British Comedy Guide
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2018 Edinburgh Fringe

Edinburgh comedy shows 2018

This tool lists all the comedy shows that were part of the 2018 Edinburgh Festival Fringe, listed by shortened titles - usually the comic's name.

  1. A Beginner's Guide To Populism
  2. A Booklover's Comedy Show
  3. A Broad Abroad
  4. A Dog's Tail
  5. A Fistful of Mondays
  6. A Gay & a NonGay Live!
  7. A Joke
  8. A Midsummer Night's Droll
  9. A Monster Musical!
  10. A Sockful Of Custard
  11. A Very Brexit Musical
  12. A Virgin's Guide to Rocky Horror
  13. A Visit From Miss Prothero
  14. A Year of Scotland in a Meal
  15. A Young Man Dressed As A Gorilla
  16. A-Z of the Man With No Name
  17. A&E
  18. AAA Batteries
  19. AAA Stand-Up
  20. AAA Stand-Up at Underbelly
  21. AAA Stand-Up Late
  22. AAA Stand-Up Late at Gilded Balloon
  23. Aaron Calvert
  24. Aaron Simmonds
  25. Aatif Nawaz
  26. Abandoman
  27. Abigoliah Schamaun
  28. About Comedy
  29. Absolute Improv!
  30. AC/DC
  31. Academy & Pitch Fight
  32. Accessibility Gala
  33. Accidental Cougar
  34. ACMS
  35. AComedyTapas
  36. Ad Libido
  37. Ada Campe
  38. Adam Hess
  39. Adam Kay
  40. Recommended show: Adam Larter
  41. Recommended show: Adam Riches: Coach Coach
  42. Adam Riches: Lone Dueller
  43. Recommended show: Adam Riches: The Guy
  44. Recommended show: Adam Rowe
  45. Adam Vincent
  46. Adele Cliff
  47. Adrian Minkowicz
  48. Adult Orgasm Escaped From The Zoo
  49. Adventures of Baron Munchausen
  50. Afternoon Delight
  51. Agatha Is Missing!
  52. Agenda Benders
  53. Ah Dinnae Ken
  54. Ahir Shah
  55. Aidan Goatley
  56. Aidan Goatley: 10 Films
  57. Aidan Goatley's Podcast
  58. Aidan Greene
  59. Aidan Jones
  60. Aine Gallagher
  61. Alan Ayckbourn's Farcicals
  62. Alasdair Beckett-King
  63. Alex Cofield
  64. Recommended show: Alex Edelman
  65. Alex Farrow
  66. Alex Garner
  67. Alex Hylton
  68. Alex Kealy
  69. Alex Love: Pub Quiz
  70. Alex Love: Stop the Press
  71. Alex Martini
  72. Alex Williamson
  73. Alexander Bennett
  74. Alexandre Prévert
  75. Alfie Brown
  76. Alfred Hitchcock's Writers' Room
  77. Ali Brice
  78. Alice Fraser
  79. Alice Frick
  80. Alice Marshall
  81. Alice Snedden
  82. Alison Spittle
  83. Alison Thea-Skot
  84. Alistair Barrie
  85. Alistair Williams
  86. All Change
  87. All Hail the Rat King!
  88. All Killa No Filla
  89. All The Dumb Things
  90. All Together Irish
  91. Allan Havey
  92. Almost, Maine
  93. Alphabetti Cabaretti
  94. Alternative Bedtime Stories
  95. Alun Cochrane
  96. Am I F#*kable?
  97. amendments
  98. Amsterdam Collective
  99. Amused Moose: Grand Final
  100. Amused Moose: New Comic Final
  101. Amusical
  102. Amy Abler
  103. Amy Annette
  104. An A To Z of Fish & Chips
  105. An Abundance of Tims
  106. An Act Of
  107. And Another Thing!
  108. And They Played Shang-a-Lang
  109. Andrea Hubert
  110. Andrea Spisto
  111. Andrew Bridge
  112. Recommended show: Andrew Lawrence
  113. Andrew Maxwell
  114. Andrew O'Neill
  115. Andrew Roper
  116. Andrew Roper's Superheroes For Kids 3
  117. Andrew Silverwood
  118. Andrew Sim
  119. Andrew White
  120. Andy Barr
  121. Andy Field
  122. Andy Onions
  123. Andy Storey
  124. Andy Zaltzman
  125. Anesti Danelis
  126. Ange Lavoipierre & Jane Watt
  127. Angel Comedy Showcase
  128. Angela Barnes
  129. Angelos & Barry
  130. Angry Alan
  131. Ania & Riss
  132. AniMalcolm
  133. Anna Mann
  134. Anna Morris
  135. Anna Nicholson
  136. Anthony Ayton
  137. Anthony Jeannot
  138. Anthony Jeselnik
  139. Antling
  140. Anuvab Pal
  141. Recommended show: Any Suggestions, Doctor?
  142. Anya Anastasia
  143. Aphrodite & Invisible Consumer Gods
  144. Apocalypse Cow
  145. Archie Henderson
  146. Archie Maddocks
  147. Are There More of You?
  148. Ari Shaffir
  149. Ari Shaffir: Storyteller
  150. Arnab Chanda
  151. Arr We There Yet?
  152. Arthur Smith
  153. Arthur's Seat Show
  154. Artificial
  155. Recommended show: Ashley Blaker
  156. Ashley Haden
