Cook
  5. Call Me Caesar
  6. Cally Beaton
  7. Calum Ross
  8. Cam Spence
  9. Cambridge Footlights
  10. Cambridge Impronauts
  11. Cameron Blair
  12. Cameron Esposito
  13. Camilla Borges
  14. Can You Throw This In The Bin For Me?
  15. Canadian Club
  16. Candy Factory
  17. Candy Gigi
  18. Recommended show: Carl Donnelly
  19. Carl Hutchinson
  20. Carly E
  21. Carol Cates
  22. Carole Shaw
  23. Caroline Mabey
  24. Carys Eleri
  25. Caspian & Ciaran
  26. Catching Up
  27. Catherine Bohart
  28. Recommended show: Catherine Cohen
  29. Cauliflower
  30. Cave Women
  31. Celeste Barber
  32. Cerys Bradley & Rachel Wheeley
  33. Cerys Nelmes
  34. Chagos 1971
  35. Chalk
  36. Chameleon
  37. Character Building Experience
  38. Charles Quarterman
  39. Charlie Montague
  40. Charlie Vero-Martin
  41. Charmian Hughes
  42. Checkpoint
  43. Cherie
  44. Chic Murray
  45. Children are Stinky
  46. Children Of The Quorn™
  47. Chloe Green & Ella Woods
  48. Choir of Man
  49. Choose Your Own... Improv!
  50. Chores
  51. Chortle Student Comedy Award Final
  52. Chris Betts
  53. Chris Betts vs the Audience
  54. Chris Chopping
  55. Chris Cook: Consequences
  56. Chris Cook: Entropy
  57. Chris Cooke
  58. Chris Kehoe
  59. Chris Mcglade
  60. Recommended show: Chris Parker
  61. Chris Read
  62. Chris Tavner
  63. Chris Washington
  64. Chrissy Ross
  65. Christina Bianco
  66. Christopher Biggins
  67. Christopher Bliss
  68. Christopher KC
  69. Christopher Macarthur-Boyd
  70. Chubby White
  71. Recommended show: Ciarán Dowd
  72. Circus Sonas
  73. Claire Parry
  74. Claptrap
  75. Clara Bijl
  76. Clash of the Tight Tens
  77. Classic Joke Club
  78. Recommended show: Clive Anderson
  79. Clothesline
  80. Clownfish
  81. Club Sets
  82. Cold Blooded Witch
  83. Colin Chadwick
  84. Colin Cloud
  85. Colonel Mustard & Friends
  86. Colonel Mustard & the Big Bad Wolf
  87. Colt Cabana & John Hastings
  88. Come Dine with Mr Shakespeare
  89. Comedy Auction
  90. Comedy Boxing
  91. Comedy Club 4 Kids
  92. Comedy Freak Show
  93. Comedy Gala 2019
  94. Comedy Gobbledygook Showcase
  95. Comedy in the Dark
  96. Comedy Night at the Museum
  97. Comedy Queers
  98. Comedy Shorts
  99. Comedy Showcase
  100. Comedy Striptease
  101. Comedy Village
  102. ComedySportz UK
  103. Comic Relief Live
  104. Common People (Again)
  105. Compost
  106. Comrade Egg
  107. Confetti & Chaos
  108. Connie Wookey
  109. Conor Drum
  110. Consignia
  111. Consignia: ?
  112. Consumers
  113. Conversation Garden
  114. Cool Jokes/Hot Takes
  115. Cordelia & Dimple
  116. Cosmic Comedy Berlin
