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2018 Edinburgh Fringe

Fringe Q&A: The worst thing you've done at a festival?

Edinburgh Q&A

We asked some of the people who are performing shows at the Edinburgh Fringe what the worst thing they've ever done at a festival is. Brace yourself for some of these answers....

To find out more about any of the shows featured here, click on the titles.

Adam Larter: Boogie Knights. Adam Larter

Adam Larter

My first show.

...What the Frick?!. Alice Frick

Alice Frick

I used a She Wee and had to walk around with wet trousers for a day.

Anuvab Pal: Empire. Anuvab Pal

Anuvab Pal

I once played a comedy and music festival in Pune, India. I was apprehensive of going out into the crowd post my gig thinking someone might come say something. However, there were other bands I wanted to see. So I wore a kind of hoodie. While I had the hoodie on, a bunch of people came up and started chatting and I thought, 'Ok here we go' but they thought I was a younger hipper comedian colleague who often wears a hoodie. Annoyed, I took it off. The entire evening, no one recognised me. Even the large tent in which I'd just finished AN HOUR-LONG SHOW. So I put the hoodie back on.

Archie Maddocks: Matchstick. Archie Maddocks

Archie Maddocks

Kicked a girl out of a tent I drunkenly convinced myself was mine and then tried to kill her stuffed pink hippo, which I was convinced was trying to trample me.

Athena Kugblenu: Follow The Leader. Athena Kugblenu

Athena Kugblenu

Some might argue it was one particularly poorly received performance of a 2016 show where I performed to silence. But probably the time I got really drunk at an industry party and kept calling people by the wrong names (I am bad enough with names and faces when I'm sober) and not realising why they were ignoring me.

BattleActs! Improvised Comedy


One of us did the show drunk. We said, "don't turn up drunk again" , they said: "When you think I'm drunk, or when I think I'm drunk"? Have a guess.

Bennett Arron: I've Never Told Anyone This. Bennett Arron

Bennett Arron

Host a music event and use the phrase "Give it up and give it loud". Friends still remind me of it.

Strictly Carl Donnelly!. Carl Donnelly

Carl Donnelly

A few of us once got together and ritually sacrificed a reviewer while wearing robes and chanting. It was a ThreeWeeks reviewer so didn't even make the local news.

Catherine Bohart: Immaculate. Catherine Bohart

Catherine Bohart

A few years ago I performed at a festival for gingers. It was a weird place full of childhood bullying experiences and sun cream. I told them I was not a natural redhead. Those folks had been through too much to find that funny, it turns out.

Christian Finnegan: My Goodness. Christian Finnegan

Christian Finnegan

I was once added to the closing night "Best of the Fest" show at Just for Laughs in Montreal. It was the pinnacle of my career to that point. I strode confidently onto the stage, pulled the mic out of the stand and... the cord popped out. For some reason I could not get the prongs to align with the little holes (amiright, fellas?), so I stood there fidgeting with the damn thing for a 30 long seconds, as waves of humiliation washed over me. My goose was cooked before I even opened my mouth. BEST OF THE FEST, BABY!

Ciarán Dowd: Don Rodolfo. Ciarán Dowd

Ciarán Dowd

Stayed sober. If you have to shit into a hole of shit, sleep in tarpaulin, hang out with people and listen to Scissor Sisters, you need something to take the edge off. A festival is not my natural habitat; I don't do well in crowds and don't like being anywhere that's not within an hour of my toilet.

Darren Walsh: Massive Punt. Darren Walsh

Darren Walsh

I don't like festival toilets, so I bought this portable one called a 'Sh*t Box'. I assembled it, did my business, then the whole thing fell apart. Turned out it was just a shit box...

Ed Night: An Aesthetic. Ed Night

Ed Night

Apart from Edinburgh I've only ever been to one festival, and that was when I played Latitude. So the bar for "worst thing" is pretty low. I'm gonna say my set at Latitude. I talked about rimming at midday and the audience was almost entirely family/friends and parents with their children.

Enter the Dragons

Enter the Dragons

Emma did a student version of Marat/Sade above a bus station at Edinburgh Fringe 1987. The whole company slept in the venue and lived off snakebite and pot noodles. By the end of the run Emma was so knackered she fell asleep in the lost property cupboard - cuddled up to a stuffed sheep and some bagpipes - and missed the last show. This was fine as there was no one in the audience.

Evelyn Mok: Bubble Butt. Evelyn Mok

Evelyn Mok

Not showering for 3 days straight. By the end of the festival I could not distinguish if the smell was coming from me or the port-a-potty I was in.

The Problem With Faye Treacy. Faye Treacy

Faye Treacy

Vomited behind the drum kit then went on stage and did the gig anyway.

Felicity Ward: Busting a Nut. Felicity Ward

Felicity Ward

I trimmed my pubic hair in a restaurant toilet with a pair of kitchen scissors because i was going on a date and had forgotten to do some essential maintenance. I am still so sorry.

Twat Out of Hell. Gary G Knightley

Gary G Knightley

I took a lot of Imodium and drank a teapot full of alcohol, cough medicine, super noodles and cocaine, then destroyed a toilet.