  157. Ashley Storrie
  158. Ask Scarlett
  159. Assembly Gala Launch
  160. Recommended show: Athena Kugblenu
  161. Audible Presents
  162. Austentatious
  163. Australian Beauty
  164. Avenue Q
  165. Avocado
  166. Awakening
  167. Awkward Conversations With Animals
  168. Aye, Elvis
  169. Ayesha Hazarika
  1. Baby Wants Candy
  2. Bad Clowns
  3. Badgered
  4. Bag for Life
  5. Bagged
  6. Bald Man Sings Rihanna
  7. Balloonatics
  8. Banging and Screwing
  9. Barbara Brownskirt
  10. Barbara Nice
  11. Barbara Nice: Box Office
  12. Bark & B
  13. BARK! The Musical
  14. Barnardo's Big Comedy Benefit
  15. Barry Crimmins
  16. Barry Cryer & Ronnie Golden
  17. Barry Ferns
  18. Barry's Fringe Audio Walking Tour
  19. Battle of the Superheroes
  20. BattleActs!
  21. Be More, Do Better...
  22. Beach Hunks
  23. Beans On Toast
  24. Beard
  25. BEASTS
  26. Becky Fury
  27. Becky Mott
  28. Beldon Haigh & the Mother of All Bands
  29. Ben Clover
  30. Ben Hanlin
  31. Ben Hart
  32. Ben McCarthy
  33. Ben Pope
  34. Ben Target
  35. Bendy House Improv
  36. Benefit in Aid of MS
  37. Benet Brandreth
  38. Bennet Kavanagh & Chris Jones
  39. Bennett Arron
  40. Bennett Arron: Identity Theft
  41. Benny
  42. Berk's Nest
  43. Berlin Survivors' Comedy Club
  44. Bernie Dieter
  45. Best In Class
  46. Best of BEASTS
  47. Best of Edinburgh Showcase Show
  48. Best of English Comedian of the Year
  49. Best of Irish Comedian of the Year
  50. Best of Scottish Comedian of the Year
  51. Best of the Fest
  52. Best Of The Fest Daytime
  53. Beta Test
  54. Recommended show: Beth Vyse
  55. Recommended show: Bethany Black
  56. Better
  57. Better Together
  58. Recommended show: Big Shop
  59. Big Value Comedy Show - Early
  60. Big Value Comedy Show - Late
  61. Bilal Zafar
  62. Bilbao Is Not in Spain
  63. Billy Bremner & Me
  64. Birthday Girls
  65. Biscuit Barrel
  66. Bisha K Ali & Kemah Bob
  67. Bitches In The Ford Ka
  68. Bitter
  69. Bitter & Twisted
  70. Blá Blá Blá
  71. Black Comedy Showcase
  72. Black White With a Hash Brown
  73. Blaise White
  74. Blind Mirth
  75. Blink
  76. Blue Heart
  77. Blues Brothers Scotland
  78. Board Game Smackdown
  79. Bob Doolally
  80. Bob Graham
  81. Bob Slayer
  82. Bob Slayer: BusStops
  83. Bob the Russian
  84. Bona Fide
  85. Bongo Club Cabaret Vs Cancer
  86. Bongo's Bingo
  87. Boogie Shoes
  88. Bottled Up
  89. Bottom
  90. Bowjangles
  91. Brad Tassell
  92. Brain Rinse
  93. Brainiac Live!
  94. Brave Macbeth
  95. Bread & Geller
  96. Breathing Corpses by Bats
  97. Breathing Corpses by Split Brick
  98. Brendon Burns
  99. Brendon Burns & Colt Cabana
  100. Recommended show: Brennan Reece
  101. Brett Blake
  102. Brett Goldstein
  103. Recommended show: Brexit
  104. Brexit Stage Left
  105. Brian Gittins
  106. Briefs
  107. Recommended show: Briony Redman
  108. Bristol Improv
  109. Bristol Revunions Present
  110. Bristol Revunions: Paraguay
  111. Bronston Jones: God Bless 'Merica
  112. Bronston Jones: Spilt Milk
  113. Bruce
  114. Bruce Fummey
  115. Bryony Twydle
  116. Bubble & Squeeze
  117. Bubble Show for Adults Only
  118. Bugle Boys
  119. Bullingdon Revisited
  120. Bumble Me Tinders
  121. Bummer & Lazarus
  122. Bumper Blyton
  123. Bumpkins
  124. Buried
  125. Button, Buckle And Bow
  1. Cabaret
  2. Cabinet Of Madame Fanny Du Thé
  3. California Backstage
  4. Calling My Tribe
  5. Calum MacInnes
  6. Cam Spence & Jodie Mitchell
  7. Cambridge Footlights
  8. Cambusdonald Royal
  9. Camels
  10. Cameryn Moore
  11. Camilla Cleese & Steve Hofstetter
  12. Camp Be Yourself
  13. Canadian Comedy Showcase
  14. Captain Cauliflower
  15. Card Ninja
  16. Carey Marx
  17. Carl Donnelly
  18. Carl Donnelly: Dead People
  19. Carrie Marx
  20. Cassie Atkinson
  21. Casting Off
  22. Cat Pictures to Music for an Hour
  23. Catch of the Day
  24. Recommended show: Catherine Bohart
  25. Caustic Comedy Nights
  26. Celia Wilding & Krystal Evans
  27. Charlie Baker
  28. Charlie Partridge
  29. Charlie V Martin
  30. Charmian Hughes