  117. Courtney Pauroso
  118. Craig Campbell
  119. Craig Ferguson
  120. Craig Fridey
  121. Craig Hill
  122. Craig Stephenson
  123. Cream Tea & Incest
  124. Crime of the Hour
  125. Criminal
  126. Crizards
  127. Crocodile Fever
  128. Crybabies
  129. Crystal Bollix
  130. Crystal Rasmussen
  131. CSI: Crime Scene Improvisation
  132. Cülture Elité
  133. Currie & Brice
  134. Cyclopath
  1. Dada, Surrealism, Bowie & Pop
  2. Daisy Earl
  3. Daisy MacDade
  4. Daliso Chaponda
  5. Dan AG
  6. Dan Cardwell
  7. Dan Clark
  8. Dan Soder
  9. Dan vs Food
  10. Dan Webber
  11. Dan Willis
  12. Dan Willis: Ferris Bueller
  13. Daniel & Ralph
  14. Recommended show: Daniel Audritt
  15. Daniel Connell
  16. Daniel Cook & Rose Johnson
  17. Daniel Downie
  18. Daniel Kitson: Orange
  19. Daniel Kitson: Shenanigan
  20. Daniel Lobell
  21. Daniel Muggleton
  22. Daniel Nicholas
  23. Daniel Nils Roberts
  24. Daniel Sloss
  25. Daniel Stanger-Cornwell & James Hawley
  26. Danny O'Brien
  27. Danny Posthill
  28. Danny Ward
  29. Daphna Baram
  30. Darcie Silver
  31. Darius Davies
  32. Dark Room: Kids
  33. Darren Harriott
  34. Darren Walsh
  35. Dave Alnwick: Actual
  36. Dave Alnwick: Literally the Best
  37. Dave Bibby
  38. Dave Chawner
  39. Dave Chawner: Pursuit
  40. Dave Fensome
  41. Dave Green
  42. Dave Maher
  43. Dave Reubens
  44. David Callaghan
  45. David Correos
  46. David Ephgrave
  47. David Harmer & Ray Globe
  48. David Kay
  49. David Kilimnick
  50. David Lee Morgan
  51. David McIver
  52. David Mills
  53. David O'Doherty
  54. David Tieck
  55. David Tsonos
  56. David von Jones
  57. David William Hughes
  58. Daz Black
  59. DCGK
  60. Dead Ringers
  61. Dean Temple
  62. Dear Mr Dead Head
  63. Definitely Not Romeo & Juliet
  64. Delea Shand
  65. Demi Lardner
  66. Demi Lardner & Tom Walker
  67. Denis Nikolin
  68. Des Kapital
  69. Desiree Burch
  70. Desperately Seeking Motivation
  71. Detour
  72. Dharmander Singh
  73. Dian Cathal
  74. Diane Chorley: Down the Flick
  75. Diane Chorley: Modern Love
  76. Dickens for Dinner
  77. Die or Run
  78. Dilruk Jayasinha
  79. Dinner for One
  80. Dino Wiand
  81. Disenchanted
  82. Divet Show
  83. Do Our Best
  84. Dog in the Manger
  85. Dolly Diamond
  86. Dominic Berry
  87. Dominic Frisby
  88. Dominic Frisby on Adam Smith
  89. Don Biswas
  90. Don't Be Terrible
  91. Don't Mess with the Dummies
  92. Donald Alexander
  93. Double Denim
  94. Doubt
  95. Doug Crossley
  96. Down It Fresher!
  97. Dr Faustus
  98. Dr Lara Love
  99. Dream Machine
  100. Dreamgun
  101. dressed.
