Loren O Brien: 10 Edinburgh Fringe questions

Loren O Brien answers 10 questions about her 2016 Edinburgh Fringe show.
Give us a quick overview of your comedy career so far. Are you happy with where you're at?
I've only been doing comedy for a little over a year now, but somehow I'm already on to my second show. I guess I like to move fast.
P.S. Wanna move in?
Last year (2015) I performed my first show (aLOne), which opened a lot of doors for me. Especially because I'm someone who likes having my fingers in lots of pies, mostly cause it feels nice, and mostly because the goal is to run a comedy TV/film production company. So any step I can move towards that makes me super happy. (Can you tell I'm American?)
Tell us two truths and one lie about yourself.
1. I worked in a laundromat when I was 8.
2. My mother's maiden name is O'Brien.
3. I've broken someone's leg on purpose.
Describe your new show in exactly 23 words.
23 words exactly? Okay... a brutally honest comedy show about incest, insecurity, and forcing people to like me. Boom. Nailed it, count 'em.
Any cunning plans to get more punters in?
Well, I did the obvious ones, like telling people on Tinder if they came to my show they'd get a free BJ. (Proof available upon request.) But then Tinder took it down for lots of reasons ('prostitution' and 'advertisement' and blah blah blah). So my account got suspended. Now I'm not gonna get laid for the whole month. Thanks Tinder.
What's your plan for trying to eat - and drink - healthily during the Fringe?
I was supposed to join a SUPER fancy gym with a rooftop pool and all that all that jazz. But then I remembered that I'm destined to be ugly, so thought 'Meh, what's the point?'
What will you miss most while you're away from home?
To be completely honest, nothing. Edinburgh is like summer camp. AND WHO DOESN'T LIKE CAMP?! When you're away you forget about the rest of the world. Also, I've never been one to miss things that aren't there. Maybe it's cause my parents taught me to appreciate what you've got in front of you, but it's probably because I have no emotions.
Aside from performing, what else are you looking forward to doing in Scotland's fine capital?
Those falafels in the Pleasance Courtyard. Damn boy... damn.
If you took over programming a Fringe venue, what would your perfect line-up of comedians be?
Know this is a lame answer but I hate answering this question, only because if I don't put someone I'm friends with (and I'm friends with a lot of people) they'll feel left out or as if for some reason they're not good enough. I mean, I would.
The reason that I love this festival so much is because it is an entire month based around people trying to do their absolute best. And I genuinely think that is the greatest thing and something I am very lucky to be a part of.
But if I have to pick one it'd be Desiree Burch* because she's a great kisser.
*Okay FINE we haven't kissed I just really really want to.
Name the one person you'd rather not bump into during the festival.
I'm pretty sure I'm the one people are trying not to bump into.
Why should audiences pick your show over the 1,800+ other Fringe offerings listed on BCG this year?
Because I'm probably one of the few comedians who will actually put out.
'Loren O'Brien: Who?' is at Pleasance Courtyard at 8:30pm on 3-14, 17-28 Aug. Listing
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