  31. Che Burnley
  32. Chella Quint
  33. Chihuahua
  34. Children's Underground Ghost Tour
  35. Choking to Death on a Currant Bun
  36. Chores
  37. Chortle Awards Final
  38. Chris Betts
  39. Chris Chopping
  40. Chris Cook: Chance
  41. Chris Cook: Concealed
  42. Chris Difford
  43. Chris Forbes
  44. Chris Henry
  45. Chris Kent
  46. Chris McCausland
  47. Chris McGlade
  48. Chris Stokes
  49. Chris Thorburn
  50. Chris Turner
  51. Recommended show: Chris Washington
  52. Christian Elderfield
  53. Christian Finnegan
  54. Christian Reilly
  55. Christian Talbot
  56. Christina Murdock
  57. Recommended show: Christopher Bliss
  58. Christopher KC
  59. Recommended show: Christopher Macarthur-Boyd
  60. Chunks
  61. Church of Phil
  62. Recommended show: Ciarán Dowd
  63. Circus Sonas
  64. Circus-Cision
  65. Claire Ford
  66. Claire Sullivan
  67. Clara Bijl
  68. Clara Cupcakes
  69. Clash of the Tight Tens
  70. Class
  71. Clay Nikiforuk
  72. Clif Knight
  73. Clingfilm
  74. Coccinellidae
  75. Colin Cloud
  76. Colin Havey
  77. Come Die With Us
  78. Comedians Against Humanity
  79. Comedians Play Drums
  80. Comedians' Surgery
  81. Comedy Boxing
  82. Comedy Club 4 Kids
  83. Comedy Freak Show
  84. Comedy Gala 2018
  85. Comedy in the Dark
  86. Comedy Kids
  87. Comedy Nightcap
  88. Comedy Of Errors
  89. Comedy Queers
  90. ComedySportz 4 Tots
  91. ComedySportz UK
  92. Comic Relief Live
  93. Common People
  94. Congratulations You Bastard!
  95. Conor Clarke McGrath
  96. Conor Drum
  97. Conscious Comedy
  98. Cool Story Bro
  99. Cosmic Comedy Berlin
  100. Courtroom Play
  101. Craig Hill
  102. Craig Ricci Shaynak
  103. Cream Tea And Incest
  104. Criminal
  105. Cristina Lark
  106. Crizards Cromedy Show
  107. Croft & Pearce
  108. CSI Improv
  109. Cult Comics
  110. Curried Mustard
  1. Dad's Army Afternoon Tea Hour
  2. Dad's Army Dinner Hour
  3. Dad's Army Lunch Hour
  4. Daisy Earl & Sukh Ojla
  5. Dalia Malek
  6. Daliso Chaponda
  7. Damian Clark
  8. Dan Attfield
  9. Dan Cardwell
  10. Dan Collins
  11. Dan Kelly
  12. Recommended show: Dan Nightingale
  13. Dan Simpson
  14. Dan The Man
  15. Dan Willis
  16. Dan Willis: Live the Laugh
  17. Dana Alexander
  18. Daniel Audritt
  19. Daniel Connell
  20. Recommended show: Daniel Cook
  21. Daniel Downie
  22. Daniel John Smith
  23. Daniel Kitson
  24. Daniel Lobell
  25. Daniel Muggleton
  26. Daniel Simonsen
  27. Daniel Sloss
  28. Daniel Vezza
  29. Danny O'Brien
  30. Danny O'Hare
  31. Dansplaining
  32. Daphna Baram
  33. Darius Davies
  34. Darren Harriott
  35. Darren Walsh
  36. Daughter
  37. Dave Alnwick
  38. Dave Alnwick: Luxury
  39. Dave Chawner
  40. Dave Green
  41. Dave Maher
  42. Davey Reilly
  43. David Callaghan
  44. David Callaghan: Dead Man's Chest
  45. David Correos
  46. David Ephgrave
  47. David Kay
  48. David Kaye
  49. David McIver
  50. David Mills
  51. David O'Doherty
  52. David Tsonos
  53. Day Drinking With Yanks & Hosers
  54. Dean Hendry
  55. Death Ray Cabaret
  56. Decibels
  57. Declan McGuigan & Iain Daniels
  58. Def Comedy Space Jam
  59. Defrosted
  60. Delegation
  61. Recommended show: Demi Lardner
  62. Denim
  63. Denim: Juniors
  64. Departure Date
  65. Des Kapital
  66. Desiree Burch
  67. Desperately Seeking Motivation
  68. DF Comedy Jam
  69. Dharmander Singh
  70. Diamond Comedy Club
  71. Diary of an Expat
  72. Dib Dib Dead
  73. Dick & Dom
  74. Dick Barton
  75. Dick Whittington
  76. Dickens for Dinner
  77. Dilruk Jayasinha
  78. Dimitri Bakanov
  79. Dining Al Desko
  80. Dirk Darrow Investigation
  81. Dirty White Boys
  82. Djuki Mala
  83. Recommended show: Do You Think That's Wise?
  84. Doctor Whosical
  85. Doktor James
  86. DollyWould
  87. Dom O'Keefe
  88. Dominic Frisby
  89. Dominic Holland
  90. Don Juan
  91. Don't Be Terrible
  92. Don't Kill Your Darlings
  93. Don't Knock Your Granny
  94. Donal Vaughan & Pat McDonagh
  95. Douglas Walker
  96. Dr Kevin Jones
  97. Dracula
  98. Dragprov Revue
  99. Dreamgun
  100. Drenched
  101. dressed.