  102. Drunk Women Solving Crime
  103. Duffy Connors
  104. Durham Revue
  105. Dylan Dodds
  1. Jack & Barney
  2. Jack Barry
  3. Jack Carroll & Friends
  4. Jack Gleadow
  5. Jack Harris & Rajiv Karia
  6. Jack Rooke
  7. Recommended show: Jack Tucker
  8. Jackman & Bones
  9. Jacob Hawley
  10. Jacqueline Haigh
  11. Jake Farrell
  12. Jake Lambert
  13. Jaleelah Galbraith
  14. Jamali Maddix
  15. James Alderson
  16. James Barr
  17. James Bran
  18. James Cook
  19. James Coon
  20. James Freedman
  21. James Hancox
  22. James Harvey
  23. James McNicholas
  24. James Meehan
  25. James Nokise
  26. James Phelan
  27. Jamie Dalgleish
  28. Jamie Loftus
  29. Jamie Oliphant
  30. Jan Ravens
  31. Jane Hill: Addicted
  32. Jane Hill: All I Want
  33. Janey Godley
  34. Janine Harouni
  35. Janis Haves
  36. Jared Jeffries & Peyton Brown
  37. Jarred Christmas
  38. Jarred Christmas & Hobbit
  39. Jason Byrne
  40. Jasper Cromwell Jones
  41. Javier Jarquin
  42. Jay Handley
  43. Jay Lafferty
  44. Jay Light
  45. Recommended show: Jayde Adams
  46. Jayne Edwards
  47. Jeff Downs
  48. Jeffrey Baldinger
  49. Jekyll & Hyde
  50. Jekyll Vs Hyde
  51. Recommended show: Jen Brister
  52. Jena Friedman
  53. Jennifer B
  54. Jennifer Tyler
  55. Jenny Bede
  56. Jenny Collier
  57. Jeremy Nicholas
  58. Jeroen Bloemhoff
  59. Jerry Sadowitz
  60. Jess Robinson
  61. Recommended show: Jessica Fostekew
  62. Jessie Cave
  63. Jesus L'Oreal
  64. Jew-O-Rama
  65. Jew...ish
  66. Jewbana
  67. Jez Watts
  68. Jim & Dave
  69. Jim Campbell
  70. Jimeoin
  71. Jimeoin: Some More
  72. Jimmy McGhie
  73. Recommended show: Jimmy Slim & Lewis Blomfield
  74. Jimmy Whobblers
  75. JJ Whitehead
  76. Jo Carol Pierce
  77. Jo Caulfield
  78. Recommended show: Joanne McNally
  79. Joby Mageean
  80. Jocks, Geordies & Aussies
  81. Jody Kamali
  82. Joe Bor
  83. Recommended show: Joe Jacobs
  84. Joe McArdle & Theo McCabe
  85. Joe McTernan
  86. Joe Molander
  87. Joe Palermo
  88. Joe Rooney
  89. Joe Sutherland
  90. Joe Wells
  91. Joe Zimmerman
  92. Joel Dommett
  93. Joel Sanders
  94. Joey Page
  95. Johannes Dullin
  96. John Accardo
  97. John Hastings
  98. John Kearns
  99. John Kearns & Pat Cahill
  100. John Michael
  101. John Pendal
  102. John Rayner
  103. Recommended show: John Robins
  104. John Rowe
  105. John-Luke Roberts
  106. John-Luke Roberts: Adaptations
  107. Johnny Depp Retrospective
  108. Johnny White Really-Really
  109. JoJo Bellini
  110. Jojo Sutherland
  111. Joke Thieves
  112. Jokers in the Pack
  113. Jokes with Mark Simmons
  114. Jollyboat: Best Of
  115. Jollyboat: Pun Lovin' Criminals
  116. Jon Long
  117. Jonathan Hipkiss
  118. Jonny & the Baptists
  119. Jonny Donahoe
  120. Jonny Pelham
  121. Jonny's Panel Show
  122. Recommended show: Jordan Brookes
  123. Jordan Wistuba & Liam Farrelly
  124. Joseph Emslie
  125. Joseph Parsons
  126. Joseph VanSickle
  127. Josh Baulf
  128. Josh Berry
  129. Josh Glanc
  130. Josh Massen & Phil Green
  131. Josh Pugh
  132. Recommended show: Joshua Ladgrove
  133. Josie Long
  134. Recommended show: Joz Norris
  135. Julia Rorke
  136. Juliette Burton
  137. Jumping Off the Bandwagon
  138. Jumping the Barriers
  139. Just a Minute
  140. Just Like a Woman
  141. Just the Tonic Comedy Club
  142. Recommended show: Just These Please
  143. Justin Heyes
  144. Justin Matson
  1. L-awfully Wedded
  2. Lady Shona
  3. Ladylikes
  4. Land Of Fathers, Mothers, Others
  5. Langston Kerman
  6. Larry Dean: Bampot