Glenn Moore: Glenn Glenn Glenn, How Do You Like It, How Do You Like It. Glenn Moore

Glenn Moore

I still feel awful about this. I was doing a student comedy show several years ago, and thought I had plenty of time to kill before a performance, so I went to see a play I had a free ticket for. I realised maybe 15 minutes in that I'd woefully - and I really mean woefully - misjudged the time, and was due on stage imminently, so would definitely have to leave this performance of Titus Andronicus. The only problem was I was on the front row, and the exit was across the stage, so during a particularly hectic moment of the show I grabbed my bag and ran across the stage to leave the venue. Selfish, horrible, miscalculated. A nightmare. I'm so sorry.

Hamilton (Lewis)

Hamilton (Lewis)

Jamie Barwood: I queued to watch Peter André.

Letitia Hector: Wet myself.

Jacob Hawley: Howl. Jacob Hawley

Jacob Hawley


Jen Brister - Meaningless. Jen Brister

Jen Brister

This is not the worst thing I've ever done but I was drunk one Edinburgh and thought it was a great idea to stagger over to Paloma Faith and say, "You're Paloma Faith." In case she'd forgotten who she was. She looked at me with complete contempt before saying, "Yeah, I know."

Kieran Hodgson: '75. Kieran Hodgson

Kieran Hodgson

Getting up after midday.

Lauren Pattison: Peachy. Lauren Pattison

Lauren Pattison

I spent £1200 for a room in a house for a month that had a rat in the wall so I ended up sleeping on the sofa WHAT AN ABSOLUTE BARGAIN, I LOVE YOU EDINBURGH PROPERTY OWNERS YOU ARE SO GOOD AND KIND.

Lazy Susan: Forgive Me, Mother!. Image shows from L to R: Freya Parker, Celeste Dring

Lazy Susan

Had a one-night stand with a clown. Actually, can we have that gun with the bullet back [from the previous question]?

Songs Of Smut And Sparkle. Marcia D'Arc

Marcia D'Arc

A poo in an empty biscuit tin in my shared tent and accidentally smeared some on the entrance flaps...

Men With Coconuts

Men With Coconuts

Charles Hindley: Eaten a pint glass for a dare.

Nathan Lang: The Stuntman. Nathan Lang

Nathan Lang

Two years ago I did a guest spot and the host ran off with my bucket split, so I tried to get him banned from every comedy club in Scotland. But the worst thing I did was last year - I did the same spot and he nicked my cash again. This year I'm going for the trifecta.

Nick Elleray: It's Been Emotional. Nick Elleray

Nick Elleray

I appeared in a terrible children's show at the 2012 Fringe. I could see little frowns appearing on the kids faces as they realised "This is what Mum and Dad mean when they say someone's 'taking the piss'"

Robin Morgan: Honeymoon. Robin Morgan

Robin Morgan

I once performed at a hippy festival (do people use the word hippy anymore? There was lots of hemp, basically) - we were in a tent, the audience sat on bales of hay. One adult man had just won a dartboard set in a raffle, got incredibly drunk (success can do that to you) and started throwing the darts at me. He then walked past me, outside the tent, began urinating on the side of it, we could see the shadow of his penis (great band name), so I decided to run outside and push him over. Best reaction from anything in my set that day. I hope he's alive.

Robyn Perkins: 10,000 Decisions. Robyn Perkins

Robyn Perkins

In 2013, I performed at a late night show at the Free Sisters, VERY drunk. I started one joke and ended it by repeating a joke I had already said. I do not ever drink before performing. Out of character and embarrassing!

Róisín and Chiara: Back to Back

Róisín & Chiara

Left Glastonbury to go to Mumford and Sons' private party: A picnic table in the dark with someone's iPhone playing quietly on it. We repeat... Mumford and Sons.

How To Be A Bad Girl. Sabrina Chap

Sabrina Chap

Gave a standing ovation to an act just because other people were doing it.

Sarah Keyworth: Dark Horse. Sarah Keyworth

Sarah Keyworth

I went out to the Hive one night and stayed until 5am because I'd heard a rumour that you got a t-shirt that said "I survived the Hive 'til five".
It was not true.

Sisters: On Demand. Image shows from L to R: Mark Jones, Christy White-Spunner


At Reading 2008 we walked past a large group of 'lads' with a beer funnel. They goaded a friend of ours into joining them for a funnel in front of an inexplicably large crowd. Nervously he accepted the invitation and guzzled it down so nobly that it wasn't until after swallowing it all that he realised it was urine. Everyone laughed. He went home.

Stephen Bailey: Our Kid. Stephen Bailey

Stephen Bailey

A man named Scott (named changed for his protection).

Ron the Plumber Meets God-Cilla. Steve Attridge

Steve Attridge

Danced naked. Not a pretty sight.

Wip It!

Wip It!

Kirsty: I did a wee on the National Theatre lorry.

Wolf. Lewis Doherty


I told comedian Daniel Sloss I was gonna knock him out at the Loft Bar (Assembly) a few years back - I had ruptured my Achilles tendon and was on crutches, he barged into me and told me to watch where I was going...It was definitely a joke... He definitely does not remember... I definitely could not knock him out, with or without the crutches.

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Published: Sunday 5th August 2018

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