  102. Drifting Towers
  103. Drip
  104. Drip Feed
  105. Drugstore Culture
  106. Drunk and Heckle Show
  107. Duck Gutters
  108. Duffy Connors
  109. Duke Pop
  110. Dummy
  111. Dusty Limits
  112. Dylan Moran
  1. J'n'R
  2. Jack & Claire
  3. Jack Barry
  4. Jack Docherty
  5. Jack Evans
  6. Jack Shanik
  7. Jacob Hatton
  8. Jacob Hawley
  9. Jacqueline Haigh
  10. Jacqueline Novak
  11. Jake Baker
  12. Jake Donaldson
  13. Jake Howie
  14. Jake Lambert
  15. Jamali Maddix
  16. James Barr
  17. James Cook
  18. James Coon
  19. James Farmer
  20. James Hancox
  21. James Loveridge
  22. James McLean
  23. Recommended show: James Meehan
  24. James Nokise
  25. James Nokise: Big Game
  26. James Rankin & Kirthy Iyer
  27. James Veitch
  28. Jamie Dalgleish
  29. Jamie Laing & Francis Boulle
  30. Jamie MacDonald
  31. Jamie Oliphant
  32. Jamie Scott Gordon
  33. Jane Hill
  34. Janeane Garofalo
  35. Janey Godley
  36. Jarred Christmas
  37. Jason Byrne
  38. Jason Neale
  39. Jasper Red
  40. Jay Handley
  41. Jay Lafferty
  42. Jay Lafferty & Keir McAllister
  43. Recommended show: Jayde Adams
  44. Jeffrey Baldinger
  45. Jem Brookes
  46. Recommended show: Jen Brister
  47. Jenny Collier
  48. Jeremy Nicholas
  49. Jerry Sadowitz
  50. Jess Robinson
  51. Jessica Michelle Singleton
  52. Jessie Cave
  53. Jessimae Peluso
  54. Jew-O-Rama
  55. Jez Watts
  56. Jilberto Soto
  57. Jim Campbell
  58. Jim Smith
  59. Jim Tavaré
  60. Jimeoin
  61. Jimeoin: Late
  62. Jimmy Hogg
  63. Jimmy McGhie
  64. Jinx Yeo
  65. Jo Caulfield
  66. Joanne McNally
  67. Job-Cher
  68. Joe Foster
  69. Joe Palermo
  70. Joe Rooney
  71. Joe Rowntree
  72. Joe Sutherland
  73. Joel Sanders
  74. Joey Page
  75. Johannes Dullin
  76. John Hastings
  77. Recommended show: John Hegley
  78. John Hegley: Morning Wordship
  79. John Kearns
  80. John Kearns & Pat Cahill
  81. John Lenahan
  82. John Lynn
  83. John Pendal
  84. John Robertson
  85. John Whale & Kieran Rafferty
  86. Recommended show: John-Luke Roberts
  87. John-Luke Roberts: Adaptations
  88. Joke Thieves
  89. Jokes from a Shithole
  90. Jollyboat: Bards
  91. Jollyboat: Best Of
  92. Jon & Nath
  93. Jon Culshaw & Bill Dare
  94. Recommended show: Jon Harvey
  95. Jon Long
  96. Jonny Gillam
  97. Jonny Woo's Cabaret
  98. Recommended show: Jordan Brookes
  99. Recommended show: Jordan Gray
  100. Josh & Lou
  101. Josh Berry
  102. Josh Glanc
  103. Josh Pugh
  104. Joz Norris
  105. Judah Friedlander
  106. Julia Sutherland
  107. Julian Deane
  108. Julian Lee
  109. Juliet Meyers
  110. Juliette Burton
  111. Jumpers for Goalposts
  112. Just the Tonic Midnight Show
  113. Just These, Please
  114. Just William's Luck
  115. Justin Matson
  116. Justin Moorhouse
  1. Madame Señorita
  2. Maddie Campion
  3. Maff Brown
  4. Magic Gala
  5. Recommended show: Maisie Adam
  6. Majik Stokes
  7. Majk Stokes
  8. Mandy Knight
  9. Recommended show: Manhunt
  10. Marcia D'Arc
  11. Marcus Brigstocke
  12. Margaret Thatcher Queen of Club Nights
  13. Margaret Thatcher Queen of Soho
  14. Maria Tea
  15. Marie
  16. Marjolein Robertson
  17. Mark Brittlestone & Will Dalrymple
  18. Mark Dean Quinn
  19. Mark Grist
  20. Mark Nelson
  21. Mark Ritchie
  22. Mark Silcox
  23. Mark Simmons
  24. Mark Steel
  25. Recommended show: Mark Thomas
  26. Mark Watson
  27. Mark Watson: Work In Progress
  28. Markus Birdman
  29. Marny Godden
  30. Martha McBrier
  31. Martin Angolo
  32. Martin Bearne
  33. Martin Kent in Slipstick