  7. Larry Dean: Fandan
  8. Laser Kiwi
  9. Late Night Comedy Death Camp
  10. Late Show Great Show
  11. Late'n'Live
  12. Lateef Lovejoy
  13. Laufey Haralds
  14. Laugh Till It Hurts
  15. Laugh Train Home Comedy Showcase
  16. Laughing For Palestine
  17. Laughing Horse Comedy Chat Show
  18. Laughing Horse Free & Family Friendly
  19. Laughing Horse Free Comedy Selection
  20. Laughing Horse Free Pick of The Fringe
  21. Laura Davis
  22. Laura Fell
  23. Laura Lexx
  24. Laura McMahon & Will Hall
  25. Laura Monmoth
  26. Lauren Pattison
  27. Laurence Tuck
  28. Laurie Black
  29. Leave a Message
  30. Lee Kyle
  32. Recommended show: Legs
  33. Len Blanco
  34. Lenny Sherman
  35. Recommended show: Leo Kearse
  36. Leo Mohr
  37. Leonard Biscuit Radio Show
  38. Les Quizérables
  39. Leslie Ewing-Burgesse
  40. Lew Fitz
  41. Lewis Costello x Hayden Dean Allmark
  42. Lewis Schaffer
  43. Liam Malone
  44. Liam Withnail
  45. Liberty Hodes
  46. Like Animals
  47. Lily Hyde & Alissa Anne Jeun Yi
  48. Liminality
  49. Limmy
  50. Linda
  51. Little Death Club
  52. Little Shop of Horrors
  53. Liz Cotton
  54. Liza Treyger
  55. Lobster
  56. Lola & Jo
  57. Lolbot Wars
  58. Lolly Jones
  59. London Hughes
  60. Looking for Wolverhampton Latin Quarter
  61. Lord of the Game of the Ring of Thrones
  62. Lorna Shaw
  63. Lost in a Book
  64. Lost Voice Guy
  65. Lost Works of Willy Shakes
  66. Recommended show: Lou Sanders
  67. Louder Is Not Always Clearer
  68. Louisa Fitzhardinge
  69. Louise Atkinson
  70. Louise Leigh
  71. Louise Rodgers
  72. Louise Young & Anja Atkinson
  73. Love Bites
  74. Love/Sick
  75. Lovely Girls
  76. Lovinda Heart
  77. Loyiso Gola
  78. Lubna Kerr
  79. Luca Cupani
  80. Lucie Pohl
  81. Lucie Pohl: Really
  82. Lucille & Cecilia
  83. Lucky Maclean
  84. Lucy Beaumont
  85. Lucy Farrett
  86. Lucy Frederick
  87. Lucy Hopkins
  88. Lucy Pearman
  89. Lucy Porter
  90. Luisa Omielan
  91. Luisa Omielan: Politics
  92. Luka Muller
  93. Luke Martin
  94. Luke McQueen
  95. Luke Rollason
  96. Lulu Popplewell
  97. Lusty Mannequins
  98. Lydia Hirst
  1. Mad Ron
  2. Madame George
  3. Madame Señorita
  4. Maddie Campion
  5. Madeline Weber
  6. Mae Martin
  7. Magic, Mind Reading & Telerabbitry
  8. Magician, Mind Reader & Nerd
  9. Maisie Adam
  10. Majk Stokes
  11. Malcolm Hardee Awards
  12. Mallets
  13. Mandy Muden
  14. Mandy Picks A Husband
  15. Mandy Tootill
  16. Manhunt 2
  17. Marc Jennings
  18. Marcel Lucont
  19. Marcus Brigstocke
  20. Maria Shehata
  21. Marie Forrest
  22. Marie Lloyd Stole My Life
  23. Marjolein Robertson
  24. Mark & Haydn
  25. Mark Bunyan
  26. Mark Cram
  27. Mark Dean Quinn
  28. Mark Grist
  29. Mark Nelson
  30. Mark Ritchie
  31. Mark Silcox
  32. Mark Simmons
  33. Mark Watson & Sofie Hagen
  34. Mark Watson Shouldn't Even Be Doing This
  35. Mark Watson: Almost Win
  36. Mark Watson: Infinite Show
  37. Mark Watson: WIP
  38. Markus Birdman
  39. Marlon Davis
  40. Marlon Solomon
  41. Martha McBrier
  42. Martin Angolo
  43. Martin Bearne
  44. Martin Bearne & Joe McTernan
  45. Martin Marki
  46. Recommended show: Martin Mor
  47. Martin Pilgrim
  48. MARVELus: Awww Snap!
  49. MARVELus: Improv MARVEL-verse
  50. Marvin McCarthy
  51. Mary Bourke
  52. Mary Flanigan
  53. Mary Houlihan
  54. Mason King
  55. Mat Ewins
  56. Mat Ricardo
  57. Mat Wills
  58. Matt Black
  59. Matt Davis
  60. Matt Duwell
  61. Recommended show: Matt Forde
  62. Matt Forde's Political Party Podcast
  63. Matt Hobs
