2017 Edinburgh Fringe
Lost Voice Guy: Inspiration Porn

The return of Fringe favourite LVG sees him tackle the issue of the perception of disability in the public sphere, with far funnier results than you might imagine. Dark humour abounds, with particularly strong material about the raised expectations caused by the Paralympic Superhumans campaign. If you haven't seen him, well worth a look, and if you have, it's his funniest hour yet.
Inspirational internet memes are everywhere these days and Lost Voice Guy is sick of being an unintentional porn star. Come and see why the award-winning comedian and star of BBC Radio 4 is not your inspiration, and why he thinks these stupid memes are bollocks. The Guardian says 'finding humour in strange places is one of his strengths', he has been described as 'a very funny guy' by Ross Noble and 'a wonderful comedian' by Matt Lucas. Lost Voice Guy can't talk but he isn't silent and his comedy will leave you speechless.
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Three To See on 16 Aug
Three recommended shows to see on Wednesday 16 Aug...
ThreeWeeks, 15th August 2017#LetsSellThisGigOut 4-15
Michael Legge will be bloody cross if you don't go to THESE shows at THESE times. Follow #LetsSellThisGigOut. Listen if you want to live.
Michael Legge, FringePig, 7th August 2017Lost Voice Guy: interview
Lee Ridley. He can't speak, but he can tell a cracking joke.
Robert Peacock, The Wee Review, 15th July 2017The Edinburgh interviews 2017: Lost Voice Guy
Lee Ridley, aka Lost Voice Guy, has cerebral palsy, which for him means he has a lack of speech. From a comedy point of view, this has allowed him to confront the stigma surrounding disability from an angle that is far more interesting for audiences to see. His blasé approach to the attitudes of others towards his disability, teamed with his dark sense of humour, makes for a deliciously funny combination. Lee is performing at The Stand throughout August.
Becca Moody, Moody Comedy, 14th July 2017Lost Voice Guy interview
The 36-year-old, who won the BBC New Comedy Award in December 2014 and is currently writing a sitcom titled Ability for BBC Radio 4, said: "Inspirational memes seem to be everywhere these days. They say things like 'the only disability in life is a bad attitude'. But I think that's rubbish."
The Sunderland Echo, 3rd July 2017Performances
Date | Time | Venue |
2nd Aug 2017 | 13:15 | The Stand Comedy Club 5 and 6 |
4th Aug 2017 | 13:15 | The Stand Comedy Club 5 and 6 |
5th Aug 2017 | 13:15 | The Stand Comedy Club 5 and 6 |
6th Aug 2017 | 13:15 | The Stand Comedy Club 5 and 6 |
8th Aug 2017 | 13:15 | The Stand Comedy Club 5 and 6 |
9th Aug 2017 | 13:15 | The Stand Comedy Club 5 and 6 |
10th Aug 2017 | 13:15 | The Stand Comedy Club 5 and 6 |
11th Aug 2017 | 13:15 | The Stand Comedy Club 5 and 6 |
12th Aug 2017 | 13:15 | The Stand Comedy Club 5 and 6 |
13th Aug 2017 | 13:15 | The Stand Comedy Club 5 and 6 |
15th Aug 2017 | 13:15 | The Stand Comedy Club 5 and 6 |
16th Aug 2017 | 13:15 | The Stand Comedy Club 5 and 6 |
17th Aug 2017 | 13:15 | The Stand Comedy Club 5 and 6 |
18th Aug 2017 | 13:15 | The Stand Comedy Club 5 and 6 |
19th Aug 2017 | 13:15 | The Stand Comedy Club 5 and 6 |
20th Aug 2017 | 13:15 | The Stand Comedy Club 5 and 6 |
22nd Aug 2017 | 13:15 | The Stand Comedy Club 5 and 6 |
23rd Aug 2017 | 13:15 | The Stand Comedy Club 5 and 6 |
24th Aug 2017 | 13:15 | The Stand Comedy Club 5 and 6 |
25th Aug 2017 | 13:15 | The Stand Comedy Club 5 and 6 |
26th Aug 2017 | 13:15 | The Stand Comedy Club 5 and 6 |
27th Aug 2017 | 13:15 | The Stand Comedy Club 5 and 6 |