  34. Martin Mor
  35. Mary Bourke
  36. Mason King
  37. Masud Milas
  38. Recommended show: Mat Ewins
  39. Mat Ricardo
  40. Match
  41. Match Of The Stick
  42. Matt & Ollie
  43. Matt Duwell
  44. Matt Forde
  45. Matt Forde's Political Party Podcast
  46. Matt Griffo
  47. Matt Hobs & Chelsea Birkby
  48. Matt Hutson
  49. Matt Price
  50. Matt Rees
  51. Matt Watson & Friends
  52. Matt Winning
  53. Matthew Highton
  54. Matty Grey
  55. Maureen Lipman
  56. Recommended show: Mawaan Rizwan
  57. Maxine Jones
  58. Me Plus One
  59. Megan Shandley & Joe McTernan
  60. Mel Byron
  61. Mel Byron: Karoshi
  62. Melon the Human
  63. Men With Coconuts
  64. Men With Coconuts: James Bond
  65. menoPAUSE
  66. Mervyn Stutter's Pick of the Fringe
  67. Michael Clarke
  68. Michael Griffiths
  69. Michael Hackett
  70. Michael Malone
  71. Michelle Christine
  72. Michelle De Swarte
  73. Michelle McManus
  74. Mick Cohen-Carroll
  75. Mick Neven
  76. Mickey Sharma
  77. Mickey Sharma's Mixed Blessings
  78. Micky Bartlett
  79. Micky Overman
  80. Mike Took
  81. Mike's Back
  82. Miles Jupp Interviews
  83. Mind the Gap Stand-Up
  84. Ministers Of Grace
  85. Miranda Kane
  86. Mirth in the Morning
  87. Miss DQ
  88. Mistress Venita
  89. Mitch Benn
  90. Model Behaviour
  91. Modern Horror Stories
  92. Modern Maori Quartet
  93. Monski Mouse
  94. Monster Stand-Up Show
  95. Moon
  96. Moonlight On Leith
  97. More Moira Monologues
  98. Mother
  99. Mountain Rescue benefit
  100. Mr B
  101. Mr Lorraine
  102. Mr McClelland
  103. Mr Swallow
  104. Mr Thing
  105. Recommended show: Mr Twonkey
  106. Much Ado About Nothing
  107. Much Ado About Nothing: Edinburgh Uni
  108. Murder She Didn't Write
  109. Murray Hill
  110. Musical Comedy Guide Showcase
  111. My Finest Hour
  112. My Friend Mr Laurel
  113. My Kind Of Michael
  114. My Left / Right Foot
  115. My Left Nut
  116. Myq Kaplan
  117. Myra Dubois
  118. Mystery Meat (Showcase)
  1. Rachel Creeger
  2. Rachel Fairburn
  3. Rachel Parris
  4. Racing Minds
  5. Rahul Kohli: All My Heroes Are Dead
  6. Rahul Kohli: Kohl & the Gang
  7. Rahul Kohli: Newcastle Brown Tales
  8. Ramon Rivas
  9. Ray Bradshaw
  10. Ray Fordyce
  11. Raymond & Mr Timpkins
  12. Raymond Mearns
  13. Raymond Mearns & Gary Little
  14. Really Want to Hurt Me
  15. Red & Boiling
  16. Red Richardson
  17. Reel Comedy Club
  18. Reginald D Hunter
  19. Relatively Normal
  20. Reuben Hunter
  21. Reuxberre Bereré
  22. Revenge of the New World
  23. Revill's Selection
  24. Rhod Gilbert
  25. Recommended show: Rhys Nicholson
  26. Rich Wilson
  27. Richard Atkinson
  28. Richard Brown
  29. Richard Gadd
  30. Richard Hanrahan
  31. Richard Pulsford
  32. Richard Soames
  33. Richard Todd
  34. Richard Walker
  35. Richard Wheatley
  36. Richard Wright
  37. Rick Molland & Sully O'Sullivan
  38. Rik Carranza
  39. Rik Carranza: Star Trek v Star Wars
  40. Rik Wolters
  41. Ripley
  42. Rise Of Donald In 40 Downfalls
  43. Riverdale Live
  44. Roast Battle Edinburgh
  45. Recommended show: Rob Auton
  46. Rob Kemp
  47. Rob Oldham
  48. Rob Rouse
  49. Robert Garnham
  50. Robert White
  51. Robin Boot
  52. Robin Cairns
  53. Robin Clyfan
  54. Robin Ince
  55. Robin Ince: Chaos of Delight
  56. Robin Morgan
  57. Robyn Perkins
  58. Rod Hunter
  59. Roger Swift
  60. Róisín & Chiara
  61. Roman Fraden
  62. Romeo & Juliet
  63. Romeo and/or Juliet
  64. Romina Puma
  65. Rory Bremner & Jan Ravens
  66. Rory Jones