  64. Matt Hoss
  65. Matt Jones
  66. Matt Parker
  67. Matt Price
  68. Matt Richardson
  69. Matt Stellingwerf
  70. Matt Watson
  71. Matt Winning
  72. Matthew Fong
  73. Maureen Younger
  74. Mawaan Rizwan
  75. Max & Ivan
  76. MC Hammersmith's Magical Freestyle Facto
  77. Me & My
  78. Me & My Doll
  79. Meddlin' Kids
  80. Medium Rare Improv
  81. Megan Shandley
  82. Melinda Hughes
  83. Men Chase Women Choose
  84. Men With Coconuts
  85. Mervyn Stutter's Pick of the Fringe
  86. Michael Brunström
  87. Michael Fabbri
  88. Recommended show: Michael Legge
  89. Michael Livesley
  90. Michael Odewale
  91. Michael Rice
  92. Michelle Aldridge
  93. Michelle McManus
  94. Mick Neven
  95. Mickey Sharma
  96. Mickey Sharma: Sharma Comedian
  97. Micky Bartlett
  98. Micky Overman
  99. Micky P Kerr
  100. Midges
  101. Mighty
  102. Mike Newall
  103. Mike Raffone
  104. Miller & Salmon
  105. Milo Edwards
  106. Milton Jones
  107. Mimi Hayes
  108. Miro Kokenov
  109. Misadventures Of Martin Hathaway
  110. Miss DQ
  111. Miss Hope Springs
  112. Misspelled Youth
  113. Mista Lorraine
  114. Mistaken
  115. Mitch Benn
  116. Mix & Match Wine Package
  117. Mobile Phone Show
  118. Modern Maori Quartet: Garage Party
  119. Modern Maori Quartet: Two Worlds
  120. Mojo
  121. Recommended show: Molly Brenner
  122. Monski Mouse's Baby Cabaret
  123. Monski Mouse's Baby Disco Dance Hall
  124. Monsoon Season
  125. Moon
  126. Morgan & West
  127. Morgan Rees & Riordan DJ
  128. Morning Glory
  129. MOTHER
  130. Mother Goose
  131. Mountebank Comedy Walk of Edinburgh
  132. Mourning Overnight
  133. Mr Fibbers
  134. Mr Laurel & Mr Hardy
  135. Mr Nice Guy
  136. Mr Thing
  137. Mumblebrag
  138. Murder on the Dancefloor
  139. Murder She Didn't Write
  140. Muse 90401
  141. Musical Comedy Guide Showcase
  142. Musicedy
  143. My Best Dead Friend
  144. My Love Lies Frozen In The Ice
  145. Myra DuBois
  1. R'n'J
  2. Rachel Creeger
  3. Rachel Creeger: Nice Jewish Girl
  4. Rachel Fairburn
  5. Rachel Jackson
  6. Radio 4 Comedy Award Final
  7. Radio 4 Comedy Award Semi-Finals
  8. Radio Active
  9. Radu Isac
  10. Ralf Wetzel
  11. RanDom
  12. Random Bag Check
  13. Raphael Wakefield
  14. Raul Kohli
  15. Raul Kohli: Greatest Hits
  16. Ray Badran
  17. Ray Bradshaw
  18. Ray Fordyce
  19. Raymond Mearns
  20. Reba Martell
  21. Rebecca Perry
  22. Red Herring
  23. Redacted Arachnid
  24. Reginald D Hunter
  25. Relational
  26. Remind Me Again Why I Need a Man
  27. Rena Hundert
  28. Reparation
  29. Reservoir Dugs
  30. Reuben Kaye
  31. Revenge of the New World
  32. Rhinoceros
  33. RHLSTP
  34. Rhod Gilbert
  35. Recommended show: Rhys James
  36. Recommended show: Rhys Nicholson
  37. Rib Ticklers
  38. Rich B*tch
  39. Rich Egan
  40. Rich Templeton
  41. Rich Wilson
  42. Richard Brown
  43. Richard Coles
  44. Richard Duffy
  45. Richard Fry
  46. Richard Gadd
  47. Richard Pulsford
  48. Richard Stott
  49. Richard Wheatley
  50. Richard Wright
  51. Richy Sheehy & Mark O'Keeffe
  52. Ricky Riddlegang
  53. Rik Wolters
  54. Roann McCloskey
  55. Roast Battle
  56. Recommended show: Rob Auton
  57. Rob Copland
  58. Rob Deering
  59. Rob Kemp
  60. Rob Mulholland
  61. Rob Oldham
  62. Robbie McShane
  63. Robert Ross
  64. Robin Boot
  65. Robin Cairns
  66. Robin Grainger
  67. Robin Morgan
  68. Robyn Paterson
  69. Robyn Perkins
  70. Rock'n'Roll Suicide
  71. Roger Swift
  72. Róisín & Chiara
  73. Roisin Crowley Linton
  74. Roland Saunders
  75. Romantic Romeo