  67. Rory O'Hanlon
  68. Rory O'Keeffe
  69. Rosco McClelland
  70. Rosco Mcclelland & David Callan
  71. Rose Matafeo
  72. Rosie Holt
  73. Recommended show: Rosie Jones
  74. Rosie Sings
  75. Ross & Josh
  76. Ross Brierley
  77. Ross Hepburn
  78. Ross Leslie
  79. Ross Smith
  80. Ross Voss
  81. Rowan McCabe
  82. Ruby Wax
  83. Rule of Three
  84. Russ Peers
  85. Russell Arathoon
  86. Russell Hicks
  87. Russell Hicks: A Fist Full of Ideas
  88. Russell Howard
  89. Russian Roulette
  90. Ruth Cockburn
  91. Ruven Govender
  92. Ryan Matthewson
  93. Ryan Ward & Joe Molander
  1. Sabrina Chap
  2. Sad Clowns
  3. Salford University
  4. Sally-Anne Hayward
  5. Sam & Tom
  6. Sam Broadley
  7. Recommended show: Sam Campbell
  8. Sam Fitton
  9. Sam Fraser
  10. Sam Kissajukian
  11. Sam Kissajukian: Good Evening
  12. Sam Nicoresti
  13. Sam Russell
  14. Samantha Hannah
  15. Samantha Pressdee
  16. Sameena Zehra
  17. Sameer Katz
  18. Samuel Lloyd
  19. Sanderson Jones
  20. Recommended show: Sara Barron
  21. Sarah Callaghan
  22. Sarah Iles
  23. Sarah Johnson
  24. Recommended show: Sarah Keyworth
  25. Sarah Knittel
  26. Sarah Southern
  27. Sasha Ellen
  28. Saucy Jack & the Space Vixens
  29. Say Somthing Happened
  30. Schalk Bezuidenhout
  31. Scientology: The Musical
  32. Scot Roast
  33. Scotland's Pick
  34. Scott Adams
  35. Scott Bennett
  36. Scott Capurro
  37. Scott Gibson
  38. Scott Gibson: Battlefield
  39. Scott Mitchell
  40. Scottish Falsetto Sock Puppets
  41. Recommended show: Sean McLoughlin
  42. Sean Morley
  43. Seann Walsh
  44. Sèayoncè
  45. Secret Mountain
  46. Seen & Heard
  47. Semi-Toned
  48. Serena Flynn
  49. Set List
  50. Seven Ways to Calm the F**k Down
  51. Seven-Day NHS
  52. Sex Shells
  53. Sex Waitress
  54. Sex, Drugs & a Cup of Tea
  55. Recommended show: Seymour Mace
  56. Shackleton's Stowaway
  57. Shaggers
  58. Shaken Not Stirred
  59. Shakespeare for Breakfast
  60. Shakespeare Shorts - Much Ado
  61. Shakespeare Shorts - Taming of the Shrew
  62. Shane Shambhu
  63. Recommended show: Sheeps
  64. Sheraz Yousaf
  65. Shhh
  66. Shirley
  67. Shit-Faced Shakespeare
  68. Shit-Faced Showtime
  69. Shôn Dale-Jones
  70. Short & Curly
  71. Shot in the Dark
  72. Shouty Arthur!
  73. Show And Tell
  74. Show Up, Kids!
  75. Showmanship
  76. Showstopper!
  77. Siân Docksey
  78. Siblings
  79. Sid Singh
  80. Signor Baffo's Restaurant
  81. Sikisa Barnes & Adrian Tauss
  82. Silent Disco Tours
  83. Silent MacDisco
  84. Simon Caine
  85. Simon Evans
  86. Simon Fraser
  87. Simon Hall
  88. Simon Jablonski
  89. Simon Jay
  90. Simon Jay
  91. Simon Munnery
  92. Recommended show: Sindhu Vee
  93. Singalong Sitcom Quiz
  94. Single Comedians Trying To Impress
  95. Sister Act
  96. Sister Act - Stage 84
  97. Sister Act - Stage Avenue
  98. Sister Mary's Playtime
  99. Sisters
  100. Sitting By Katherine Parkinson
  101. Six
  102. Sketch Thieves
  103. Skin A Cat
  104. Slacker-In-Law
  105. Slanty Eyed Mama
  106. Recommended show: Sleeping Trees
  107. Smoky Monkeys
  108. Sob Story
  109. Sod's Law
  110. Sofie Hagen
  111. Sofie Prints
  112. Solarplexus
  113. Recommended show: Song Of Lunch
  114. Sonia Aste
  115. Recommended show: Sooz Kempner
  116. Sophie, Ben and Other Problems
  117. Space Doctor
  118. Spank!
  119. Sparkle Deli
  120. Speechless
  121. Splash Test Dummies
  122. Splashback
  123. Split Egg
  124. Spoiler Alert
  125. Spontaneous Potter
  126. Spring Day
  127. St George's Medics' Revue