  76. Ron Balzan
  77. Ronni Ancona & Lewis MacLeod
  78. Rory O'Hanlon
  79. Ros Ballinger
  80. Rosana Bosanac
  81. Rosco McClelland
  82. Rose Matafeo
  83. Rosencrantz & Guildenstern Are Plebs
  84. Rosie Jones
  85. Ross Drummond & Harry Monaghan
  86. Ross Leslie
  87. Ross Smith
  88. Rotten
  89. Rubbish Shakespeare
  90. Ruby Wax
  91. Russ Kane
  92. Russell Howard
  93. Russian Roulette
  94. Ruth E Cockburn
  95. Ruth Hunter
  96. Ruven Govender
  97. Ryan Bicheranloo
  98. Ryan Cullen
  99. Ryan Dalton
  100. Ryan Lane
  101. Ryan Ward
  1. Sad Acts
  2. SAGA
  3. Said & Done
  4. Sajeela Kershi
  5. Sales Pitch
  6. SalFunni Comedy
  7. Sam Haygarth
  8. Sam Kissajukian
  9. Sam Lake & Chloe Petts
  10. Sam Morrison
  11. Sam Nicoresti
  12. Sam Russell
  13. Sam See
  14. Sam Taunton
  15. Sam Wyatt
  16. Samantha Hannah
  17. Samantha Pressdee
  18. Sameer Katz
  19. Santiago Angel
  20. Sara Barron
  21. Sarah Iles
  22. Sarah Johnson: Ibiza
  23. Sarah Johnson's (Im)Practical Parenting
  24. Recommended show: Sarah Kendall
  25. Sarah Keyworth
  26. Sarah Lee
  27. Sarah Southern
  28. Sasha Ellen
  29. Saskia Preston
  30. Schalk Bezuidenhout
  31. Science Magic
  32. Scot Roast
  33. Scot Roast - Afterburn
  34. Scotland Bingo!
  35. Scotland's Pick of the Fringe
  36. Scott Adams
  37. Scott Gibson
  38. Scott Swinton
  39. Scott Walker
  40. Scottish Falsetto Sock Puppet Theatre
  41. Recommended show: Scream Phone
  42. Scummy Mummies
  43. Sean Marshall
  44. Sean Morley
  45. Sean Patton
  46. Seann Walsh
  47. Seasoned Professionals
  48. Seayonce
  49. Second Honeymoon
  50. Secret Dinosaur Cult Live
  51. Self Portraits
  52. Selling Like Hot Takes
  53. Semi-Toned
  54. Serena Flynn
  55. Sets in the City
  56. Sex Ed
  57. Sex Question Mark
  58. Sex Shells
  59. Sexy Lamp
  60. Seymour Mace
  61. Sh!t Theatre
  62. Sh*t Hipsters
  63. Shaggers
  64. Shaken Not Stirred
  65. Shakespeare for Breakfast
  66. Shakespeare in the Garden
  67. Shakespeare on a Shoestring
  68. Shakespeare Up Late!
  69. Shakespeare! The Panto
  70. Shameless Berlin
  71. Shappi Khorsandi
  72. Sharon Stacy Statue
  73. Shattered
  74. Shaving The Dead
  75. Shawn Jay
  76. Shit
  77. Shit-Faced Shakespeare
  78. Shit-Faced Showtime
  79. Shivani Thussu
  80. Shower Scene
  81. Showstopper!
  82. Showstoppers!: Kids
  83. SHTF
  84. Siblings
  85. Sid Singh
  86. Silent Adventures
  87. Simon Brodkin
  88. Simon Caine
  89. Simon Evans
  90. Recommended show: Simon Munnery
  91. Simon Wright
  92. Simone Belshaw
  93. Sister Act
  94. Sister Act (Viva Arts)
  95. SisterWives
  96. Sketch Thieves
  97. Sketch You Up!
  98. Skylar MacDonald
  99. Recommended show: Sleeping Trees: Silly
  100. Sleeping Trees: Xmas
  101. Smashing
  102. Smut Slam
  103. Snack Chat
  104. Snjolaug Ludviksdottir
  105. Recommended show: Snort
  106. So Close
  107. So What?
  108. So You Think You're Funny? Grand Final
  109. So You Think You're Funny? Semi-Finals
  110. Sofie Hagen
  111. Something Else
  112. Son of Dyke
  113. Sonia Aste
  114. Sons & Co.
  115. Sooz Kempner
  116. Sophie Duker
  117. Soundtracks
  118. Southampton Stand-Up Showcase
  119. Spa Day
  120. Spamalot
  121. Spank!
  122. Special Measures
  123. Spencer Jones: 50 Minute Disco
  124. Spencer Jones: Things We Leave
  125. Splash Test Dummies
  126. Split Egg
  127. Split The Bill
  128. Spontaneous Potter
  129. Spring Day
  130. Stamptown Comedy Night
  131. Stand Up for Shelter
  132. Stand Up for Your Planet