  128. Stamptown Comedy Night
  129. Stan Skinny
  130. Stand & Deliver
  131. Stand Up & Slam
  132. Stand Up for Shelter
  133. Stand Up To Stand Out
  134. Stand-Up Nomad
  135. Stand-Up Philosophy
  136. Stand-Up Power Hour
  137. Stand-Up Showdown
  138. Standard Issue: Conversation
  139. Standard Issue: Stand-Up
  140. Recommended show: Steen Raskopoulos
  141. Steff Todd & Susan Riddell
  142. Steffan Alun
  143. Stella Graham
  144. Stephanie Laing
  145. Recommended show: Stephen Bailey
  146. Stephen Buchanan
  147. Stephen Carlin
  148. Stephen K Amos
  149. Stephen K Amos Talk Show
  150. Stephen Zappia
  151. Steve & Charlie
  152. Steve Attridge
  153. Steve Bennett
  154. Steve Bugeja
  155. Steve Chang
  156. Steve Day
  157. Steve McCann
  158. Steve McLean
  159. Stevie Martin
  160. Sticks & Stones
  161. Stiff & Kitsch
  162. Stiffs
  163. Stranger Friends
  164. Stranger Things Have Happened
  165. Strikes & Gutters
  166. Strong Tea
  167. Struan Logan
  168. Stu & Garry
  169. Stuart Bowden
  170. Recommended show: Stuart Goldsmith
  171. Stuart McPherson
  172. Stuart McPherson & Donald Alexander
  173. Stuart Mitchell
  174. Stuart Reid
  175. Stupid Cupid
  176. Stylophone Wonderland Plus
  177. Succubus
  178. Sugar Baby by Alan Harris
  179. Sugar Rush
  180. Summer Winos
  181. Sunday Service With Ola
  182. Sunil Patel
  183. Susan Harrison
  184. Susan Macbeth
  185. Sushi Tap Show
  186. Suzanne Lea Shepherd
  187. Recommended show: Suzi Ruffell
  188. Swag
  189. Synchronised Swimming
  190. SYTYF? Final
  191. SYTYF? Semis
  192. SYTYF? Sketch
  1. T2 Brainclotting
  2. Taking it Badly
  3. Tales from the Fireside
  4. Tales of the Unacceptable
  5. Recommended show: Tamar Broadbent
  6. Tamsyn Kelly
  7. Tania Edwards
  8. Tape Face
  9. Tape Face: Facebook Live
  10. Tartan Ribbon Benefit
  11. Tash Goldstone
  12. Tash York
  13. Tenacious D
  14. Terry Alderton
  15. Tessa Coates
  16. Tessa Waters
  17. Thao Thanh Cao
  18. That's My Story Podcast
  19. That's So GCSE
  20. The 2 Mouthed Men Experience
  21. The 25th Putnam County Spelling Bee
  22. The Actor's Nightmare
  23. The Amours of Lillie Langtry
  24. The Artist
  25. The Ashes
  26. The Aspirations of Daise Morrow
  27. The Bacchanals
  28. Recommended show: The Bear Pack
  29. The Bench
  30. The Best of Irish Comedy
  31. The Best of Northern
  32. The Best of Red Raw
  33. The Best of Scottish Comedy
  34. The Best Play Ever
  35. The Big Time
  36. The Biggest Problem in the World
  37. The Blue Brothers
  38. The Bristol Suspensions
  39. The Bucket Speech
  40. The Bugle Live
  41. The C Bomb
  42. The Cambridge Impronauts
  43. The Canterville Ghost
  44. The Canterville Ghost: Tall Stories
  45. The Cat's Mother
  46. The Chore Of Enchantment
  47. The Comedy Reserve
  48. The Committee
  49. The Crooners
  50. The Cutting Room
  51. The Dark Room
  52. The Dark Room: Kids
  53. The Delightful Sausage
  54. The Dip
  55. The Drowsy Chaperone
  56. The Durham Revue
  57. The Egg Is a Lonely Hunter
  58. The Electric Cabaret
  59. Recommended show: The Elvis Dead
  60. The Establishment
  61. The Establishment: Le Bureau
  62. The EU Inspector
  63. The Eve Complex
  64. The Fabulous TT
  65. The Family Guy
  66. The Fear
  67. The Fetch Wilson
  68. The Five Star Revue
  69. The Flop
  70. The Front Page
  71. The Full Irish
  72. The Gin Chronicles In New York
  73. The Golden Path
  74. The Great Baldini
  75. The Great Red Sky Cabaret Show