  133. Stand-Up Edinburgh
  134. Stand-Up Nomad
  135. Stand-Up Philosophy
  136. Standard Issue Stands Up
  137. Stay Loyal to the Royals
  138. Steff Todd
  139. Steffan Alun & Support
  140. Stella Graham
  141. Stepdads
  142. Stephanie Laing
  143. Stephen Buchanan
  144. Stephen Carlin
  145. Stephen Carlin: Post Rational
  146. Stephen Fry
  147. Stephen K Amos
  148. Stephen K Amos Talk Show
  149. Stepping Out
  150. Steve Bennett
  151. Steve Bugeja
  152. Steve Day
  153. Steve Hili
  154. Steve Mclean
  155. Steve N Allen
  156. Steve Worsley & Charles Hindley
  157. Stevie Gray
  158. Stevie Martin
  159. Stewart Francis
  160. Stewart Lee
  161. Stiff & Kitsch
  162. Still Got It!
  163. Still Life
  164. Stoned, Stupid & Stuck
  165. Stoph Demetriou
  166. Stout, Pale & Bitter
  167. Straight Outta Estonia
  168. Stuart Goldsmith
  169. Recommended show: Stuart Laws
  170. Stuart McPherson
  171. Stuart Mitchell
  172. Stuart Reid
  173. Sugar
  174. Sugar Mice
  175. Sugar Rush
  176. Suicide Pact
  177. Sukh Ojla
  178. Sumit Anand
  179. Sundeep Bhardwaj
  180. Sunil Patel
  181. Sunjai Arif
  182. Sunshine
  183. Superstar
  184. Suren Jayemanne
  185. Surveillance
  186. Susan Calman's Fringe Benefits
  187. Susan Murray
  188. Susan Riddell
  189. Sushi Tap Show
  190. Susie McCabe
  191. Suzanne Tuck
  192. Suzi Ruffell
  193. Sven Verelst
  194. Svetlana
  195. Sweet Charity
  1. Takin' It Easy, 1916
  2. Tales of Whatever
  3. Talk a Big Game
  4. Tally Ho, Secret Several!
  5. Tami Stone
  6. Tamsyn Kelly
  7. Tania Edwards
  8. Tara Newton-Wordsworth
  9. Tara Rankine
  10. Tarot
  11. Tartuffe (Ed Littlewood Productions)
  12. Tartuffe (Leitheatre)
  13. Tartuffe or The Hypocrite
  14. Terry Alderton
  15. Testament of Yootha
  16. TGIF
  17. Thanyia Moore & Sian Davies
  18. The 27 Club
  19. The 39 Steps
  20. The 5pm Cabaret
  21. The Addams Family
  22. The Antique Jokes Show
  23. The Best of Irish Comedy
  24. The Best Of Northern
  25. The Best of Red Raw
  26. The Best of Scottish Comedy
  27. The Black Blues Brothers
  28. The Bugle Live
  29. The Clinic 4 Kidz
  30. The Comedy of Operas
  31. The Comedy Reserve
  32. The Community Centre
  33. The Creative Martyrs
  34. The Crown Dual
  35. The Cult That Made Spoons
  36. The Dance of Hands
  37. The Dark Room
  38. The Dead Ducks
  39. The Death Hilarious
  40. Recommended show: The Delightful Sausage
  41. The Dots
  42. The Drowsy Chaperone
  43. The Dry Boys
  44. The Ed Factor
  45. The Electric Cabaret
  46. The Establishment
  47. The Explainers
  48. The Fanny's
  49. The Fannytasticals
  50. The Feminazis
  51. The Fish Girls
  52. The Gin Show
  53. The Glang Show
  54. The Glass Elephant
  55. The Good, the Bad & the Irish
  56. The Gospel According to...
  57. The Great British Bake Offenders
  58. The Greatest Magic Show
  59. The Guilty Feminist
  60. The House of Influenza
  61. The Human Show
  62. The Humans
  63. The Improv Musical
  64. The Improverts
  65. The Jam Society
  66. The Kagools
  67. The Kaye Hole
  68. The Lady Boys Of Bangkok
  69. The Lashes
  70. The Last Bread Pudding
  71. The Last Of The Pelican Daughters
  72. The Last Supper
  73. The Latebloomers
  74. The Laurel & Hardy Cabaret
  75. The Leeds Tealights
  76. The Letter
  77. The Liar
  78. The Life of Spies
  79. The Listies
  80. The Living Room
  81. The Lock-In Cabaret
  82. The LOL Word
  83. The Long Pigs
  84. The Mackerel Eaters
  85. The Mail Room
  86. The Malignant Humours
  87. Recommended show: The Man
  88. The Man From Verona
  89. The Merry Wives of Seoul
  90. The Merry Wives of Windsor
  91. The Moon Under Water
  92. The Musical of Musicals
  93. The Mystery of the Bonnie Sporran
  94. The Nasty Show Australia
  95. The Newcastle Revue
  96. The Norse Mythology Ragnasplosion
  97. The Now Show
  98. The Oxford Imps
  99. The Oxford Revue: Switcheroo
  100. The Paddock
  101. The Pat Hobby Stories
  102. The Penguin Tango
  103. The People's Boat
  104. The Perfect Opera
  105. The Playboy Riots
  106. The Professor
  107. The Rat Pack Comedy
  108. The Really Terrible Orchestra
  109. The Rebirth of Meadow Rain
  110. The Red
  111. The Red Balloon
  112. The Remarkables
  113. The Resistible Rise of Arturo Ui
  114. The Russian Comedy Experience
  115. The Salon
  116. The Scribbling Ape
  117. The Secret Policeman's Tour
  118. The Seven Second Theory
  119. The Shambles
  120. The Sheffield Revue
  121. The Silliad
  122. The Sinners Club
  123. The Soundtrack of Life
  124. The South Afreakins
  125. The St Andrews Revue
  126. The Stand Late Club
  127. The Stand's Pick Of The Fringe
  128. The Stander Gang
  129. The Stevenson Experience
  130. The Stinky Cheese Man
  131. The Struggling Life Of An Artist
  132. The Taming of the Shrew
  133. The Tartan Ribbon Comedy Benefit
  134. The Third Annual Black Comedy Showcase
  135. The Three Deaths of Ebony Black
  136. The Ticked Boxes
  137. The Tim Vine Chat Show
  138. The Trial
  139. The Two Magicians with Kane & Abel
  140. The Two Moronnies
  141. The Understudies
  142. The Vagabonds of Comedy
  143. The Very Well-Fed Caterpillar
  144. The Village Fate
  145. The Visitors
  146. The Wheel of Improv
  147. The Witch of Wall Street
  148. The Wonder Jam
  149. The World's Smallest Comedy Show
  150. Theodora van der Beek
  151. There Is No Problem (Here)
  152. There She Is
  153. There Will Be Cake
  154. Thinking Drinkers
  155. Thirteen
  156. This Is Your Trial
  157. This Is Your Trial (FF)
  158. Thom Bee & Andrew Marsh
  159. Thom Bee & Andrew Marsh
  160. Thomas Green
  161. Three Menopausal Maids
  162. Thrones!
  163. Thunderc*nt
  164. Ticker
  165. Tiff Stevenson
  166. Tilda Swinton Answers An Ad
  167. Tim FitzHigham & Thom Tuck
  168. Tim Key
  169. Tim Murray
  170. Tim Vine: Plastic Elvis
  171. Timandra Harkness
  172. Titania McGrath
  173. Tiziano La Bella
  174. Toby Belch (Is Unwell)
  175. Tom Ballard
  176. Tom Brace
  177. Tom Burgess
  178. Tom Cashman
  179. Tom Crosbie
  180. Tom Elwes & Ali Woods
  181. Tom GK
  182. Tom Glover
  183. Tom Houghton
  184. Recommended show: Tom Kitching
  185. Tom Lenk
  186. Tom Little
  187. Recommended show: Tom Mayhew
  188. Tom Parry
  189. Tom Rosenthal
  190. Tom Short
  191. Tom Stade
  192. Tom Taylor
  193. Tom Toal
  194. Recommended show: Tom Walker
  195. Tommy Tiernan
  196. Tone Death
  197. Tony Basnett
  198. Tony Cantwell
  199. Tony Cowards
  200. Tony Law
  201. Tony Law & Phil Nichol
  202. Tony Slattery
  203. Toothbrush
  204. Top Trumps
  205. Topsy & Turvy
  206. Toxic
  207. Tracey Collins
  208. Traitor
  209. Trashfuture
  210. Travis Jay
  211. Tree Fiddy
  212. Trev Tokabi
  213. Trevor Lewis
  214. Trevor Lock
  215. Trips & Falls
  216. Troy Alan
  217. Troy Hawke
  218. Trump Lear
  219. Trump the Musical
  220. Trust the Teenagers
  221. Tumours
  222. Turan Ali
  223. Twelfth Night
  224. Twistory
  225. Two Hearts
  226. Two Little Dickheads
  227. Two Mums
  228. Twonkey

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