  76. The Guilty Feminist
  77. The Half
  78. The Hangover Cure
  79. The Hit
  80. The House
  81. The I Hate Children Children's Show
  82. The Improv Musical
  83. The Improverts
  84. The Infamous Five Sketch Show
  85. The Journey
  86. The Junkies
  87. The Just Us League
  88. The Kagools
  89. The Kinkens
  90. The Ladder
  91. The Lady Boys Of Bangkok
  92. The Laird's Big Breaxit
  93. The Lampoons
  94. The Last Sesh
  95. The Last Straw
  96. The Late Night Cabaret Show
  97. The Late Night Evil Show
  98. The Laurel & Hardy Cabaret
  99. The Leeds Tealights
  100. The Liverpool Revue
  101. The Lock-In Cabaret
  102. The LOL Word
  103. The Mad Craic Comedy Show
  104. The Magic Show
  105. The Man Presents: Women
  106. The Meeting
  107. The Merry Wives Of Seoul
  108. The MMORPG Show
  109. The Moa Show
  110. The Moira Monologues
  111. The Monster In The Hall
  112. The Museum of Tat Roadshow
  113. The Neighbours Are Worried
  114. The Never Ending Cycle
  115. The Newcastle Revue
  116. The Next Big Thing
  117. The One-Thirty Comedy Cabaret
  118. The Onion Club
  119. The Oxford Imps
  120. The Piece
  121. The Pieman Cometh
  122. The Pin
  123. The Post-Disposed
  124. The Rat Pack Presents
  125. The Really Terrible Orchestra
  126. The Rockford File
  127. The Roleplaying Comedy Hour 2
  128. The Russian Comedy Experience
  129. The Shambles
  130. The Showstoppers' Kids Show
  131. The Singing Psychic
  132. The Squirrel Plays
  133. The St Andrews Revue
  134. The Stand Comedy Club
  135. The Stand Late Club
  136. The Steamie
  137. The Stevenson Experience
  138. The Story Beast
  139. The Story Beast: Myths, Monsters
  140. The Swell Mob
  141. The Thinking Drinkers
  142. The Threesome
  143. The Trail to Oregon!
  144. The Travellin' Man Comedy Showcase
  145. The Travelling Sisters
  146. The Understudies
  147. The Wedding Reception
  148. The World's Smallest Comedy Show
  149. There Will Be Cake
  150. This Is Your Trial
  151. This Is Your Trial (FF)
  152. Thom Bee & Andrew Marsh
  153. Thomas Green
  154. Thor And Loki
  155. Three Menopausal Maids
  156. Three's Company, Where's Our Crowd?
  157. Thrones! The Musical
  158. Tilda Swinton Answers An Ad
  159. Till Death Us Do Part?
  160. Recommended show: Tim Key
  161. Tim Renkow
  162. Timmy
  163. Timpson: The Musical
  164. Tina T'urner Tea Lady and Friends
  165. Tinderella
  166. Tinderella Panto
  167. Tipping The Velvet
  168. Toby Adams
  169. Toby Boutall
  170. Tom & Ollie
  171. Tom Brace
  172. Tom Crosbie
  173. Tom GK
  174. Tom Houghton
  175. Recommended show: Tom Little
  176. Tom Lucy
  177. Recommended show: Tom Neenan
  178. Tom Rosenthal
  179. Tom Short & Tom Little
  180. Tom Skelton
  181. Tom Stade
  182. Tom Taylor
  183. Recommended show: Tom Walker
  184. Tom Ward
  185. Tomas McCabe
  186. Tommy Cooper Show
  187. Recommended show: Tony Law
  188. Tony Slattery
  189. Tony Slattery's Crimes Against Improv
  190. Tori Scott
  191. Tracy's Leaving Party
  192. Trevor Feelgood
  193. Trevor Lock
  194. Tri-Nations Comedy
  195. Triptych
  196. Trollbadour
  197. Troy Hawke
  198. Trump Lear
  199. Trump the Musical
  200. Trump'd!
  201. Tudur Owen
  202. Turnip Flavoured Comedy
  203. TV Invasion
  204. Twelfth Night
  205. Twelfth Night: The HandleBards
  206. Twelfth Night: The Ship Of Fools
  207. Twisted
  208. Two Faced Bitchin'
  209. Two Hearts
  210. Two Little Dickheads
  211. Two-man, One-man

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